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Graduates of the College of the Holy Cross Naval ROTC Unit Graduates of the College of the Holy Cross Naval ROTC Unit
1944-2021 1944-2021
Brendan J. O'Donnell
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Graduates of the
College of the Holy Cross
Naval ROTC Unit
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester State University
Assumption College
Clark University
Brown University
Central New England College
Revised June 2021
Published by the College of the Holy Cross
On Behalf of the
Holy Cross O’Callahan Society
Captain Brendan J. O’Donnell, U. S. Navy (Retired)
Midshipmen Battalion Commander 1970-71
Table of Contents
Section Page
Introduction 1
Class Lists 3
1940s 3
1950s 16
1960s 35
1970s 54
1980s 65
1990s 77
2000s 88
2010s 98
2020s 108
Appendix A Women Holy Cross NROTC Graduates 110
Appendix B Commissioning List Discrepancies and Resolution 115
AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology
AMTRAC Amphibious Tractor
ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare
BIRLS VA Beneficiary Identification and Records Locator Subsystem
CEC Civil Engineer Corps
CO Commanding Officer
CSG Carrier Strike Group
DESRON Destroyer Squadron
DG Distinguished Graduate
DOR Date of Rank
EDO Engineering Duty Officer
FSO State Department Foreign Service Officer
GURL General Unrestricted Line
JAG Judge Advocate General
KIA Killed in Action
MECEP Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Education Program
MIA Missing in Action
MOI Marine Officer Instructor
NFO Naval Flight Officer
NPS Naval Post-Graduate School
PACFLT Pacific Fleet
PEBD Pay Entry Base Date
PLC Platoon Leaders Class
RIO Radar Intercept Officer
SEAL Sea, Air, and Land
SECDEF Secretary of Defense
SECNAV Secretary of the Navy
SWO Surface Warfare Officer
UDT Underwater Demolition Team
USMC United States Marine Corps
USMCR United States Marine Corps Reserve
USN United States Navy
USNR United States Navy Reserve
VAW Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron
VRC Carrier Fleet Logistics Support Squadron
XO Executive Officer
In 2016, the O’Callahan Society, in support of the Naval ROTC Unit at the College of the Holy
Cross, published a history of the Unit which included statistics on the Navy and Marine Corps
officers commissioned through the Unit since 1944. These statistics were largely based on a
2004 annual report submitted by the Unit (on file in the Navy Archives in Washington D. C.) and
that report, in turn, built on a previous report that was prepared in 1990. These reports were
combined with information from other Unit annual reports in the Navy Archives and from
binders prepared by Commander John Bishop, USN (Retired), the Unit’s Executive Officer,
Acting Commanding Officer, and civilian Administrative Officer from 2006 through 2017.
Although the 2004 and 1990 reports became the reference documents for the O’Callahan Society
statistics, some inaccuracies became evident, particularly with the mixing of NROTC Marine
Option students and Platoon Leaders Class (PLC) Marine students. In early 2017, it was learned
that the 2004 report had inadvertently left out the second Holy Cross NROTC class which was
commissioned in March, 1945. At that point, the O’Callahan Society determined to update the
2004 list and correct the discrepancies which had been identified.
In addition to re-examining the surviving Unit annual reports (1945-47, 1966-99, 2001-11, and
2014) and the Unit binders, the following resources were used:
- Holy Cross College Archives: commencement and commissioning programs, newspaper
articles, news releases, photos, and other papers pertaining to officer commissionings.
- CrossWorks: Holy Cross website with some college yearbooks, alumni magazines
(1998-2017), and college catalogs. From the 1940s through 1970, the catalogs included
the previous year’s graduates and commissioned officers. The catalog name lists usually
corresponded to the commencement programs but there were occasional differences.
- NROTC Unit Yearbooks (Knight Watch): some are available at the Unit.
- hosts Military Registers (1951-85 at 4-5-year intervals), Marine Corps
muster rolls through 1958, World War II Navy muster rolls, and many Holy Cross
yearbooks not available on CrossWorks.
- Phone conversations and e-mail exchanges with the individuals concerned.
More than 180 individual cases of conflicting or incomplete information, the military status of all
249 members of the Class of 1947, and the distinction between 298 NROTC and PLC Second
Lieutenants 1950-69 were resolved with these methods and these resolutions are detailed in
Appendix B. One byproduct of the 2017 research was a realization that the Unit recently
reached the milestone of 100 women commissioned through the Unit. The names of these
women have been extracted to a separate list contained in Appendix A.
Updating and correcting the list of commissioned officers from the Holy Cross NROTC Unit
also provided an opportunity to collect additional information on the graduates, although only the
alma mater category is complete. The additional information includes:
- Alma maters since the Unit was opened to other colleges and universities in the
Worcester area in the 1970s
- Type of commission (regular or reserve). From September 1996 through 2005, all
NROTC commissions were Reserve and since 2006, all commissions have been Regular
but, before 1996, scholarship students received Regular commissions and Contract or
College Program students received Reserve commission.
- Significant facts on individual participation in the Unit such as midshipman battalion
commanders and recipients of the O’Callahan Bowl
- Warfare specialties
- Some active duty and Reserve assignments
- Highest rank identified
- Other notable information
As a result of this additional research, the number of Ensigns and Second Lieutenants
commissioned through the NROTC Unit is considered to be very accurate although it is
conceivable that some individuals may still be identified in the future. Remaining issues:
- October 1945: All College and Unit lists of this commissioning class have 57 names but
the annual report explicitly stated that only 54 were commissioned; it is not known who
the three men not commissioned were.
- 1947: The annual reports recorded the numbers, but not the names, of the Ensigns and
Second Lieutenants commissioned in January and June 1947. No list of the January class
has been found and only a newspaper list of the June class exists but it includes three
officers who were noted in the annual report as physically disqualified (but not
identified). The January class and all but four of the Ensigns in the June class were
identified using Military Registers and Marine Corps musters rolls.
- PLC Accessions: over 40% of USMC Second Lieutenants commissioned 1950-69 by
Holy Cross were products of the PLC Program but neither Headquarters USMC
Manpower nor USMC Recruiting hold these types of commissioning records. However,
the 1955 Military Register has a note for Marines commissioned through the NROTC
scholarship program, College yearbooks often included NROTC (and sometimes PLC)
among the activities of graduating seniors, and Marine Corps muster rolls 1950-58 have
extensive PLC documentation. Only two officers on the 2004 and 1990 lists could not be
positively matched to NROTC or PLC (one each in ’52 and ’54) and the lack of PLC
documentation means they were most likely NROTC products.
Associated with this report is a spread sheet that breaks down the commissioning numbers by
year and, within each year, by Service and college. It also includes statistics on PLC
commissions but this number may be missing some delayed PLC commissions, especially after
1969. Additional columns identify different data sources and the number of Ensigns and Second
Lieutenants listed in each data source.
In addition to Commander Bishop, the following assisted in compiling this report:
- Mr. Thomas Cadigan, Holy Cross ’02 in the Holy Cross Alumni Office
- Ms. Sarah Campbell, Ms. Hannah Kolesar, Ms. Lisa Villa in the Holy Cross Archives
- Mr. James F. Delehaunty, Holy Cross ’67 and Co-Chairman of the O’Callahan Society
- Commander John B. Tata, USN (Retired), WPI ’67, and former Unit Executive Officer
- Master Sergeant Alan Jackson, USA (Retired), staff of Worcester State University
- Ensign Bridgid Carey, USN, Holy Cross 17
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute Alumni Office
Class Lists
1940s NROTC Graduates
27 February 1944
Edouard Alfred Brodeur USNR SWO, LST 564 commander
Eugene Patrick Burns USNR LT
Edward Francis Caffrey USNR
George Goodrich Carroll USNR
Vincent Dominic Celentano USNR
James Robert Connors USNR
John Patrick Dolan, Jr. USNR
Frederick Thomas Doyle, Jr. USNR SWO, CV-11, Pacific Theater
John Ryder Driscoll USNR
Walter Joseph Egan USNR LT
William Joseph Foley, Jr. USNR
Thomas Bernard Galligan USNR
John Timothy Garrity USNR Battalion Adjutant
Francis Xavier Griffin USNR
J. W. Christopher Guthrie USNR SWO, LST commander for South Pacific invasions
Leo Francis Harrington USNR
Thomas Albert Hickey, Jr. USNR SWO Commander, USNR
Paul Frederick Hopper USNR Battalion Commander 3 years active duty
William Lyle Kellick USNR Captain, USNR
John William Kennedy, Jr. USNR SWO, Pacific Theater LT
John Robert Kilsheimer USNR
William Charles Layton, Jr. USNR LTJG
Mark Augustine Lillis USNR
Edward Walter Liphardt USNR
Thomas Francis Loughlin USNR SWO; 8
Fleet staff & sub-chaser in Med
Thomas Flynn MacDonald USNR
Fred Joseph Maloney, Jr. USNR
James Joseph Marshall USNR
Francis Joseph McCabe USNR LT
George Albert McEvoy, Jr. USNR
Henry John McMahon USNR
Edwin Paul Meyer USNR Company Commander; SWO; Leyte, Luzon, Iwo Jima LT
Richard Martin Nolan USNR
John Bernard Noone, Jr. USNR Battalion Sub-Commander
John Leo O’Brien USNR SWO, South Pacific
Lawrence W. G. O’Brien USNR Atlantic and Pacific Theaters LT
Francis Michael OConnor USNR
Paul Vincent OLeary USNR South Pacific LT
Joseph Aloysius Quigley USNR
Charles Francis Reardon USNR
Edward Joseph Riley, Jr. USNR
William Walter Shelbourne, Jr. USNR Company Commander
John Wesley Stodder USNR
Peter Bland Sullivan USNR
Thomas Henry Tracy USNR Pacific Theater, 2 years active duty LTJG
William James Walsh USNR
Joseph Edward Ward USNR South Pacific
Harvey Edward Wilkinson USNR SWO, Pacific Theater
First Class College of the Holy Cross NROTC
4 March 1945
Arthur John Bruno USNR
James Edward Burke USNR SWO, LCT commander, Pacific Theater
Thomas George Burke USNR
James Francis Coburn USNR
Paul Quinn Cuddy USNR
Thomas Francis Delaney USNR SWO, Pacific Theater LTJG
John Joseph Dermody USNR
Thomas Daniel Dolan USNR Pacific Theater
Lawrence Raymond Fahey USNR
Eligio John Ferrazzi USNR not in class picture
Robert William Ferris, Jr. USNR
Vincent Joseph DePaul Ferry USNR
Robert Leo Ford USNR
Francis Edward Gallagher USNR
James Joseph Gibbons USNR
John David Graziadei USNR
Robert Reid Hamel USNR SWO, LST 1104, Pacific Theater LTJG
Edward Joseph Harrington, Jr. USNR 5 years active WWII & Korea; 9+ years Reserve LCDR
John Joseph Hayes USNR
James Edward Heffernan, Jr. USNR
Robert George Hodson USNR SWO, Pacific Theater
Robert Keran Hogarty USNR
Richard Joseph Horgan, Jr. USNR
Joseph William Kelley USNR Pacific Theater
Richard Stephen Kelley USNR SWO, LST Comm Officer
Thomas Joseph Kenney USNR Class President
William Anthony Kerrigan USNR 1 of 3 French prizes
Richard John Kervick USNR LT
John Edward Lawlor USNR Pacific Theater, 2 years active duty LT
Harold Kennedy ‘Harry’ LeMar USNR SWO
William Michael MacDonald USNR SWO, Pacific Theater, active and Reserve
Harry Anthony Mallon USNR
Paul Joseph Maloney USNR SWO, Pacific Theater LT
Robert Joseph Marron USNR SWO, Pacific Theater
John Andrew Mattle USNR
William John Henry McEntee, Jr. USNR
Francis Xavier McNamara USNR LT
Walter Hamilton Miller USNR
Theodore Mark Morasky USNR
Robert Emile Mousseau USNR
William Francis Moynihan USNR
Martin James Murphy, Jr. USNR SWO, amphibs, Pacific Theater
Walter Gerard Murphy USNR SWO, Pacific Theater
Arthur Eugene ‘Art’ Nicholson USNR
Edward Mathews Noonan USNR
Robert John O’Connell USNR Valedictorian
Thomas William Phelan, Jr. USNR SWO, Pacific Theater Ensign Diocesan Priest
Joseph Gerli Potts USNR
George William Russell USNR
Charles Patrick Schoffel USNR SWO, Pacific Theater and Korea
Frank Joseph Shakespeare USNR
Thomas Henry Smith USNR
Theodore Joseph Spellicy, Jr. USNR SWO, LCI, Pacific Theater, 30 yrs active/Res LT
Norman Francis Sperry USNR
Thomas Michael Stark USNR 1-2 years active duty
Paul Mark Sullivan USNR Pacific Theater
Robert Thomas USNR
Lawrence Wilbert Tighe USNR
Robert Benson Toolin USNR
Lawrence Henry Wagner USNR Battalion Sub-Commander
Joseph Walsh USNR Pacific Theater
Walter John Wolf, Jr. USNR
Edward James Woodward USNR SWO, LCI XO, Pacific Theater
George Edward Young USNR
Paul Ward Mooney USMCR inactive 9 Aug 45; resigned 9 Oct 45 2LT
George L. Connor Class Treasurer not in group picture but wearing a midshipman
uniform in class officer (not graduation) portrait
- Listed as Ensign USN in bottom of 1946
- Pencil date of 6-23-44
- Not on “Ex” list
- Star football lineman; won Bulger Lowe
trophy as top fb player in NE; 1
team AA;
First Outland Trophy; NFL Hall of Fame
John Joseph Flahive enlisted cap in group picture but not on Ensign list;
Senior portrait is in enlisted blues
Assigned to Chelsea Naval Hospital and later a
Navy doctor 1948-55 (obit)
Frederick J. Hamilton Class Secretary in group picture and in uniform in portrait but
not on Ensign list; Pacific Theater service
Thomas Richard Francis Smith in group picture and in uniform in portrait but
not on Ensign list
28 October 1945
Richard F. Michael Alence, Jr. USNR
Leonard Alpert USNR
George Edward Armknecht USNR
Raymond Francis Armstrong USNR
Karl Edmund Becker USNR
Edward Charles Brisley USNR
Robert Minor Buckley USNR
Frederick Creighton Burgess USNR
Raymond Julius Burmeister, Jr. USNR
Howard Wesley Caffey USNR
Donald Joseph Camille USNR
Jack Gifford Carlin USNR
Donald Xavier Clavin USNR
Ralph Elliott Cook USNR Pacific Theater, Reserves until 1971 LCDR
Joseph Cushner USNR WWII and Korea
Thomas Everett Deem, Jr. USNR Supply, WWII and Korea LT USNR in 1961
Everett Benedict Dowe, Jr. USNR SWO, WWII and Korea
James Edward Dowling USNR
Charles Frederic Edgarton USNR SWO on schooner ‘Bowdoin’
Roderick Valiquette Fagan USNR
Norman Lee Fisher USNR
Richard Harvey Flicker USNR
Robert Crosby Gilmore USNR SWO, active duty and Reserve LTJG in 1955
Donald Evans Grahn USNR
Joseph Cannon Houghteling USNR
Stephen Nelson Hume USNR SWO on tanker, Pacific Theater
Warren Charles Kessler USNR
William Robert Kilcourse USNR Valedictorian Supply, 22 years active duty Commander
Donald Harvey King USNR
Walter Emil Laskowski USNR
Oliver Taylor Little USNR
Nazarino Joseph Mazzolo USNR
J. William Middendorf USNR Future Secretary of the Navy and 2015 Lone Sailor Award
Robert Underwood Parish USNR
Robert James Phalen, Jr. USNR
Herbert Wesley Powers USNR
Joseph Ress USNR
Paul David Ritger USNR
Paul Carney Rogers USNR
Raymond Francis Rogers USNR
Frederick Chase Rozelle, Jr. USNR served on Guam
Roy Harold Sandstrom USNR
Harold Martin Scott USNR
Russell Irving Skillman USNR
Frederick Austin Stanley USNR
Edward John Joseph Sullivan USNR South Pacific
William Timothy Sullivan USNR
Kenneth William Theile USNR
John Stanislaus Thorp, Jr. USNR
William F. Threlkeld USNR JAG, 21 years active and Reserve Commander
Davis Peabody Thurber USNR
John Francis Toomey, Jr. USNR
Alexander John Torda, Jr. USNR
Frank Wilhoit Warber USNR
Francis Howard White USNR SWO, Pacific minesweeper in WWII, recalled for Korea
Richard Gartley Williamson USNR
Donald I. Zeman USNR
57 USNR but, per annual report, 3 not commissioned; names not known
Commissioned Elsewhere
William H. Boyce, Jr. Ensign in Unit yearbook but not on commissioning list and not an HC alumnus
24 February 1946
Joseph Hardy Aubrey, III USNR
Ralph Thomas Austin USNR
Henry Martin Berry USNR 22 years active duty Commander
Max Bluestone USNR
Raymond Stanley Borowicz USNR
Thomas Alexander Boyd, Jr. USNR
Charles John Chwalek USNR
Joseph Michael Dacey, Jr. USNR active duty and Reserves LCDR, USNR
Robert Finley Delaney USNR Valedictorian Intel, active duty and Reserves Captain, USNR
Clarence Edward Frank USNR
Arthur Harry Friedgen, Jr. USNR
Peter Geyelin USNR
Merlin Richard Herman USNR
Edward Ormond Hynard USNR
William Denton Jacobs USNR
Richard Vaughan Jones USNR
Edward Charles Krebs, Jr. USNR SWO, 25+ years active duty Captain
Lyle Molter Lockwood USNR
John Vincent Lufkin USNR
Richard Durham Madison, Jr. USNR
Lawrence Joseph Malloy USNR
Alfred Stanislaw Michalowski USNR
Francis Edward Milliman USNR 4 years active duty
Gerard Richard Moran USNR
Joseph Horace Morrissette USNR Diocesan Priest
Richard Young Neiley USNR
Joseph Martin O’Loughlin USNR
John Patrick O’Rourke USNR
Anthony John Pavelko USNR Supply, 16 years active duty LT
Leonard Joseph Platt USNR
William Martin Pohlman USNR
John Henry Reinisch, Jr. USNR
Gordon Talbot Schofield USNR 2 years active duty
Arthur Edward Shaw USNR
Edward George Sippel USNR
William Raymond Stackhouse USNR
Arthur Terry, III USNR
Robert Blanford Thomas USNR LCDR, USNR
Arthur Clough Beverly USMCR Transport, 29 years active duty as officer Colonel
Charles Delmont Plank USMCR
26 June 1946
Edward Thomas Alberta USNR 30 years active duty Captain
Richard Thomas Allan USNR
Joseph Azzolina USNR 7 years active, 30 years Reserve Captain, USNR
James Norman Barrett, Jr. USNR
Edward Murray Beesley USNR
Thomas James Breen, Jr. USNR
Walter Albert Brown, Jr. USNR
Maurice Dean Buck USNR Aviator, 32 years total Commander
Joseph James Condron USNR Ensign
James Henry Connolly USNR
Carl Jack Costanzo USNR SWO, 22 years active duty LCDR
Joseph Arthur Duffy USNR
John Crosby Emerson, Jr. USNR
Jean Edmund Entwistle USNR
Alton Leon Flanders, Jr. USNR
Donald Vincent Gorman USNR SWO, 21 years active duty Commander
Earl Floyd Hack, Jr. USNR SWO LTJG
Guy Claude Hare USNR
Edward John Hedbawny USNR SWO, 24 years active duty LCDR
George Loran Henry USNR
Howard Oliver Henson USNR
Donald George Herendeen USNR
Kenneth Henry Holcombe USNR
Richard Harry Janson USNR SWO, 1 year active duty
Francis Clifford Kearney, Jr. USNR 22 years active and Reserve Commander
Charles Alfred Kennedy USNR
Harry Williamson King USNR
Robert Joseph Kubiszewski USNR SWO, 20+ years LCDR
William Charles Lacey USNR
James Anthony Lennon USNR
William George Longe USNR
William Joseph Lutkenhouse USNR
Robert Dempster Madden USNR
Charles Anthony Maggese USNR
Alan Mandell USNR
Joseph Donald McCarthy USNR
Clifford Joseph McCormick, Jr. USNR
James Verne McGowan USNR
Henry William McGuire USNR LTJG
Newton Henry Morgan USNR
David Glading Muller USNR
Anthony Louis Nicolais USNR
William Connelly Noble USNR
Hugh Leo O’Brien USNR Ensign
Edwin Francis O’Dougherty, Jr. USNR LT
James Hugh O’Rourke USNR
Vito Benjamin Piteo USNR
Emil Thomas Policay USNR SWO, active and Reserves LT in 1955
Kenneth Irving Raymond USNR
Bernard Patrick Rogan USNR
Royal Raymond Ross, Jr. USNR
Ellis Stuart Rubin USNR SWO/Intel/JAG Commander, USNR
Arthur Robert Schliesman USNR
Elmer George Shafer USNR
Martin Joseph Sheridan USNR Pilot, 23 years active duty LCDR
Stanley Arthur Spring USNR
Richard William Stock USNR
William Edward Sweetman USNR
John Eric Vanstrom USNR
Roger Harvey Weiss USNR
Marvin George Wells USNR 15 years active duty
John Witsil USNR
Dale Vincent Worcester USNR
George Edward Young, Jr. USNR
Charles Joseph Zoubek, Jr. USNR
Lee James Cary USMCR Infantry, Korean War 1LT
Bertram Holman Curwen, Jr. USMCR Infantry, 12+ years active duty Major
Robert Edward Parrott USMCR Artillery/Infantry; 30 yrs; Silver Star in Korea Colonel
Bernard James Sicuranza USMCR 2LT
Winfred James Smith USMCR Infantry , Korean War 1LT
Charles Raymond Stephenson, III USMCR Infantry , Korean War, Bronze Star, 2 Purple Hrt Colonel
31 January 1947
8 Navy (1 USN, 7 USNR) 2 USMC
Annual report has numbers only; no list in any HC, NROTC, or newspaper record
William Osmund Cregar DOR ENS 31 Jan 47 (not in absentia) GURL
Harry Lewis Hobbs DOR ENS 31 Jan 47 (not in absentia) GURL
Robert Devers Hursh DOR LTJG 31 Jan 50 (not in absentia) Intel LTJG in 1955
Leon Victor Luke DOR ENS 31 Jan 47 (not in absentia) GURL
Joseph Francis Rowley DOR ENS 31 Jan 47 (not in absentia) GURL
Robert Augustine Wells DOR ENS 31 Jan 47 (not in absentia) GURL
Dustin Whittier Wilson DOR ENS 31 Jan 47 (not in absentia) GURL Reserve duty 1-2 years
Joseph Charles Fleming NROTC DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 (not in absentia; not on June newspaper list) GURL
January commission confirmed by classmate
Pacific: 88 CB; Atlantic: USS Schmitt (DE-676) Ensign
Note: both in absentia at June commencement but not on newspaper commissioning list; same DOR as
June classmates but listed as 2LTs on April 1947 muster at Quantico.
Melvin Wendall Snow USMC DOR 2LT 6 Jun 47 Infantry, Purple Heart in Korea LtCol
Edward Andrew Timmes USMC DOR 2 LT 6 Jun 47 Infantry, Bronze Star Colonel
11 June 1947
Annual report has numbers only; no list in any HC or NROTC record but newspaper article lists 39
officers (three of whom were physically disqualified and not actually commissioned per annual report)
28 Navy (7 USN, 21 USNR) 8 Marine (5 USMC, 3 USMCR)
Navy - USN
Arthur Hugo Anderson DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 GURL Ensign in 1951
Francis Joseph Beitzer DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 Captain
Thomas Ambrose Connor DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 GURL LT
Robert Michael Ducey DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 SWO, Hydro Survey LT
John McAleese Frye DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 SWO, Hydro Survey, 15 years active/Res
Edward Thomas Keating DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 Subs
William Slevan Waldron DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 Supply Commander
Navy USNR (two of these officers were physically disqualified and not commissioned)
Charles Arthur Baily DOR LTJG 6 Jun 50 GURL Ensign on retired list
Robert Taylor Blinn DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 GURL LTJG in 1955
Daniel Brotherton
Dominic Guy DeSimone DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 GURL
Edward Robert DuBois DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 GURL
John Abbott Facey, Jr. DOR ENS 6 Jun 47, active and Reserve Ensign in 1955
Charles Edward Fitzgibbon DOR LTJG 6 Jun 50 Commander, USNR
Thomas Eugene Galvin DOR LTJG 6 Jun 50 SWO LTJG in 1955
James Henry Graham, Jr. DOR LTJG 6 Jun 50 GURL LTJG in 1955
Leo Mitchell Grawzis DOR ENS 6 Jun 47
Joseph Edward Grennen DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 GURL LTJG in 1955
Jack Louis Hadley DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 GURL Ensign in 1955
Bernard Joseph Hammett DOR LTJG 6 Jun 50 LT on retired list
Edward Taylor Hart DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 GURL
Thomas Francis Howard, Jr. DOR ENS 6 Jun 47 GURL
William Henry Killay DOR ENS 27 Oct 48 Medical in Reserves LT in 1961
Joseph John Koeller DOR LTJG 6 Jun 50 SWO
John Francis Lyons DOR LTJG 6 Jun 50 GURL LT in 1967
William Thomas Neville DOR ENS 6 Jun 47
William Edward O’Brien DOR ENS 6 Jun 47
Daniel Joseph O’Connor, Jr.
William Joseph Winsper, III DOR LTJG 6 Jun 50 19 years Reserve
Fred Walter Wolock
Marines - USMC
Albert Frederick Belbusti DOR 2LT 6 Jun 47 Infantry LtCol
Harold Denis Fredericks DOR 2LT 6 Jun 47 Infantry, Silver & Bronze Stars Korea LtCol
Arthur Frank Larievy, Jr. Artillery, 5 years active duty 1LT
David William Walsh DOR 2LT 6 Jun 47 Inf, died (heart attack on active duty) Major
John Joseph Walsh DOR 2LT 6 Jun 47 Infantry LtCol
Marines USMCR
William Francis Farrell, Jr. NROTC Infantry, 10 years active/Reserve; Boston Reserve Dist. Captain
Vincent Eric Hinson Infantry, 4½ years active, Bronze Star in WWII, Korea 1LT
John Allen Ollquist Infantry, Korean War 1LT
Not Commissioned (physically disqualified)
Thomas Stephen Fitzgerald
Some Other 1947 Class Members with Military Service
Murray Brodoff USNR DOR ENS 5 Jun 46 GURL
Anthony J. Davey USNR DOR LTJG 1 Jan 47 GURL
George A. Cashman USNR DOR LTJG 1 Apr 46 GURL
Louis J. Celentano BIRLS Army 14 Dec 1942 25 Feb 1946
Thomas T. Collins BIRLS Navy 16 Jun 19417 Feb 46; Find a Grave: medically retired 1952
Terence J. Delahunty USNR DOR ENS 5 Jun 46 GURL
Richard E. Duhaime USNR DOR LTJG 1 Jan 47 GURL
Lawrence A. Durkin USNR DOR LTJG 1 Aug 46 GURL
Richard J. Flynn USNR DOR LTJG 1 Feb 47 GURL
Henry E. Foote, Jr. Originally Class of ’44; NROTC; BIRLS Army Feb 1943 - Mar 1946
Neil K. Furlong USNR DOR ENS 16 Oct 46
John L. Grzebien USNR DOR LTJG 1 Feb 47
Leo T. Hendrick BIRLS Marines Jul 1943 - Mar 1945
Albert L. Hohl USNR DOR LTJG 1 Jun 46 GURL
Frederick C. Kidd LT in Navy VB-12, Jul 1944; CDR USNR in HC Alumni Directory
Joseph P. McAfee USNR DOR LTJG 1 Aug 46 GURL
Joseph P. McCue USNR DOR LTJG 1 Feb 47 GURL
Howard P. Osborn USNR DOR LTJG 1 Apr 46
George J. Remmert USNR DOR LTJG 1 Feb 47 GURL
Francis C. Rocheleau USNR DOR LTJG 1 Aug 46 GURL
Roger McKenna Shea 1947 Yearbook: “88
Div in Italy”; BIRLS Army Jul 1943 – Feb 1946
Frederick A. Stanley USNR DOR LTJG 5 Jul 48 GURL
Henry Joseph Tordiglione 1943 & 1947 Yearbooks; “C-47 radioman in South Pacific”
BIRLS Army Air Corps Mar 1943 Nov 1945
Nicholas F. Troiano USNR DOR LTJG 1 Aug 46 GURL
Edward J. Galuska LtCol
James A. Ronayne 2LT in WWII Silver Star at Iwo Jima LtCol
John C. Spillane Major
No commissionings this year
8 June 1949
Edward Grant Layton USMCR Infantry/Lawyer, 9+ years active and Reserve Captain
James Francis McGoey USMCR Infantry Silver Star; KIA Korea 1LT
John Ennis McQuail USMCR Artillery, 9+ years active and Reserve Captain
Raymond John Sweeney USMCR Infantry/Transport, 9+ years active and Reserve Captain
1950s NROTC Graduates
Francis Joseph Bartram, Jr.
Robert Edward Bowe Korea LTJG
Charles Wallace Bresnahan Reserve duty LT
John David Colgan, Jr.
Daniel Joseph Costello SWO, 20 years active duty Commander
Francis Joseph Cranston SWO, 14 years active and Reserve LT
Thomas Edward Dannemiller SWO
Robert Corcoran Dixon LT
Timothy Justin Donovan
Robert Carroll Driscoll
Richard Sughrue Fahey Purple Heart in Korean War
Richard Joseph Forest LTJG
Walter James Gallagher, Jr. Battalion Commander
Arthur Vincent Gelnaw
Bernard Francis Gilmartin, Jr.
Robert Charles Goetz SWO, 22 years active duty Commander
Matthew Edward Gormly, Jr. SWO, 16 years active and Reserve LTJG
Erwin Stephen Grask, Jr.
Aloysius Joseph Hogan, Jr. Commander, USNR
Edward Joseph Jurgielewicz
Thomas Francis McCormick SWO LTJG
George Joseph O’Donnell, Jr.
Richard Monarch Regan LT
Leonard Patrick Rychlik 3 years active duty
William Raymond Sheridan Battalion Commander Captain
John Aloysius Barry NROTC USMCR Pilot, 3+ years active duty 1LT
Robert Bernard Farrell NROTC USMC Infantry, 4 yrs active duty, Purple Heart-Korea Captain
Richard Elword Mannix NROTC Artillery, 2 years active duty 1LT
PLC Program
John Richard Baraniak USMCR Infantry/Supply, 7+ years active and Reserve Captain
Philip Hutchinson Collins USMCR Infantry, 7+ years active and Reserve Captain
Peter Driscoll USMCR Infantry, 5+ years active and Reserve Captain
Paul Francis O’Connell USMCR Infantry, 5+ years active and Reserve Captain
David Malone Twomey USMCR Infantry , 36 years active duty Lt Gen
25 Navy 3 Marine 5 PLC
Emmet James Ashe, Jr.
Thomas Edward Behringer, Jr.
Thomas Joseph Bradshaw, Jr.
Edward Joseph Buja
Thomas Brendan Cannon, Jr.
Andrew McGowin Collins Battalion Commander
Freeman James Condon, Jr.
Patrick Edward Costello SWO, 4 years active duty LT
Thomas Edmund Davey LTJG
James Joseph Doherty
Daniel Robert Donahue
Thomas Clayton Drees
George Francis Farrell
James Erskine Hamilton, Jr.
Joseph Francis Hammele
George Norton Hart
Walter Harris Hart 3 years active duty
Robert Hector Heon Commander
David Joseph Keeney
Francis Harold Maloney, Jr. 3 years active duty
Peter Joseph Masella SWO
William Francis McAuliffe SWO LTJG
John Eugene McDermott
Charles Henry Meadow-Croft, Jr.
Madieros Mooshagian
Edward Dennis Murphy, Jr. UDT; died in operational accident LTJG
William Andrew O’Brien, Jr.
James Francis O’Rourke, Jr. LT
Russell Alexander Pejouhy, Jr.
Edward Rutledge Reilly, Jr. SWO Ensign
Clinton Edward Roche SWO/Sub, 23 yrs active/Reserve, Commander, USNR
John Robert Schmertz, Jr.
Gerard Peter Shabe
Bernard Charles Shea SWO, 3 years active duty LTJG
Page Watson Timothy Stodder
Lawrence Arthur Walsh SWO LTJG in 1955
Henry Francis Barry, Jr. USMCR Armor, 2 years active, 6+ years Reserve Captain
Robert Emmett Delaney USMC AMTRAC/Aviation; died Philippines plane crash Captain
William Kelly Joyce, Jr. USMCR Infantry; Silver Star & Purple Heart Korea; Captain, FSO
Arthur Francis McGinn, Jr. USMC Infantry, 5+ years active duty Captain
James Richard McIntyre USMC Infantry, 2 years active, 4+ years Reserve 1LT
Gerard Philip O’Keefe USMC Infantry/JAG, 30+ years active/Reserve Colonel, USMCR
Bernard Edmund Trainor USMC Infantry , 34 years active duty LtGen
James Bruce VanAirsdale USMC Infantry LtCol
Edward LaPorte Wilkinson USMC Armor, 6+ years active and Reserve Captain
PLC Program
Joseph Charles Buergler, Jr. USMCR Supply, 7+ years active and Reserve Captain
Alan Rochford Devine, Jr. USMCR Infantry, 7+ years active and Reserve Captain
Philip John Dooley USMCR Infantry Colonel
Norman Paul Dusseault USMCR Food Service, 2 years active duty 1LT
Benedict Bernard Landry, Jr. USMCR
Ralph Anthony Lolli USMCR Transport, 7+ years active and Reserve Captain
Edward Frederick Milardo USMCR Quality Control 1LT
Vincent Stephen Mullaney USMCR Infantry, 1½ yrs active duty, physical disability 2LT
Paul Vincent Stack USMCR Transport, 3 years active duty Captain
36 Navy 9 Marine 9 PLC
Donald Cordell Agnew
James Michael Bestler Pilot
Thomas Herbert Brennan LT
William Henry Brine, III
John Joseph Buckley
Gerard Patrick Burke Naval Intelligence
Michael Anthony Cariglia
Robert Leon Chasse SWO/Subs, 33 years active duty Captain
Thomas Joseph Coe, Jr.
Paul Joseph Connelly, Jr.
Robert Thomas Copenhaver
Richard Eugene Cormier
Robert John Cronin UDT, 18 years active and Reserve LT
Lowell Francis Curran, Jr. SWO LT
Gerard Baxter DeBaun
John Wallace Desjardin Pilot, 20 years active duty LCDR
Robert Joseph Donohue LT
Robert Joseph Doyle
Michael Francis Fadden
David Joseph Finn
Henry Edward Gangwisch, Jr.
Robert Basil Giedraitis
John Joseph Glavin, Jr. SWO LTJG
John Felix Halff
Russell Paul Harney
John Joseph Harrahy 2 years active duty
James Edward Hayes SWO, 24 years active and Reserve LCDR
Richard Edmond Heon SWO, 2 years active duty
James Frederick Hickey 3 years active duty
James Michael Higgins
John Raymond Howland SWO LT
John Eldon Hurley
Carl Casimir Kaczmarek SWO, 22 years active duty Commander
John William Kenny
Patrick Earl Klein SWO, 3 years active duty LT
Richard Joseph Lavin SWO
John Peter Leemhuis SWO, 20 years in Reserves Commander, USNR
Daniel Carson Lyons
Eugene Thomas Mann
Robert William Marrion
Eugene John Mascoli LTJG
Thomas Arthur McCann, Jr.
Robert Herbert McCooey 2 years active duty LTJG
Robert Edmond McDonough
William Milan McEvilly
William Seery Merchant
Walter Thomas Meyers
Norman Gerald Mireault
Howard Joseph Moraghan SWO, active duty and Reserves LT in 1961
Robert Joseph Moylan
James Edward Mross
Richard Michael Murphy
Richard Paul Power
Louis John Rauchenberger
Richard Paul Roy SWO, 2 years active duty
Thomas Michael Shea SWO LT
Robert Clarke Steppacher
John Joseph Sullivan, Jr.
James Joseph Thompson
James Charles Thornton, Jr. SWO
Bernard Henry Tremblay SWO, 6 yrs active, 20 yrs Reserves Commander, USNR
William Patrick Walsh 3 years active duty LT
Francis Marion Wilson
James Joseph Wilson
James John Wittick
Robert John Zemaitis
Michael Joseph Zinkiewicz
Donald Raymond Chapell NROTC USMC LtCol
Thomas Ferguson Gray NROTC USMC Artillery LtCol
Paul Francis Moore Pilot, 4 years active duty Captain
John Charles Ranney NROTC Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
John Bruce Reddington NROTC Artillery, 2 years active duty 1LT
Robert Arthur Stewart NROTC USMC Infantry , 4 years active duty 1LT
PLC Program
John Wellington Bates USMCR Pilot, 3 years active duty Captain
Wilfred Joseph Cote, Jr. USMCR Artillery, 2 years active duty 1LT
Charles Daniel Foley, Jr. USMCR 2 years active duty Captain
67 Navy 6 Marine 3 PLC
Michael John Biety
Benjamin Liston Bowden, Jr.
Joseph Thomas Brennan
Gerald Francis Cahill
John Timothy Cahill
James Patrick Charles
Robert Francis Clements
Paul Francis Donahue
David Patrick Donohue 36 years active duty Rear Admiral
Francis Xavier Essex
Gerard Joseph Fitzpatrick
Joseph Robert Fogarty
Richard Paul Gagan
Joseph James Giedraitis, Jr.
Harry Copelin Jacobson SWO, 3 years active duty LTJG
William Joseph Kiernan, Jr. Lawyer in Reserves Commander, USNR
Edward Thomas Lyons, Jr.
Thomas Crawford Mayers, Jr.
Kenneth Vincent McGinity
Patrick J. McKenna
William Roger Nimee SWO, 20 years active and Reserve
Leonard Vincent Quigley LT, USNR
Douglas Lee Root, Jr. 3 years active duty
John Francis Saunders, III
Dean Joseph Shipman
John Joseph Weis
John Wolfgang Weiser
Howard Joseph West
Ralph Edward Williams, Jr. Commander
Ronald John Boccieri, Jr. NROTC USMC Infantry, 4+ yrs active/Reserve 1LT Maryknoll Priest
John Patrick Kinney, Jr. NROTC
PLC Program
John Elliott Cochran USMCR Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
Peter Edward Donnelly, Jr. USMCR Infantry , 4 years active duty 1LT
Michael Andrew Heffernan USMCR Infantry , 3+ years active duty 1LT
Delayed PLC Commission
Robert Alfred Blais (27 JUL) USMCR Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
Gregory Leo Brennan (27 JUL) USMCR Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
Ralph Frederick Clement USMCR Infantry, 5+ years active and Reserve Major
James Michael Curley (9 JUN) USMCR Airfield Services/Intel, 3 years active & Reserve 1LT
John Vincent Dinan, Jr. (2 AUG) USMCR Artillery 1LT
William Joseph Jerome, Jr. (9 JUN) USMCR Airfield Services/Intel, 4 years active & Reserve 1LT
James Thomas Larkin USMCR Infantry , 4 years active; 10 years Reserve Captain
Lawrence Cullen Rowe (1956) USMCR Admin, 2 years active duty 1LT
Francis John Sullivan USMCR Avionics, 2 years active duty 1LT
29 Navy 2 Marine 12 PLC
Everett Leo Ashe LCDR, USNR
John George Collins
Robert Joseph Corboy
Joseph James Corry
James Graham Cullen Commander, USNR
James Michael Daly, II
Joseph Francis Devane, Jr.
Edward Dorcy Devine, III
Edmond John Dilworth, Jr. 3 years active duty
Louis John Dolan, Jr. LT
Richard Francis Dugan, Jr. SWO, 23 years active duty, Bronze Star Commander
Stephen Francis Durocher GURL, 9+ years active duty LT
Henry William Dwyer
Arthur Richard Fitzgerald
Gerald Philip Good
John Philip Grask
Richard Francis Hamilton
Robert Donald George Harrison
Herbert Joseph Heimerl, Jr. GURL LTJG, USNR in 1967
James David Hessman
Francis Lawrence Kinney
John Kevin LaTulippe
Alfred Robert Maler
James Francis Martin Pilot; 11 years active, 27 years Reserve Commander
Howard Michael McCormack
Paul McMaster
Thomas Edward Mitchell Pilot
Arthur Daniel Murphy 10 years service LT
Raymond Leo Murphy, Jr.
Edward Leo Ney
Henry Victor Nietzschmann
Kenneth Alfred O'Brien Pilot
James Daniel O'Leary SWO
John Gerald Phelan, Jr.
Ralph James Pugliano
Joseph Michael Purtell Captain
William Francis Reardon
Robert Joseph Sulick
Stanley Joseph Swierzewski, Jr.
John Lewis Wines
David Odren DeGrandpre NROTC USMC Infantry, 3 years active duty Captain
Joseph Raymond Harrington, Jr. DOR 2LT 4 Jun 54, EAD 14 Jul 54
Russell Elmer Johnson NROTC USMC Pilot 1LT
Bernard Arthur Morin NROTC USMC 2 years active duty 2LT
Paul James Otis NROTC USMC Battalion Commander Infantry Colonel, USMCR
Lawrence Herbert Schell NROTC USMC Armor, 3 years active and Reserve Captain
John James Shapley, Jr. NROTC Pilot 1LT
Robert Nash Shea NROTC USMCR Artillery 1LT
Park Benjamin Stafford-Smith NROTC Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
PLC Program
Peter Michael Biocca USMCR Audit Officer, 2 years active duty 1LT
Gerald Herve Boule USMCR Comm, 2 years active duty 1LT
Louis Edward Buckley, Jr. USMCR Armor 2LT
Robert George Dalury USMCR Pilot, 4+ years active duty 1LT
Martin William Fisher USMCR Intel, 2 years active duty 1LT
Arthur Francis Flaherty USMCR Intel in South Korea, 2 years active duty 1 LT
John Mark Foley USMCR Comm, 2 years active, 4 years Reserve Captain
Hugh Joseph French, Jr. USMCR Comm, 2 years active duty 1LT
Henry Joseph Hehir, Jr. USMCR Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
Robert John Hoffman, Jr. USMCR Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
John Francis Keenan USMCR Avionics, 2 years active, 1+ years Reserve 1LT
Leo George Mathieu USMCR Pilot, 4+ years active and Reserve 1LT
Thomas Francis Nuss USMCR Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
John William Rutherford, Jr. USMCR Transport, 2½ years active duty 2LT
William Charles Toole USMCR Infantry, 4 years active, 25 years Reserve LtCol, USMCR
Delayed PLC Commission
Frank Vaughan Bagley (SEP) USMCR Combat Engineer, 3+ years active and Reserve 1LT
William Arthur Doherty (26 AUG) USMCR 2 years active duty
James Joseph Foley (after JUL) USMCR Avionics, 4+ years active and Reserve 1LT
Robert James Geiger (SEP) USMCR Combat Engineer, 2 years active duty 1LT
Vincent Robert Kiffney (after JUL) USMCR Air Control, 3+ years active and Reserve 1LT
Paul Francis May (after summer cruise) USMCR Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
Philip Graham Williams (after cruise) USMCR possible medical discharge at Quantico 2LT
John Henry Yauch, III (1957) USMCR 2LT
40 Navy 9 Marine 23 PLC
John Thomas Attridge LTJG
Peter James Bellanca
Henry Joseph Blommer, Jr.
Walter Foster Brady, Jr. 3 years active duty LTJG
Joseph Patrick Burns
William Scott Campbell
Alan Francis Casey
William Joseph Collier, Jr.
John Joseph Connors
Raymond Michael Currie
Robert Edward DeBlois
William Albert Deshler
Joseph Daniel Early
Peter Maurice Fahrendorf, Jr.
Edward Gerard Fallon
James Joseph Foley, Jr.
Francis Haney Fox
Thomas James Gallagher, Jr. SWO, 2 years active duty
Robert George Galli
William Patrick Gelnaw
Robert James Gerardi
Richard Paul Griffin, Jr. LTJG
John Joseph Hamilton
Edward Francis Harrington
William Robert Henry
Robert Ronald Henzler 3 years active duty
Louis Paul Hettinger Captain
David Edward Isselhard USNR LT
Frank John Kasprzak
Paul Hartman Kerin
Walter Frederick Kramer, Jr.
Joseph Lian, Jr.
David Kirby MacCulley
John Raphael Mahoney, Jr.
John Joseph Maloney, Jr. Captain, USNR
Wilbur Joseph Mattura
Robert James McKay
Thomas Kiley McShane SWO, 2 years active, 10 years Reserve
Robert Paul McVoy SWO, 30 years active duty Captain
Donald Charles Mills
Thomas John Mollen
Thomas Onesimus Moloney, III
Paul Eugen Morin
John Aloysius Daniel Murphy
Paul Richard Murphy
Joseph Aurelio Pardo 38 years active and Reserve Commander, USNR
Guy Richard Peznola, Jr.
Joseph Leo Pierce, Jr.
Paul James Quinn
Thomas Joseph Reid Pilot, 16+ yrs active & Reserve LCDR, USNR in 1971
Donald John Ross
Francis Jerome Shea
Robert Edward Smith
Bernard John Stortecky
John Thomas Strain
Robert Joseph Sullivan
Eugene Albert Tansey Captain
George Edward Thompson, Jr. LTJG
Edmund Paul Tobin, Jr.
Joseph Patrick Walsh, Jr. 3 years active duty
John Alan Barry NROTC Pilot, “career Marine” LtCol, USMCR
Edward Aloysius Clark NROTC Missile 1LT
Robert Henry Dee, Jr. NROTC Combat Engineer, 2 years active duty 1LT
Francis Xavier Doyle, Jr. NROTC AMTRAC, 2 years active duty 1LT
William Lewis Foote NROTC Personnel 1LT
Patrick Francis Golden NROTC Pilot 1LT
Frank Charles Jacobs NROTC Artillery 1 LT
Robert William Manning, Jr. NROTC Infantry 1LT
Lawrence Vincent McMurrer NROTC Comm 1LT
Richard Edward Onofrey NROTC Artillery Captain, USMCR
George Joseph Robinson NROTC Radar Officer, 2 years active duty, Reserves LtCol
Donald Joseph Russell NROTC Artillery 1LT
Leo Joseph Scolforo, Jr. NROTC Artillery Major in 1970
James Milton Winberg NROTC Infantry Major in 1970
PLC Program
Brendan Joseph Cassin USMCR Infantry , 5 years active duty 1LT
Frank Joseph Creagh USMCR Infantry 1LT
Daniel Stevenson Drees USMCR Infantry 1LT
Rufus Francis Duff, Jr. USMCR 2LT
Thomas Aloysius Hughes, Jr. USMCR Pilot 1LT
Joseph Michael Loughran USMCR Infantry, KIA Vietnam Major
Delayed PLC Commission
George Bernard Norman, Jr. (JUL) USMCR Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
60 Navy 14 Marine 7 PLC
Frederick John Allen SWO LTJG Maryknoll Priest
John Michael Beshoa
Edmond Lawrence Brasseur
Michael John Byrne
Gerald Anthony Connell
Ralph Donald Considine
Henry Cox Captain
Robert Maurice Davidson
Charles Henry DeBlois
Robert William Dodd
James Michael Donovan
James Patrick Driscoll
Joseph Henry Feitelberg
Charles Harold Fleischer, Jr.
Daniel Francis Flynn Battalion Commander LT
John Joseph Geis
Francis Frederick Granato 2 years active duty LTJG
Edward Morgan Grogan
James Paul Halloran 4 years active duty LT
William Michael Hughes, Jr.
Lawrence Michael Mayers
Edward John McAniff
John Joseph McDermott
William Joseph McDonough
Frank Edward McGinty
William Edward McVeigh
Donald Patrick Medler
Robert John Morris
Edward Charles O'Brien
Daniel Jospeh O'Connor 3 years active duty LT
Edwin Anthony O'Connor
Brian Justin O'Leary
James Andrew O'Rourke
John Kenneth Poggenburg, Jr.
Cornelius Bernard Prior, Jr.
James Edward Quinn, Jr.
Thomas Joseph Rappel
Raymond Joseph Rosseel
Philip Martin Shannon Captain
John Paul Shea Pilot, active duty & Reserve LT
Edward Richard Way Jet pilot, 24 years active, 176 combat missions Captain
James Devereux Wilder SWO
John Anthony Williams, Jr. Intelligence, 7 years active, 16 yrs Reserve Commander
Charles Robert Wolf Captain
Brian Charles Flynn NROTC Supply, 2 years active duty 1LT
Ludwig George Kuttner NROTC Artillery 1LT
John Schofield Llewellyn NROTC Artillery Captain
Harris Edmond Matthews NROTC Artillery 1LT
Paul Joseph McCarthy NROTC Artillery 1LT
Peter Francis McCloskey NROTC Artillery 1LT
James John Francis McGrath NROTC Transport 1LT
James Sherry Nist NROTC Artillery 1LT
Arthur Joseph O'Keefe NROTC Infantry 1LT
Carl Dionigi Orio NROTC Missiles , 5 years active duty Captain
Donald John O'Shea NROTC Transport 1LT
Robert Arnold Powers NROTC Infantry 1LT
Richard Paul Sheridan NROTC Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
Charles Edward Starkey NROTC Infantry 1LT
PLC Program
John William Connors USMCR Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
Oliver John DeJesu USMCR Infantry 1LT
William Warner Kernan USMCR Armor, 2 years active duty 1LT
John Ambrose O'Hara USMCR Food Service, 2 years active duty 1LT
Richard John Torpie USMCR Infantry 1LT
Delayed PLC Commission
Bernard John Taracevicz USMCR Infantry, 2 years active duty 1LT
44 Navy 14 Marine 6 PLC
Charles Peter Adams USN 4 years active duty
Joseph James Baldes USN Captain, USNR
Michael James Barron USN 3 years active duty LTJG
Paul Albert Bornstein USN
Richard Ashton Brobst USN
Richard Francis Burke USNR
Glenn Richard Cella USN
Robert George Clark, III USNR 2 years active duty LTJG
Richard Vincent Cleary USNR
William Michael Dante USN
Robert Kevin Eagan USN SWO LT
William Joseph Ellis USNR
George Paul Fitzgibbons USN
Morgan Michael France USNR Pilot, 30 years active duty Captain
John Gerald Guyet USNR
James Gorman Hanley USNR
Charles Leon Hays USN SWO, 24+ years active and Reserve Captain, USNR
Franklin Malcombe Hundley USN
Lawrence Peter Kelliher USN Battalion Commander
Robert Walter Kopp USN Physics teacher at Naval Academy LT
Paul Stanley Kuklinski USNR
William Patrick Kurtz USN
Pasquale Peter LaPosta USNR
William Francis Lucey USNR
Joseph Thomas Monahan USNR
Anthony Joseph Monteleone USN Captain, USNR
John Kevin O'Keefe USNR
Eugene Joseph Riel, Jr. USNR
Robert Martin Robinson, Jr. USNR LT
John Joseph Schell USN
John Emil Schlapkohl USN
Cullen Richard Schwemer USN
Maurice Joseph Splaine, Jr. USNR
Paul Francis Whouley USNR
John Richard Wise USNR
Not Commissioned
Bruce A. McAllister confirmed with individual
John Edward Warner confirmed with individual
ROC Program
Philip Denis Ryan USNR
Paul Francis Coakley USMC Artillery 1LT in 1960
John Francis McManus USMC 1LT in 1960
William Rice Murray USMC Comm 10 years active duty Captain
Anthony Richard Stringer USMC Artillery 1LT in 1960
William Lawrence Sullivan USMC Comm 2LT in 1958
John Stanley Vogt USMC Infantry 30 years Lt Colonel
PLC Program
Joseph Vincent Casale USMCR Infantry 2LT in 1958
John Joseph Deeney, Jr. USMCR Air Defense 2LT in 1958
Montague William DeWolfe, Jr. USMCR Pilot 2LT in 1958
Paul Francis Egan USMCR 1LT
Leonard Francis Gribbons USMCR resigned 1958
Donald Richard Hayes USMCR Finance 2LT in 1958
Norman Albert Houle USMCR Infantry 2LT in 1958
Richard Michael Long USMCR Infantry 2LT in 1958
Joseph James Murphy USMCR
Austin Martin O’Toole USMCR Infantry 2LT in 1958
George James Waddleton USMCR 3 years active duty Captain
Delayed PLC Commission (13 JAN 58)
William Lawrence Cosgrove, Jr. USMCR 1LT in 1960
35 Navy 6 Marine 12 PLC
Leroy Victor Amy, Jr. USNR
Richard John Baker USN
John Reardon Barry, Jr. USN
Robert John Bond, Jr. USN Aviation, 5 years active duty
Raymond Arthur Burchell USN
John Marshall Conroy USN
Thomas George Cunningham USNR SWO LTJG
John Gregory Dalton, Jr. USNR
Richard John DelVecchio USN
William Howard Dietrich USN Captain
Walter Peter Engel USN
James Francis Fay USNR
Daniel Robert Fitzgerald USNR
John Joseph Gallo, Jr. USNR
Frank James Gloekner, III USN
Fred John Gosebrink USN Commander
Myles Hannan USN LT
John Joseph Hayden USNR
Neil Thomas Heffernan, Jr. USNR
William Joseph Higgins USNR
Charles Francis Hughes USN
William Patrick Hunt, Jr. USNR
James Lawrence Jackson, Jr. USNR
William Paul Kennedy USNR 2 years active duty
Paul Eugene LeClaire USNR
James Henry Lenden, Jr. USN
Richard Francis Lominsky USNR
Robert Joseph Lynch USNR
Stuart Thomas Maher USN
Charles Thomas McEnery USNR
William Burns McManus USNR
Frederick Phair McMenemy USNR
William Alfred Merritt, Jr. USN
Edwin Farley Moran, Jr. USNR
David Henry O'Connell USNR
John Edward O'Connor, Jr. USNR
David Buckley O'Hearne USN
William Arthur O'Neil USN Captain
Francis Michael O'Regan USN
James Paul Redgate USN
Douglas David Roche USNR
Gerald Skinner Rourke USN
John Henry Schwarz, Jr. USN
Joseph Paul Stefan USNR
David Lawrence Sullivan USNR
Thomas Joseph Tierney USN 3 years active duty LTJG
Paul Francis Toland USNR 2 years active duty
Clayton Edward Whiting, Jr. USN
Edward Nicholas Wilson USNR
Arthur John Andreoli NROTC USMCR Captain
William Francis Bird, Jr. NROTC USMCR 1LT
Robert Joseph Flynn NROTC USMCR 2 years active duty
Gerald Francis Gilbert NROTC USMCR 2 years active duty Captain
Robert John Imbus, Jr. NROTC USMC
Traugott Francis Lawler NROTC USMC
David Corenlius Mannis NROTC USMCR Infantry, 5½ years on active duty Captain
William Kirby Murphy NROTC USMCR
James Michael Reidy NROTC USMCR
Anthony Arnold Santaniello NROTC USMCR
William Joseph Stoloski NROTC USMC
John Michael Wyser-Pratte NROTC USMCR
PLC Program
Francis Latimer Gould USMCR Major in 1970
Gregory Carleton Sinnott USMCR 3 years active duty Captain
Robert Norman Tortorella USMCR Infantry, 3 years active duty 1LT
Delayed PLC Commission
Michael Christian Vaupel USMCR DOR 2LT 5 Jan 1959
49 Navy 12 Marine 4 PLC
Joseph George Alavosus, Jr.
Michael Jospeh Ambrose SWO, 30 years active duty & Reserves Captain, USNR
William Joseph Baroody, Jr.
Bernard Albert Berufaldi
Stanley Andrew Beattie
Albert Gregory Bergen, Jr.
Joseph Francis Boufford
Francis Xavier Bruton, Jr.
Richard William Budinger
Francis David Carbone
James William Carter
Arthur Angelo Ciocca
John Steven Cole
Jerome Jospeh Day, Jr.
Anthony William DePaul, Jr. Commander
James Peter Doonan
Robert Thomas Doyle, Jr.
Thomas Coady Doyle
John Anthony Durkin 2 years active duty
William David Ferguson, Jr. 2 years active duty
John Stephen Fleischer SWO, USS Putnam (DD-757)
Patrick Francis Foley
Donald Peter Galamaga
John Francis Gaudet
Thomas Verne Giles
James Charles Griffin
Raymond Paul Harris, Jr. 3 years active duty
Harvey Robert Hoyt
Joseph Andrew Jockel, Jr. Subs/SWO, 24+ years active duty Captain
John Noel Kane
Matthew Anthony Kass SWO Commander, USNR
James Joseph Keegan, Jr.
Arthur Reid Kenedy, Jr.
James Andrew Kennedy, Jr.
John Patrick Laschenski
Barry Lloyd Lavallee
Mark Francis Lilly
Robert James Maloney
William Paul Maloney
Richard John McGovern SWO LT
Peter Dennis McKenna
James Edward Mischler
James Joseph Molloy, Jr.
Raymond Arthur Murphy 4 years active duty LT
Craig Thomas Nevins
Daniel Arthur Nicholson 30 years active duty and Reserves Captain, USNR
Dennis Ward Noschese
Richard Dennis O'Connor
Richard Thomas O'Neil SWO, Pacific Fleet
Thomas Whyte O'Neil
John Thomas Onuska 3 years active duty LT
James William Payne, III
Joseph Frederick Persechino
Harry Richard Piet
John Thomas Quinn
William Edward Quirk, IV
Lionel Albert Richard
John Paul Roylston Captain
Joseph Timothy Stagnone
Peter Blake Stevens
Francis John Stewart 5 years active duty LT
William Richard Toussaint, Jr.
Thomas Noel Troidle
Arthur Francis Tubridy, Jr. 5 years active duty LT
Patrick Charles Valenti
James Oliver Vosseller, III 3 years active duty
Anthony Bruce Dean NROTC
Martin Barry Eberhardt NROTC
Edgar Hugh Fay NROTC
Donald Franklin Gelnaw NROTC
Vincent Kevin Gilmore NROTC
John William Hornett NROTC Captain in 1965
John Mark McCarthy NROTC
John Robert O'Brien NROTC Captain
John Henry Rollins NROTC
PLC Program
James Francis Anderson USMCR
John Basso Cummings USMCR
Robert Leo Harrington USMCR
David Rhame Traynor USMCR Infantry, 3 years active duty
David Francis Stecchi USMCR 1LT
John Joseph Whelan USMCR
66 Navy 9 Marine 6 PLC
1960s NROTC Graduates
Elias Batista Abilheira, Jr.
Robert Anthony Augelli 26 years active and Reserve Commander, USNR
David Joseph Bartholomew
William Berte Brady
Robert Thomas Bruce
Richard Peter Chartrand
Raymond Eugene Clyne
Francis Joseph Collins, Jr.
Charles Robert Comeau
Leonard Stephen Conti
Robert Edmund Coogan JAG LCDR
Paul Richard Cusson
Anthony Francis DeAngelis, Jr.
Lawrence Joseph Denardis LT
Michael Francis Donlan
John Frederick Downs 2 years active duty
Paul Anthony Dubrey
Peter Gerard Fallon, Jr.
Frank John Fonteyn
George Michael Ford
Robert Anthony Frank
Stephen Michael Halleron
Emmett Francis Harrington
Kevin Michael Healy Captain
James Henry Holly, Jr. 2 years active duty
Joseph Smith Hurlburt SWO, 28 years active duty Captain
William Leo Jackson
John Matthew Kenney
John William Kershaw 4 years active duty then Reserves
Joseph Paul Kettinger Captain
Kenneth John Keyes
Edward Vincent Lahey, Jr.
Richard Roy LaMontagne 4 years active duty LT
Robert Roger Lalancette
Jeffrey Francis Landau
Gerard Michael Latus
Peter John Lilly
Daniel Brian Lyons
Jay Richardson Massey, Jr.
Edward Joseph McAdams, Jr.
Thomas Joseph McGinn, Jr.
Thomas Robert McNaboe
Maurice Francis Meagher, Jr. Captain, USNR
William Preston Megan
Arthur Patrick Menard
Ronald John Mulcare
Gerald Henry O'Brien
John Walter O'Mara
George Laurence Pamental
Rimantal Pranciskus Pauliukonis
David Hartnett Riley
Jeffrey Stephen Ross
John Joseph Ryan, III
Daniel Lewis Sammartino
Thomas John Sarnowski
Jerome James Scully
Howard Gerard Seitz
Robert Francis Sieniuc
Andrew John Simons LTJG, USNR (Ret)
Peter David Smith
William Andrew St. James
Anthony George St. Pierre
James Aloysius Treanor, III Commander, USNR
Ralph Waldo Webster, III
Edward Vincent Worley, Jr. SWO, 3 years active duty
Daniel Maximillian Zavisva
Karl Joseph Zimmermann
Michael Patrick Beecher NROTC
Donald Edward Chisholm NROTC
William Valentine DePaolo NROTC 1LT
Michael Nicholas Hudack, Jr. NROTC
Neill Joseph Kelly NROTC
James Henry Roche, Jr. NROTC 2 years active duty
Thomas Gibson Shea NROTC
Robert Joseph Smolenski NROTC USMC Infantry , 3½ years active duty Captain
Eugene Peter Sullivan NROTC
Thomas Edward Sullivan NROTC
James David Whamond NROTC Captain
PLC Program
Joseph Francis McDonough, Jr. Major
John Joseph McDermott 23 years active duty LtCol
Nicholas Anthony Sergi, Jr. Helo pilot Captain
67 Navy 11 Marine 3 PLC
Albert Michael Adams USN 20+ years active duty LCDR
George William Brown
John Blinkhorn Burke
Richard Francis Xavier Burke
Paul Gerard Byrne USNR SWO; 4 years active duty LT
Robert Joseph Carter
Edward Farley Clark, Jr.
Francis William Collins
George Joseph Crowley
Frank Paul D’Ascensio
Thomas Lynam Derry
John James Ferguson
Edward James Field
Vincent Edward Furey, Jr.
Eugene Joseph Gallagher
Robert Charles George SWO
Thomas Edward Gill II Captain
Robert Wallace Graham III
Harold Edward Griffin
Kevin Robert Keating
Thomas Philip Leader, Jr.
Joseph Bernard Lehn
James Lawrence Logan, Jr.
Frank John Malinski Battalion Commander; Subs; died on USS Thresher LTJG
Bernard Francis McMahon, Jr.
Brendan Thomas Moroney
Joseph Ignatius Mulligan, Jr. LT
Edward Michael Murphy
Francis Wade Murphy
James Joseph Nolan, Jr.
Austin Joseph Power, Jr.
William Edward Reichard
Joseph Francis Ryan
Isidore Henry Sampers, Jr.
John Thomas Sinnott
John William St. Andre
Edward Louis Therrien Captain
David Costa Tontonoz
J. Barry Bocklet NROTC
Joseph Edward Dertinger, Jr. NROTC
Michael Patrick Downs NROTC Infantry; Silver Star in Vietnam BGen
James Robert Doyle NROTC
Dennis Owen Gallagher NROTC LtCol
Benjamin Waldo Greene, Jr. NROTC
Alfred Leo Miller, Jr. NROTC
Peter Carldon Mulvaney NROTC
Daniel Robert ONeill NROTC
Eugene George Sullivan NROTC
Timothy Burns Sullivan NROTC
PLC Program
Thomas Victor Barrett
John Paul Brickley Purple Heart in Vietnam BGen
Thomas Leo Cusick
Lawrence John Monroe USMC company commander
Martin Henry OConnor, Jr. 1LT in 1965
William Joseph Randolph 1LT in 1965
38 Navy 11 Marine 6 PLC
Walter Gustave Barker, Jr. SWO, 3 years active duty
Arthur William Bushore
Thomas Hull Connelly
Anthony Richard Corso
Robert Edward Curnen
John Raymond Dearie
Albert Edward Diran
Robert Paul Donahue
Peter Richard Eastman
James Thomas Fitzgerald
Douglas Raymond Hoyt
James Gregory Hurley
Dominick Joseph Izzo III
John Allen Keleher SWO nearly 30 years Commander
Kevin James Kiernan
Robert Francis Lally, Jr.
Richard Warren Lawrence
John Francis Lucey
Arthur Lee McGratty SWO, Operation ‘Deep Freeze’
Edward Gerard McGuire, Jr.
John Francis McKenna
Donald Charles McLaughlin
John Timothy OConnor III 2 years active duty
C Kevin ODonoghue
John Ulick OSullivan, Jr.
Jean Edmond Plourde SWO LCDR, USNR
Robert Anthony Ryan
Frank John Schanne, Jr.
Gregory Stephen Smyth USNR SWO; PEBD: 13 JUN 1962 Commander in 1983
Charles Fleming Stark, Jr.
Michael Joseph Sullivan III
Richard Antonio Therrien
Charles Martin Tomaselli
Gerard Charles Wheeler Commander
Louis Chapman Wilson
Lawrence Joseph Celmer NROTC Infantry; KIA Vietnam Captain
Edward Anthony Cercone NROTC Colonel, USMCR
Alphonse Russell Fanelli NROTC
Howard Edward Greenfield, Jr. NROTC
Martin Peter Holleran, Jr. NROTC Battalion Commander
James Joseph Morin NROTC Pilot, active duty and Reserves, Vietnam
Paul Francis OKeefe NROTC
Chester John Patraitis NROTC
Earl Martin Schara NROTC
John Charles Short, Jr. NROTC
Robert Ronald Stevenson NROTC
Richard William Vereecke NROTC
PLC Program
William Paul Brosnahan 3 years active duty Captain
Kenneth Rene Desmarais 3 years active duty 1LT in 1965
Brian Michael Dutra 1LT in 1965
Michael Greig Smith 1LT in 1965
John Anthony Timperio Captain
Thomas Alfred Vinton 1LT in 1965
PLC (Law) Program
Vincent John Maroney JAG, 3 years active, 3 years inactive Captain
35 Navy 12 Marine 7 PLC
Peter Michael Acton USNR
Robert Louis Ardizzone USN LT
Fredrick William Axley USNR LT
John Russell Baker USN
William Robert Balderson USNR
Fernand Paul Beck USN
John Lawrence Belford USNR
John Allen Chernowski USN Battalion Commander
James Joseph Corbett USNR
William Albert Dempsey USNR Commander, USNR
Francis Gerard Fanning USNR LT, USNR (Ret)
Henry Joseph Feeley, Jr. USNR
Thomas Francis Fratello USN
Charles Leroy Haslup USNR Captain, USNR
Kenneth Francis Hickey USNR
Thomas Edward Kane USNR
Russell Alfred Keene USN LT
Paul Clement Kinney USNR
Charles William Klopsch USNR
John Anthony Lowe USNR SWO; PEBD: 12 JUN 1963 LTJG in 1965
William Paul Maloney USNR
John Anthony McAdams USNR
Dennis Francis McDonnell USNR
William Joseph McGurk USNR Captain
Dennis Albert McKay USN
Edgar James Michels USNR
James Patrick Moore USN
Michael Edward Moynihan USNR
Jeremiah William OConnor USNR LTJG
Alexander John Olsen USNR
Thomas William Palace USNR SWO LTJG
John Joseph Pyne USNR
James Anthony Patrick Ruma USNR
Daniel Brophy Ryan USNR
William Joseph Scanlon USNR 4 years active duty
Vincent Anthony Shay USNR
John Charles Staley USNR
John Albert Stemwedel USN
Richard Joseph Walsh USNR Captain, USNR
Peter Russell Walson USNR
John Joseph Westfield USNR
George Franklin Young USN
Delayed Commission
Thomas Francis Burchill, III USNR SWO; PEBD: 9 AUG 1963 LT in 1971
Joseph John Redington. III USN SWO; PEBD: 10 Sep 1963 LCDR, USNR in 1984
Robert Craig Champion, Jr. USMC
Gerard Patrick Griffin USMCR
Henry Murray Hayward USMCR Purple Heart in Vietnam
James Patrick Kelliher USMCR
Patrick Lawrence McCarthy USMCR
James Henry McGovern USMCR
Robert Scheck Morrison USMC Silver Star in Vietnam; 2015 Lone Sailor Award Captain
James Patrick Ryan USMC
Stephen William Shea USMCR Captain
Delayed Commission
Dennis Creighton Golden USMCR Future HC Dean
PLC program
Charles Joseph Buchta USMCR
Leo Aloysius Cullum USMCR Pilot, 200 missions over Vietnam Major
Henry Anthony Cutting, Jr. PEBD: 25 MAR ‘60; 2LT 5 JUN ’63 1LT in 1965
John Patrick Hennessey, Jr. USMCR
John Patrick O’Connor USMCR
Cornelius Calmes Smith USMCR
Robert David Wagner, Jr. USMCR
44 Navy 10 Marine 7 PLC
Brian Paul Atkinson
George Gordon Baxter
Francis Xavier Boylan, Jr.
Andrew Edward Brennan
Leonard Paul Callahan 5 years active duty
John Edgar Chadwick, Jr.
Michael William Doyle F-4 pilot; KIA Vietnam LCDR
John Aloysius Frauenheim, Jr.
Donald Thomas Gallagher SWO, USS Forrestal
Patrick Richard Gil
Lee Stephen Giudici 4 years active duty LT
Michael Hennessey
Robert Philip Hickey, Jr. F-4 pilot, Silver Star in Vietnam Rear Admiral
James Joseph Horan
Bruce Leo Larose SWO
Herbert Myron MacDonald, III
Robert George Manning
Joseph James Matelis
Philip John McCaffrey
John Burch McDonald, Jr.
Bruce Robert McLaughlin 5 years active duty LT
Robert Nelson Meals, Jr.
Philip John Metres, Jr. O’C Bowl
Rimvydas Petras Miksys
Francis Xavier Miller
Daniel Joseph Moynihan, Jr.
William Richard Murray
Lawrence Michael O’Connor
Peter Damien O’Connor
Rudolph Przydzihl Price, Jr.
John Peter Rako
William Weigel Schmitt
John Joseph Smith Captain, USNR
John Raymond Smith
David Anthony Spina
David Charles Tassinari 2 years active duty
Richard Thomas Tracy
Delayed Commission
Raymond Cinco, Jr. after cruise Commander
Peter John Connelly USNR SWO; DOR ENS 3 Jun 1964; PEBD: 2 Jul 1964; LCDR 1977
Paul James Madigan USN SWO; DOR ENS 3 Jun 1964; PEBD: 12 Jun 1964;
Daniel Joseph McGrath after cruise
Robert Irving Smith after cruise
James Patrick Cooney NROTC
John Philip Grattan, Jr. NROTC
Charles Leonard Leussler NROTC
Ronald Thomas Maheu NROTC
William Rankin NROTC
Kevin Guerre Rick NROTC
Delayed Commission
Ronald Joseph Coulter NROTC after cruise LtCol
Richard Raymond Kane NROTC after cruise; Battalion Cdr, RF-4B NFO; KIA Vietnam Captain
Christopher F. McGratty NROTC after cruise; OCT
Edwin M. Mulholland, Jr. NROTC PEBD: 5 Aug 1964 2LT in 1965
John Joseph Whitehouse NROTC after cruise
42 Navy 11 Marine
Gary Michael Abraham carrier pilot
Joseph Harrison Armstrong, Jr.
Francis Thomas Bergin, Jr. Captain
Peter Herbert Christelman
Richard John Cragg
Thomas Michael Crimmins, Jr.
John Joseph Donovan, Jr.
Matthew Joseph Doyle, Jr. USNR SWO; PEBD: 9 JUN 1965 LCDR in 1977
James Atkinson Gerwin
Thomas Edward Gilliam UH-1 pilot; KIA Vietnam LTJG
Howard James Gilmore, Jr.
John Paul Giuliani
Christian Louis Gruenther
Ernest Joseph Guay, Jr.
John Cartwright Harley, Jr.
Robert Andrew Hastings
Joseph John Hegenbart
James Moore King USNR SWO LT
Donald Charles Kinney
Edwin Joseph Lanfear retired as Ensign after 15 months
Alfred Arthur Macchi
James Rogers McBride
James Sherwood McGuire USNR SWO LT in 1971
Thomas Vincent Moriarty, II SWO LTJG
Sidney Peter Mudd
Joseph Hugh Nicholson, Jr.
Matthew John OConnor SWO Ensign
James Samuel Olivo
William Edward Perry
Joseph David Reck
Michael Joseph Ryan
Michael Sheehan Schroering
James Henry Spaustat
Timothy Bernard Sullivan F-4 RIO; Vietnam POW; Silver Star Commander
William Robert Sullivan, Jr. O’C Bowl
Merrill Frederick Swiney
William Simeon Thomas, Jr.
John Walter Tully SWO
John Joseph Turner
Delayed Commission
George V. Lynett (19 JUN) USNR 2 years active duty
Stanley J. Zapatka, Jr. (AUG) Intel Commander
John Joseph Burke H-46 pilot; KIA Vietnam Captain
Paul Eugene Caswell
Edward Thomas Egan Colonel
Patrick William Higgins
Joseph Francis Mahoney, Jr.
Thomas Joseph Meehan
Thomas William Moore Battalion staff PEBD: 9 June 1965 Captain in JAN 1970
former chair of USS Constitution Foundation
William Brian Sexton
John Edwin Sharkey
Robert Howard Williams Bronze Star and Purple Heart in Vietnam Captain
PLC Program
James Thornton Beale, Jr.
Harry George Lent
Joseph George Murphy, Jr.
41 Navy 10 Marine 3 PLC
Class of 1965 Commissioning
John Robert Andrade USN
Andre Jean Chagnon USN
George Franklin Conery, Jr. USN
Stephen Arthur Connelly USN
Bartley Joseph Costello USNR SWO, ~4 years active duty LT
Robert William Daley USN
Donald Charles Felix Daniel USN
Stephen Francis Donahue USNR
James Kevin Duke USN
Edward Joseph Feeherry USN
William Fendrich Hack USN
Timothy Joseph Hartnett USN
David Ambrose Hession USNR
James Michael Kelly USN
Peter Thomas Larmour USNR
Peter Joseph Lynch, III USN
Michael Peter Marnik USNR
Herbert Charles Matthews, Jr. USNR
Raymond Leonard McCabe, Jr. USN
Walter Ignatius McDonough, Jr. USNR
Robert Larry Molino USN
Dennis Edward Murphy USN
John Cox Neale USN
Alfred John O’Donovan USN
John Bernard Paterson USNR
Robert Alfred Peinert Medical PEBD: 8 JUN 1966 LCDR in 1977
Robert David Pickett, Jr. USN
Richard Eugene Raleigh USN
Thomas Howard Reid USN
John William Shipley USNR
Thomas Joseph Smith USN
Edward John Sundin, Jr. USNR
Thomas Joseph Walsh USN Pilot, 7 years active duty LT
John Abbott Worthley USN O’C Bowl Diocesan Priest
Not Commissioned
James P. Coury USN listed in 2004 report; error; confirmed
Joseph Michael Fitzgerald USMC
William Rogers Hunt USMC
Robert Eric Lund USMC
Charles Francis Mansfield, Jr. USMCR
Edwin Ralph Matthews USMCR Captain
Richard Girard Morin USMC F-4 RIO; MIA Laos Captain
Stephen James O’Neill USMC
George Peter Osper USMCR
William Arthur Sheridan, Jr. USMC
James Christopher Stokes USMC
Francis John Teague, Jr. USMC
Delayed Commission
Robert Paul Cipriani (SEP) USMC Artillery, 4 years active duty Captain
Garrell Stephen Mullaney (APR 67) USMC
PLC Program
Robert Regan Clarke USMCR Infantry, 3+ years active duty
34 Navy 13 Marine 1 PLC
Class of 1966 Commissioning
Robert James Cheever, Jr. USN Battalion Commander
Matthew Joseph Coffey, Jr. USN Captain, USNR
James Francis Delehaunty USN Pilot, HC NROTC Instructor
William Richard Eagan, Jr. USN
Thomas James Flynn USN
Michael Patrick Garvey USNR SWO, amphibs
John Francis Glarner USN
Donald Edward Huff USNR
Donald Howard Johnson, Jr. USNR
Robert John Kirkwood USNR
John Edward Martin, Jr. USN P-3 pilot; died in CA plane crash LTJG
David Peter McCormack USN
Thomas John Moroney USN
Kenneth Edward Neumann USN
Blaine John O’Connell USN
Dennis Michael O’Connell USNR
Arthur Eugene Osiecki USN Commander
Ralph Kempton Packard, Jr. USN
Thomas Edward Rooney USN
Stephen Dana Seery USN O’C Bowl
John Charles Vinson USN JAG Commander
Michael Cornelius Connor USMC
Kevin Michael Doyle USMC Colonel
William Pfister Friese USMC
Joseph Paul Smaldone USMC
Delayed Commission
John Gorter (SEP) USMCR classmate feedback Vietnam
PLC Program
Philip Daniel Downey USMCR
William Francis McCarthy USMCR
James Charles Reynolds USMCR
21 Marine 5 Marine 3 PLC
James Stephen Angyal USN
Raymond Irving Basanta, III USNR
Robert Wayne Bass USNR
Paul Maurice Boire USN
Edward Daly Boylan USNR
Patrick William Brawley USN
Francis Edward Callahan, Jr. USNR
Herbert Andrew Connolly USNR
Gerard Michael Corrigan USN O’C Bowl
Joseph Albert Couture USN
James Anthony Daly, Jr. USNR
Michael Thomas D’Errico USNR
Joseph Vincent Devlin USN LCDR
James Wolfe DiMarzo USNR
Robert Kelly Gray USNR P-3 pilot Captain
Edward Francis Hagan USN
Edward Francis Hayes, Jr. USNR son of Unit CO, Captain Edward F. Hayes Commander
Herbert Stewart Hoffman USN Battalion Commander; P-3/C-130 pilot LCDR
Arthur Leo Johnson USN
Paul Francis Johnson USN
Philip Anthony Jonik USN
Daniel Kalashian USN
Michael Joseph Kamin USN
Michael William Kelly USNR Subs, 4 years active duty
Harry Andrew King, Jr. USNR
Robert James Lawson, Jr. USN
Denis Francis McNamara USNR
Charles John Mikulis, Jr. USN
James Francis Moffett, III USN
Daniel Edward Monagle USN
John Thomas Nugent USN Captain, USNR
Leonard Edward O’Leary USNR
George Peter Posnak USN
Arthur Alfred Provost USNR SWO, 3 years active duty
Kevin James Regan USN
Gerald Oliver Robichaud USN
David Allan Scribner USNR Captain
Michael James Slein USNR Pilot
Allen Eugene Uchman USN
Gary Paul Witte USN
Delayed Commission
Robert J. Fedoryszyn (OCT) USN NFO, 15+ years active duty Commander
William J. Straub, III (OCT) USN
Thomas Joseph Walsh (AUG) USNR confirmed with family
John Ralph Bioty, Jr. USMCR Pilot Colonel
Stephen Bruce McNeil USMCR
PLC Program
Matthew F. Broderick WSU BGen
Richard Dennis Porrello USMC Infantry; 2 Silver Stars in Vietnam 1LT
Michael Patrick Quinn USMCR Infantry; Bronze Star; KIA Vietnam 2LT
43 Navy 2 Marine 3 PLC
Andre Sylvio Asselin USN Battalion Commander (1
); Supply
Joseph Michael Basso USN Supply Commander
Donald Edward Cain USNR Pilot
William Thomas Carriero USN Pilot
John Francis Cashman USN SWO, 3 years active duty
Michael Paul DeBaggis, Jr. USN Pilot
Walter John Delaney USNR
Geoffrey Neal Doyle USN
Terence Patrick Driscoll USN SWO
Robert Michael Duff USN SWO
Edward James Finnegan USN SWO
Simon Albert Flynn, III USNR SWO
John Baptist Foley USN SWO Rear Admiral
Daniel Joseph Giblin USNR SWO, 3 years active duty
James William Igoe USNR O’C Bowl Supply
James Joseph Joyce, Jr. USN Battalion Cdr (2
); Highest Class GPA; Supply
Kevin Paul Kelley USN Supply
Walter Nicholas Lange USN SWO
John Putnam McCarthy USNR SWO
Richard Early McCluskey USNR SWO
William Bernard McGoey, Jr. USN Pilot
Joseph William McGrath USN SWO
Peter Creswell McLaughlin USN SWO
Michael Thomas McNamara USN Nuclear Power
Lawrence Archer Mullaly USNR A-5 pilot
Robert Gerald Powderly USN Nuclear Power
William Patrick Redmond USNR Pilot
Robert D. Ryan USNR Nuclear Power
Paul Leonard Shafer USN SWO
Daniel Shaughnessy USN SWO, 4 years active duty LT
Thomas William Steffens USN SEAL Rear Admiral
Michael Brendan Trainor USN Supply
David Peter Voerman USNR Duke Law School
Edward Joseph Walsh, Jr. USN SWO
Delayed Commission (NOV)
Francis Xavier Blum USNR
Not Commissioned
Francis X. Schiavone in NROTC yearbook, not in commencement; family confirmed
Kirk Patrick Alley USMCR
Robert Cavins Butler USMC
John Garvey Chase, Jr. USMCR
Michael Richard Greene USMC
Ronald Joseph Makovitch USMC
Michael Vincent Maloney USMC LtCol
PLC Program
Jeffrey A. Cannon USMCR
Michael J. Ford USMCR Pilot, 23+ years active and Reserve Colonel
Robert P. Ganswindt USMCR Captain
35 Navy 6 Marine 3 PLC
1970s NROTC Graduates
Richard Anastasi USN Captain
Edward Eugene Babyak, Jr. USN
Joseph Peter Belotti, Jr. USN Pilot
Stephen Joseph Bier USNR
Clifford Michael Burke USN active duty and 10 years Guard
Thomas Joseph Burns USNR
John David Corrado USN
James Joseph Courtney USNR
Timothy Joseph Crowe USNR
Bruce Arthur Dauer USNR
Joseph Michael Davis USNR
William Haviland Dickinson USN
Anthony Victor DiPasquale USNR SWO
Walter Robert Dziokonski USN
John James Ferry, Jr. USN Jet pilot, 30 years active and Reserve Captain
Michael Edward Foster USN
William Leo Fox, Jr. USN
William Francis Gotha USN
Robert Cabel Graham, III USNR
Frank David Haines USN
Mike Johnson Hoover USNR
John Patrick Hussey USNR
Thomas Joseph Keefe USNR
Frank Adelbert Kelley, III USNR
Dennis Lawrence Kennelly USNR
Thomas Joseph Kenney, III USNR
John Joseph Largess USNR
Donato Anthony Liuzzi USNR SWO, 30 years active duty Captain
Robert Joseph Madruga USN 6 years active duty LT
Dennis Michael Mahoney USN
James Robert Matthews USNR
George Joseph McGuane, Jr. USN
James Francis McManus, Jr. USNR
Paul Thomas McNaughton USN
Richard Stephen Minor USNR SWO, 12 years active and Reserve LT
David Morgan USN
John Joseph Mulkeen, Jr. USN
David Richard Mulvey USN SWO, 20 years active duty Commander
Robert Emmet Murphy USN
Christopher Edward Newton USN
Richard Dennis Nicholson USNR
Mark Raftrey Noble USN
John Byard Noll USNR Captain
Richard James O’Halloran USNR
Edward Hyde O’Hearn USNR
John Patrick O’Neill, Jr. USN Captain
John Michael O’Sullivan USN O’C Bowl; C-1A pilot; died in Sicily plane crash LTJG
Michael Caveney Parkin USN
Robert John Pitocchelli USNR
Edward Charles Reutemann, Jr. USN
Frank Louis Robilotto USN
James William Rosseel USNR
William Anthony Santulli USNR
Timothy O’Grady Sheehan USNR
Thomas Michael Smith USNR SWO, HC NROTC instructor, 21 yrs Commander
Robert Paul Stalilonis USNR
Peter Hunt Stratton USNR
John David Tebben USNR
Peter Earl Walsh USN Jet pilot
William Egan Walsh, Jr. USNR
Delayed Commission
Edmund D. Murphy, III (JAN 1971) USNR SWO; at least 13 years active duty LCDR
Paul Michael Atanasio USMCR
Patrick John Glynn USMC
James Francis Leonard USMC Battalion Commander
Thomas Joseph Short USMC
61 Navy 4 Marine
Michael Stephen Berns USN Jet pilot
Gregory Clayton USN EP-3 pilot
Ward Joseph Cooper USN VRC/VAW pilot Captain
Timothy Francis Donohue USNR SWO
Kevin Jude Hadlock USNR SWO
Daniel Charles Kelly USN O’C Bowl; Supply Captain
Richard Charles Layton USNR SWO
William Timothy Lynch USNR Boat Support Unit One
William Burris Mahoney USN SWO
Richard Edward McVoy, Jr. USN SWO
Dennis James Moran USNR SWO
Brendan James O’Donnell USN Battalion Commander P-3 pilot, 27 years active duty Captain
Michael Joseph O’Neil USN Medically discharged shortly after commission
Thomas Francis Patterson USN SWO
Charles Edmund Powers, Jr. USNR Catholic Univ. Law School
Robert Francis Putes USNR SWO
Mark Anthony Rader USN SWO
William John Stryker USNR SWO
Delayed Commission
Michael Edward Duffy USNR SWO; DESRON Commander, 28 years active Captain
Not Commissioned
Robert T. Bonagura
Joseph P. Quinn
John J. Scanlon
Robert Joseph Hoar USMCR
Edward Arthur Knight, III USMCR
Hilary Joseph Renz USMCR
19 Navy 3 Marine
Vincent J. Bierne USN SWO
Thomas P. Connair USN SWO
Robert P. Coveny USNR SWO
Joseph T. Daly USN DLI
Robert F. Dolan USN Aviation
Phillip J. Foley USNR Beach Group One
Thomas A. Fulham USN Aviation
Stephen R. Gadomski USNR SWO
Daniel Griffin USN Aviation
William Hackett USN SWO
James M. Hayes USNR SWO Jesuit Priest
Michael J. Kearney USN Aviation
Vincent H. Kraft USNR SWO
William Larsen USN SWO
Kenneth J. Marra USN SWO 23 years active duty Commander
Thomas Peter Millaras USNR 1972-75 active, 8-9 yrs Reserves; porpoise program LT
Lawrence Morse USN Supply
Tim Murphy USN Supply
William M. Naylor USN SWO
John T. O’Connell USN SWO
Paul F. Quinn USN Oceano , 20 years active duty Commander
Michael J. Sise USN O’C Bowl Rochester NROTC
Thomas J. Wickles USNR SWO
Delayed Commission
Stephen Dowling USNR after summer cruise
James MacInnes
Kenneth Tarrant
Frank A. Vargas Battalion Commander
24 Navy 3 Marine
Alfred E. Blicher Supply, 9 years active, 12 years Reserve LCDR
Barry M. Costello O’C Bowl SWO; 3
Fleet Commander Vice Admiral
Peter J. Delaney SWO, 5 years active duty LT
William F. Dougherty USN SWO Captain, USNR
David G. Johnson SWO/Diver Captain
Robert M. Kemp SWO, 4 years active duty
George E. Kovach Helo pilot Captain
Paul A. Laedlein Helo pilot Captain
Michael J. Murray SWO Commander
Kevin C. Nelson CAEW-124
Thomas D. O’Neil SWO
Robert Orcutt, Jr. Son of Unit XO SWO
Richard R. Romatowski SWO
Christopher F. Schellhorn SWO
David P. Vaillancourt Aviation
Delayed Commission (OCT)
Alvin F. Knox
Edward W. Zesk
William F. Linnehan
William F. O’Hara AV-8B pilot LtCol
Stanley W. Stevens
17 Navy 3 Marine
Thomas L. Beetle USN Supply, 5 years active, 7 years Reserve
Charles B. Bolduc USN O’C Bowl SWO
Kevin J. Deedy USN Supply
Robert J. Donovan USN SWO
Christopher R. Gadomski USNR SWO
James M. Geiger USN SWO
Frederick W. Ghio USN SWO
William F. Keltner USN SWO
Salvatore F. Lamesa USN Nuclear Power
Thomas W. McDonald USN Supply
James F. McSorley USN SWO
Bruce G. O’Connell USNR SWO
Robert J. Sise, Jr. USN SpecWar LT
Thomas E. Tighe USN Aviation (not in 2004 + 1990 reports error)
David I. Walsh USN SWO
Michael J. Winslow USN E-2 pilot Captain
John H. Feily
John P. Hogan
Cornelius W. Murray
John J. Walsh
PLC Program
Schone L. V. Malliet Pilot Captain
16 Navy 4 Marine 1 PLC
Denis V. Army SWO, 25 years active duty Captain
Paul H. Case SWO LCDR
Edward J. Chomas SWO
Joseph P. Ciola Aviation
Peter R. Cogswell Supply
Harry T. Cowell SWO Captain, USNR
Michael J. Dunne NFO
Richard T. Forsley SWO
Michael J. Fulca O’C Bowl Nuclear Power Commander
Alex F. Garbolevsky SWO
James T. Harrington SWO Captain
James M. Korney SWO Commander
James G. Moran Supply
David M. Morse SWO
Stephen C. Widman SWO
Delayed Commission
Kevin P. Goodwin (JUL)
James M. Laverick
Thomas J. Nielsen in annual & news but not 2004 & 1990 reports error LtCol
Kevin M. Sandkuhler JAG BGen
John W. Sonderman LtCol
16 Navy 4 Marine
Francis C. Dachille SWO/Intel Captain, USNR
Martin F. Doherty Nuclear Power
Michael Dugan SWO Captain, USNR
Theodore O. Macklin, Jr. Aviation
William J. McCarthy E-2 NFO, Carrier Strike Group CO Rear Admiral
Richard L. Morrissey Battalion Commander SWO/Medical Captain
Sean P. O’Neil O’C Bowl Aviation Captain
Kenneth F. Spaulding Assumption; USNR; First Consortium Commission; SWO LT
Kelley J. McAvoy 1
Woman USMC NROTC Scholarship in US;
Woman commissioned from HC NROTC Unit LtCol
Delayed Commission
Joseph E. Joutras (DEC)
8 Navy 2 Marine
Michael I. Beckner SWO
Thomas M. Buckingham Nuclear Power/EDO 27 years active Commander
Michael P. Cogswell Inactive Reserve; Law School
Brian J. Curran Aviation
James M. Curry Aviation
Peter H. Daly SWO, CSG CO Vice Admiral; US Naval Institute CEO
Terrence M. Doyle Aviation Commander
David J. Fontaine SWO Captain
Leon M. Henry SWO Commander
John J. Hurley, Jr. Supply
Robert F. Jackson SWO
Richard P. Kelly SWO
Vincent J. Kiselica SWO
Michael P. Malanoski Inactive Reserve; Medical School Commander
John P. McGinn, Jr. Aviation Captain, USNR
Stephen C. Ober Aviation Commander
F. Patrick Ostronic SWO
Michael F. Query Supply Commander
Michael R. Quinn Aviation
David M. Souders Nuclear Power
Mark S. Stafiej Aviation
Thomas D. St. Andre Aviation
Robert P. Tumiski SWO
Peter S. Von Loesecke Nuclear Power 5 years active duty
Delayed Commission
Peter J. McNally (JUL) Aviation
Kevin A. Hoey O’C Bowl Colonel
Richard J. Machado
John A. Turner, Jr. Battalion Commander
Delayed Commission
Colin F. Mayo Major
25 Navy 4 Marine
G. Bartlett Farrell SWO
Geoffrey T. Ferguson SWO
James F. Holland Supply Captain
Arnold O. Lotring, Jr. Nuclear Power Rear Admiral (L)
Paul F. Lynch Supply
Bruce E. MacDonald JAG Vice Admiral
Charles Marden WPI Supply
Alfred McCoey Assumption SWO
Andrew Munch Aviation
Thomas D. Ostronic Nuclear Power
Robert Sachuk WPI CEC, 12 years
Matthew E. Schellhorn Aviation Captain
Delayed Commission
Edward B. Haskins (JUL) Battalion Commander Supply
Karen Ann Filiault Colonel
Christopher W. Koenig
13 Navy 2 Marine
James M. Adams Nuclear Power
William J. Brennan Supply
Matthew Corry died in car crash after commissioning Ensign
James F. Dawley, Jr. Pilot (not in 2004 + 1990 reports error)
Michael D. Deluca SWO
Paul W. Fineran Nuclear Power, subs Commander
Roderick J. Griggs SWO
James E. Howe Supply
Charles W. Hunter, Jr. Aviation
Raemon P. Mallin O’C Bowl Supply
Edward G. Mcananey SWO
Michael E. Pinho Aviation
Miles C. Quigley, III Nuclear Power Captain
John M. Sharry Aviation
David R. Sheehan Supply
Gary V. Szalucka Aviation
Stephan G. Waite Aviation
Delayed Commission
Jeffrey J. Ahern (JUL) WPI Nuclear Power
Carl E. Davis
Richard V. Kmiec Battalion Commander
Shaun M. Murphy
John F. Reardon, Jr. O’C Bowl LtCol
18 Navy 4 Marine
1980s NROTC Graduates
Douglas G. Buchanan, Jr. HC Battalion Commander Aviation Commander
David A. Clopeck HC SWO
Louis M. Cortellini HC Aviation Commander
Susan E. Dubrule HC O’C Bowl Oceano LCDR
John M. Harrington HC Supply
Curtis M. Mackenzie HC SWO
Dennis M. McLaughlin HC Nuclear Power
Joseph C. Purcell HC Supply
John E. Roe, Jr. HC USN SWO, 6 years active duty LCDR
James W. Smith HC Nuclear Power
Thomas E. Trepanier WPI Nuclear Power
Andrew D. Engelke HC
Christopher Grillo HC
Robert P. Howe HC 20 years active duty; Desert Storm Major
William J. Philbin HC
Delayed Commission
Steven T. Bracken HC after OCS completion
11 Navy 5 Marine
Mark R. Caldwell WPI C-1 pilot; died in C-1 midair NOV 1983 LTJG
John L. Donovan HC 1
of 5 brothers in HC NROTC SWO
Stephen Greene HC O’C Bowl Aviation Captain
Richard F. Grein HC Nuclear Power
Karen M. Haberlin HC SWO Commander
William A. Hutchinson Clark Aviation
Robert H. Law Clark USN SWO, 4 yrs active, 16 yrs Reserve Commander
Barbara M. Lintermann HC Supply, 30 years Captain
Paul T. Loveland HC SWO
Neil F. McGinn HC Aviation
Kevin P. Quinlan HC Aviation
William C. Reilly HC SWO
Mark F. Schellhorn HC Supply
Eric A. Wieman HC Aviation
Delayed Commission
Richard T. Burton (DEC) HC USN SWO Diocesan Priest
Susan Goddard HC 1
woman Battalion Commander LtCol
15 Navy 1 Marine
Joseph M. Amarello WPI Nuclear Power
George Daniel Donovan HC 2
of 5 brothers in HC NROTC SWO
Mark R. Galluzzo HC Aviation
Andrew E. Giertz HC Aviation
Thomas L. Gill HC Aviation
Carl F. Greiner HC Supply
Francis J. Hofmeister HC Intel
Gary Johnson HC “3/2 engineering student Aviation
Richard O. Kuziak HC O’C Bowl Subs Captain
Bruce A. Newport WPI Nuclear Power
Frederick A. Nuttall HC SWO
Andrew J. Rimkus HC Supply
Richard E. St. Germain HC Nuclear Power
Michael G. San Fratello HC Supply
Jeffrey R. Smith HC Nuclear Power
William C. Taylor, II WPI CEC
Deborah L. White HC Navy Recruiting Command
Curtis E. Haberbosch HC Colonel
William C. Pearson HC
Delayed Commission
Christopher J. Gallagher HC Battalion Commander
17 Navy 3 Marine
Brian P. Conlon HC Aviation
Edward Coy WPI Naval Reactors
Eric Lantz WPI Aviation
Barry R. McDonough, Jr. HC SWO Commander
Mark B. Peterson Clark Aviation
Michael Splaine WPI Aviation
John M. Summers WPI Aviation
William E. Wheeler WPI Btn Cdr; Son of former Unit CO, CAPT J. Wheeler Nuke
Marshall S. Young WPI Nuclear Power
9 Navy 0 Marine
Kenneth J. Barrett, Jr. HC SWO Captain
William C. Donovan HC 3
of 5 brothers in HC NROTC SWO
Mark T. Foley HC SWO
Nancy C. Gillet Assumption O’C Bowl NROTC Univ. of NC
Edward J. Harrington HC Battalion Commander (S) SWO LCDR
Gregory S. Kelly WPI SWO
Steven R. LaPorte HC SWO
Kenneth M. Larsen WPI Nuclear Power
Michael F. Lynch HC Aviation Commander
Francis X. Martin HC SWO LCDR
Timothy McCarrick WPI Aviation
Paul T. Muniz HC SWO
Joseph D. Murphy HC SWO
Karen L. Murphy HC SWO
Michael C. Ortolano WPI Battalion Commander (F) Naval Reactors
James M. Ryan HC SWO
Robert S. Shaw Assumption Aviation
Robert J. Shea HC SWO
Eddie E. Sherman CNEC SWO; prior enlisted; early retirement at 17 yrs
Paul A. Simoneau HC SWO
Brian K. Smith HC Aviation
Judie A. Szatkowski HC Ocean Processing Captain
Kristin C. Ten Eyck HC O’C Bowl CINCPACFLT staff Commander
Frederick G. Thorpe HC SWO
Joseph E. Veilleux WPI Nuclear Power
Bruce W. Wheeler WSU SWO
James B. White HC Aviation Commander
Delayed Commission
Donna L. Fortin (DEC) WPI SWO
Peter J. Dirksmeier HC
Robert L. Kilroy (FEB) WPI USMC commissioned early (FEB); scholarship student
28 Navy 2 Marine
Emmet Robert Burns HC Battalion Commander (F)
David Joseph Carter Clark
Paul Chodak, III WPI
Christopher James Clarkin HC
Alan Roy Denko WPI
Daniel Jerome Donovan HC 4
of 5 brothers in HC NROTC
Daniel Martin Dunn HC
Bruce David Emero HC LCDR
Brian Thomas Feeney HC
Thomas Joseph Gill HC
Christopher Michael Hayes HC LCDR
Steven Richard Hoglund WPI
Michael James Janas HC
Jeffrey Robert Knight HC
John Francis McCauley Clark
James Angelo Mirabile WPI
Kerry Emil Monast CNEC O’C Bowl
Steven Joseph Musser Assumption
Anthony Michael Norkaitis WSU
Kenneth James Preston HC
Mark Douglas Primmer WPI
James Paul Sauger Assumption
James Albert Shea WPI
Robert Gerard Siggins HC
Kevin Gerard Stenstrom HC Commander
John Matthew Stickford HC
Peter Joseph Stoll WPI
Brian Joseph Thackaberry HC
Delayed Commission (MAR 1986)
Brendan Michael Daunt WPI
Thomas Francis Daley HC Battalion Commander (S) Major
Daniel Hawkins WSU
Daniel Patrick Kennedy WPI
Andrew Anton Lipka Assumption
Patrick Matthew McCarthy HC
29 Navy 5 Marine
Gerald Riker Boardman HC
John Francis Brennan, Jr. HC
Daniel Michael Carpenito WPI
David Allen Chase HC Captain
Robert Lenox Davidson HC
Timothy John Denehy, Jr. HC
Jonathan Michael Dentch WPI
Craig Stephen Devlin HC
David Martin Donovan HC Last of 5 brothers in HC NROTC
Brian Timothy Foley HC LT
Robert Francis Gehan HC
Henry Joseph Gerard, Jr. WPI
Christopher John Goode HC
Russell William Gordon, Jr. WSU
Matthew Ernest Hempel HC LT
Steven Timothy Jones Assumption
Ernest John Kapopoulos, Jr. HC
Timothy Geier Kirby HC
John Paul Kling, Jr. WPI Battalion Commander (S)
William Lajousky, III WPI
Timothy Patrick McCue HC
Terence James McGinn Assumption
James Patrick Melendez HC
Manuel Casimiro Morales-Ortiz HC SWO/Intel LT
Owen Elbery O’Neil HC
Ross Jordan O’Shei HC
Arthur Joseph Paiva, Jr. WPI
Scott Michael St. Pierre HC SWO 11 years active duty
John Joseph Schneider HC Captain
Roderick Geoffrey Schwass HC O’C Bowl; Battalion Commander (F) Commander
Craig Wilson Stead WSU
John Gregory Taylor HC
Jack Charles Thornton, Jr. Clark
Thomas Christopher Vhay HC
Timothy Robert Walsh HC
Elizabeth Frances Whearty HC
Robert Charles Wilson HC Captain
Delayed Commission (DEC)
Richard R. Alvarez Assumption
David Mitchell Harris WPI
Kris J. Reed CNEC
Kirk Lee Freund HC
Todd David Moline WPI
Michael David Pockette WPI
William Michael Polk HC
Timothy McNamara Royston HC
Kevin Edward Shanley HC
Mark Eugene Stanovich HC LtCol, USMCR
Patrick Vincent Van der Voorn HC
40 Navy 8 Marine
Douglas R. Adams WPI
John P. Bartro HC
Richard P. Blank WPI
Christopher J. Boova WPI
Timothy M. Boulay HC
James H. Bowers HC
Liam J. Burns HC
James F. Carlson WPI
John F. Carney WPI Medically discharged after car accident
Michael D. Cherry WPI
Steven T. Cobery WPI Subs/Medical Commander
John P. Connors WPI SEAL; Silver Star; KIA Panama LTJG
Frank W. Forbes, Jr. HC
Gina T. Guarino HC
Mark R. Gunville WPI
James D. Hensler, Jr. HC
Kara C. Jacobson HC O’C Bowl; daughter of 1953 Ensign; CDR; Sanctae Crucis 2013
Daniel J. Justynski WSU
Curt R. Landry WPI
Jerome G. Leber HC
Richard J. Maclean HC
Douglas W. McCurdy WPI
Edward Meany HC Battalion Commander (S)
Van R. Moffatt WPI
John M. O’Dea HC
James D. O’Leary Assumption
Karl R. Olsen WPI
Timothy R. O’Toole WPI
Donald S. Pagel, Jr. WPI
Kevin C. Perkins WPI
Joseph O. Poggenburg HC Son of 1956 Ensign
Jonathan I. Quint WPI
Mark J. Raffier HC
Michael P. Rousseau WPI
Scott M. Smith WPI
Timothy P. Stewart HC
William G. Sullivan HC
William P. Supernor WPI
David A. Tiberii HC
Karen A. Tsiantis HC author of HC NROTC early years history Captain
Robert L. Veilleux WPI
Joseph P. Waite HC Captain
Gordon E. Walker, Jr. WPI
Francis J. Weber, Jr. WPI
Mark C. Willingham WPI
Delayed Commission
Daniel J. Duggan WPI Pilot; PEBD: 8 APR 88; died 1990 motorcycle acc., ENS
P. Gregory Hilton, Jr. (JUL) HC SWO Captain, USNR
Timothy M. Joel (JUN) HC USN SWO, 5 years active duty LT
Peter C. Bernard WPI
Shawn P. Conlon HC LtCol
Andrew K. Cuddy HC
Matthew P. Duffy HC Captain
Christopher J. Mahoney HC BGen
Robert J. Muise HC Battalion Commander (F) Major
David A. Ratte Clark
48 Navy 7 Marine
Paul S. Amons WPI
Daniel Bangs WPI
Charles K. Collins Clark
William Cusack HC LT
Joseph DeBono HC
James A. Doran WPI Battalion Commander (F)
Ellen Dorgan HC
Kevin A. Dowgiewicz WPI
John E. Edman WPI
Philip J. Fortin WPI
Peter C. Galamaga HC
Steven R. Gardner WPI
William M. Gardner WPI
Ronald A. Gaudet WPI
David M. Hartman HC
Amy C. Hodges HC O’C Bowl
Michael C. Hogan HC
Kevin A. Holihen HC
Alan W. Holt, II WPI
Carl F. Lanza, III WPI
Andrew Loiselle Assumption
Bradford W. Mackenzie Assumption
Daniel B. Mitchell WPI
Barry D. Payne WPI
Paul G. Pender WPI
Eric J. Petterson WSU
David C. Welch WPI
Bryan C. Widmer WPI
Dean J. Wojcik WSU
Michael T. Wolff HC
Andrew Zaharevitz HC
Gerald M. Zampa WSU
Delayed Commission
John P. Desimone (DEC) WSU
Stephen M. Gale WPI SWO, USNS Henry J. Kaiser
William D. Berger HC
Michael Brunnick HC
Charles J. Slick WPI
Gregory Wadsworth HC
34 Navy 4 Marine
Robert Bruce Barthelmes WPI Aviation
William Francis Fitzpatrick HC Aviation
Roger Henry Gagnon WPI Nuclear Power
Mark Steven Goettel HC Aviation LT
Kerry Michael Hennessey WPI Aviation
Matthew Charles Hurley HC SWO
Forrest David Kocher Assumption SWO
Thomas John Lacoss HC Aviation Commander
William Robert Mahoney WPI SEAL
Douglas Brian McLaughlin HC Naval Reactors Office
Gregory Hughes Molinari HC Aviation Captain
Mary Jane Llacuna Osmena HC G-dau. of Philippines WWII President ASW, 20 years act, CDR
John Anthony Pucciarelli HC
Jon Scott Rennie WPI Nuclear Power
Ronald Robert Rossi, Jr. HC SWO
Scott Ronald Senay HC ’89. WPI ‘90 Second “3/2 engineering student LT
Scott Paul Sevigny WPI
Andrew William Siegel WPI Nuclear Power
Brian Allen Thomas WPI SWO
Stephen Michael Toman HC SWO
Wayne Edward Velzis WPI Nuclear Power
James Francis Ambrose, Jr. HC Battalion Commander
B. William Battershall WSU
Martin Joseph Carroll HC Son of Prior HC MOI, LtCol Carroll
Mauricio Fernando Gomez HC O’C Bowl
Andre Laurence Mercier WPI
Kevin Mark Schmiegel HC LtCol
Mark Louis Scott WPI
Christopher Robert Simmler WPI
Terence Dawson Trenchard HC Colonel
21 Navy 9 Marine
1990s NROTC Graduates
Christopher Mark Abell HC Aviation
David Thuney Black WPI CEC
Linwood Lincoln Brown, III WPI Aviation
Dean Charles Butterworth HC SWO
Michael John Clifford Clark Aviation
Steven Paul Coute WPI Aviation
Daniel Albert Daglio HC Spec Ops Captain, USNR
Dan Patrick DeBono HC Special Warfare
Douglas Raoul Ducharme WPI Aviation
Bryan Oliver Gaudet WPI SWO
Lewis S. Gray WPI Aviation
Terence Robert Holihen HC Intel
William Arthur Howey WPI Aviation
Kenneth Andrew Kicia WPI Nuclear Power
James Michael Maynard WPI SWO
Thomas George McAndrews HC Battalion Commander (F) Nuclear Power
Ronald Bower Mitchell WPI SWO
Albert Gerard Mousseau, Jr. WPI Aviation
Andrew Francis Noga HC Special Warfare
James Robert Perron WPI Aviation
Kyle Petersen WPI not listed
John Paul Raffier HC Aviation Commander
Joseph Peter Reck HC Nuclear Power
Jason Rock WPI Aviation
John Michael Speredelozzi WSU Aviation
Nancy Jeanne Stewart HC O’C Bowl Aviation Captain
David Paul Supple HC Aviation
Geoffrey Wadsworth HC Supply
Delayed Commission (JUL)
William Andrew Bullard, III WPI
Robert Hector LeBlanc WPI
Steven Thomas Paradise WPI
Jeffrey Allen Afman Assumption
Raymond Eugene Beal, II WSU
Jerome Michael Conley HC Major
Stephen Joseph Foley HC
Michael Robert Hobbs HC Captain
Brian Paul O’Keefe HC LtCol
Sean Michael Regan HC
Delayed Commission (AUG)
Bridget Lee Brooks HC Captain
Richard Willcox Kennedy HC Battalion Commander (S)
31 Navy 9 Marine
Francis T. Bergin, III HC Battalion Commander (S) SWO
Walter F. Daly, III WPI Nuclear Power
Christopher P. DeGregory WPI SWO
Timothy F. Donahue HC Medical Commander
Paul R. Faneuf WPI Supply
Christopher J. Force Assumption Aviation
John P. Gominiak, Jr. HC Aviation
Michael J. Grimm WPI Aviation
Andrew W. Hammond HC SWO
John R. Hayes, Jr. HC SWO
Bernard F. McMahon HC O’C Bowl; Btn Commander (F) SEAL Commander
Mark W. Miller HC Medical
Philip Miller HC Nuclear Power LT
John R. Murray HC Aviation
Eugene L. O’Brien, IV HC Aviation
Monica N. Reily HC Intel, 6 years
Michael A. Ryan WPI NFO
Michael K. Savageux WPI Nuclear Power Captain
Delayed Commission
Bruce W. Glasko, Jr. (DEC) WSU Helo pilot, 15 years active duty LCDR
Brian J. King Clark Infantry Colonel
19 Navy 1 Marine
Colleen M. Cassidy HC GURL
John R. Desormier WPI Nuclear Sub
John E. Fay HC SWO
Michael T. Hallett HC SWO
Paul L. Lussier Assumption Aviation
Brian J. O’Connell HC Aviation
Renee L. Oullette WPI CEC
Denis L. Pimentel WPI Nuclear Sub
Todd E. Polando HC SWO
Stephen D. Reck HC Battalion Commander (F) Nuclear Sub LTJG
Gregory J. Ridolfi HC O’C Bowl Intel Commander
Michael J. Schiller WPI SWO
Sean W. Sullivan HC SWO
Christopher G. Taranto WPI Nuclear Sub
William A. Ziegler HC Aviation Commander
Delayed Commission (SEP)
Gregory S. Robichaud WPI
Stephen G. Fiacco WSU
David H. Hull HC
James E. Kelly HC Battalion Commander (S)
Jeffrey P. Nadeau HC
Charles T. Reitz HC
George M. Robinson HC LtCol
Delayed Commission
Paul J. Geary (JUL) HC Major
16 Navy 7 Marine
Daniel W. Caldwell Assumption GURL
Thomas C. Doran WPI Battalion Commander (S) Aviation
Michael E. Hayes HC Grandson of prior Unit CO, CAPT E. F. Hayes SEAL CDR
Bruce A. Hill WPI Nuclear Surface
Brian J. Loughnane HC Nuclear Sub
Michael P. Maurao HC GURL
Patrick J. McVeigh HC Aviation
Robert S. Mitchell WPI Nuclear Sub
David F. Murree HC Supply
Margaret J. A. Peterlin HC GURL
Matthew R. Pothier HC Aviation Commander
Steven R. Sorce HC Supply
Scott P. Wall WPI Nuclear Sub
Andrew Garrett (NOV) WPI Nuclear Engineering
Donald Hodgdon (JAN) Clark Last grad from Clark
Daniel P. Healey HC O’C Bowl, Battalion Commander (F)
Thomas P. Humann HC
PLC Program
Paul B. Brickley HC LtCol
Scott B. Johnson HC
15 Navy 2 Marine 2 PLC
Paul A. Breault, Jr. WPI Subs
Michael J. Coolican HC Aviation
Matthew B. Dudley HC Inactive Ready Reserves
Brandon N. Emanuel WPI Aviation
Richard K. Leaton WPI Subs
Daniel L. Mackin WPI Aviation
Brian N. McNeany WPI Inactive Ready Reserves
Brian D. Morrow HC Intel LT
Todd J. Oschner WPI Medical
Scott G. Savageaux Assumption Last grad from Assumption SWO
Miriam K. Smyth HC Intel
John F. Sweeter, Jr. WPI Subs
Robert W. Thomas, Jr. WPI Subs
Separate (JAN 1994)
Peter Hilgarth WSU
Nathan York WPI
William A. Barnes WPI
Joel P. Poudrier HC O’C Bowl, Battalion Commander Major
15 Navy 2 Marine
Tyler P. Bednarski WPI SWO
Shane D. Cooper HC Battalion Commander (F) Subs Commander
David A. Hoagland WPI O’C Bowl Special Warfare
James E. Martin WPI Aviation
Richard B. Morrison WPI Aviation
Keith D. Newman HC Supply
William A. Patterson HC Subs LTJG
Shawn D. Petre HC Supply Commander
Joseph E. Santos WPI Subs
David E. Smith WPI Subs
Patrick M. Young HC SWO
Delayed Commission
John D. Gledhill (JUL) WPI
Michael l. Figuiredo (DEC) HC
Michael T. Johannes HC Battalion Commander (S) Captain
Peter J. Mahoney HC LtCol
PLC Program
John M. Orsmond HC Aviation Major
13 Navy 2 Marine 1 PLC
Joshua R. Binder WPI Battalion Commander (F); SECNAV DG Naval Reactors
Timothy E. Fahey HC Aviation LCDR
Bradley S. Hawksworth WPI SWO
Richard V. Hoppenhauer HC O’C Bowl SWO
Douglas S. Kieweg WPI Subs
Michael T. Spadazzi WPI Subs
Kenneth A. Stubert WPI Subs
Lisa M. Taylor HC SWO Sanctae Crucis 2012
Michael J. Andretta WPI
Matthew R. McInerney HC Battalion Commander (S)
8 Navy 2 Marine
James D. Ekberg WPI USNR Battalion Commander (F) Subs
Mark N. Ferrara HC USNR Aviation
John C. Gillon HC USNR SWO LT
Christian D. Lee HC USNR O’C Bowl Intel
Thomas J. Oneglia HC USNR Aviation
Patrick H. Sherwood WSU USNR SEAL
Nicole M. Treeman WPI USNR SWO
Magnum O. Vassell WPI USNR Subs
Kevin M. Doherty WPI USMCR Battalion Commander (S)
Jason E. Tauches HC USMCR
Not Commissioned
Kyle E. Lantz WPI injury
8 Navy 3 Marine
Slade R. Brockett WPI USNR Subs
Damu E. Courtney HC USNR SWO
Jason D. Kipp WPI USNR Aviation
Scott W. Larson HC USNR SWO LCDR
Richard H. Nichols III HC USNR Subs, 10 years active duty Jesuit Priest
Jon P. Bourdon HC USMCR O’C Bowl Captain
Robert J. Crawford HC USMCR Major
Luther A. Gove HC USMCR Major
Brian E. Kaveney HC USMCR Battalion Commander (F)
Andrew E. Nelson HC USMCR Aviation
Eric D. Purcell HC USMCR Battalion Commander (S) Aviation Major
5 Navy 6 Marine
Andrew G. Adams HC USNR SWO
Jonathan L. Baron HC USNR O’C Bowl, Battalion Commander (F) Aviation LCDR
Christopher L. Benjamin WSU USNR S-3/P-3 NFO; HC Unit XO Commander
Suzanne Boudreau HC USNR Supply
William L. Fox, III HC USNR SWO
Darren D. McDonough HC USNR SWO
Scott J. Price HC USNR Battalion Commander (S) Aviation
Louis A. Ryan HC USNR Aviation
Abigail M. Scandlen HC USNR SWO
William L. Thomas HC USNR SWO
Mika B. Tornikoski HC USNR Aviation
David P. Wroe HC USNR SWO LT
Delayed Commission
Antonio Matos (OCT) WPI USNR
Anthony J. Fiacco WPI USMCR Aviation
Griffith M. Marshall HC USMCR Major
Stacie B. Sherwood HC USMCR
Michael T. Ziegler HC USMCR Aviation
13 Navy 4 Marine
Century NROTC Graduates
2000s NROTC Graduates
Brian E. Blair WPI USNR Aviation
Francis P. Brown HC USNR Aviation LCDR
David W. Browning WPI USNR Aviation
Gregory L. Cate HC USNR Subs
Jill M. Dougherty HC USNR Aviation LCDR
Mark F. Fleming HC USNR SWO
Tricia A. Fyfe HC USNR Aviation
Katherine M. Gundaker HC USNR SWO
Jeffrey T. Holdsworth WPI USNR Subs
Daniel T. Kearney HC USNR SWO
Seth T. Mangasarian WPI USNR CEC
Charles S. Meyer HC USNR O’C Bowl, Battalion Commander (F) Aviation
Katherine A. Moran HC USNR SWO LT
Kevin B. O'Brien HC USNR SWO
Kevin J. Rothmich WSU USNR Aviation
Christopher T. Sanford HC USNR SWO LCDR
Kipp T. Teamey HC USNR SWO
Delayed Commission
Daniel C. Short (SEP) WPI USNR
Timothy M. Brady WSU USMCR
Andrew J. Careau WPI USMCR
Jeffrey B. Harvey HC USMCR
Timothy J. McLaughlin HC USMCR
Nathan R. Packard HC USMCR
Beth M. Wolny HC USMCR Major
18 Navy 6 Marine
Jared P. Belliveau HC USNR SWO
John A. Benda WPI USNR SWO
Cristina R. Cavin HC USNR SWO
Patrick C. Drain HC USNR SWO
Erin M. Durnan HC USNR SWO
Christopher E. Ferreria WPI USNR Aviation
Alexander R. Goodrich WPI USNR SWO
Thomas R. Hickey HC USNR SWO
Mary K. Kennedy HC USNR SWO LCDR
Martha K. Macleod HC USNR Battalion Commander (S) SWO
Stephen F. Manzo HC USNR SWO
Jeremy P. McLaughlin WPI USNR SWO
Erik J. Nelson WPI USNR Subs
Richard J. Paquette WSU USNR Aviation LCDR
Douglas G. Pratt, Jr. WSU USNR Subs
Jeromy B. Range WPI USNR SWO
Susan L. Schuman HC USNR SWO
Steven D. Seney WPI USNR SWO
Jennie E. Stone HC USNR SWO
Delayed Commission
Kevin Ducharme (JUL) WSU USNR SWO Commander (S)
Killian M. Hemmy HC USMCR O’C Bowl
20 Navy 1 Marine
Matthew B. Billings WPI USNR Aviation
Ryan P. Conole HC USNR Battalion Commander (F) SWO LCDR
Jennifer A. Courcy HC USNR SWO
Christopher J. Curatolo HC USNR Subs
Sarah M. Flaherty HC USNR Aviation
Christopher Grande HC USNR Aviation
Theresa C. Greene WPI USNR O’C Bowl Aviation
Kevin O. Leiva WSU USNR SWO
John P Majewski HC USNR SWO
Timothy J. Mayotte HC USNR SWO LT
Kathleen E. McAdams HC USNR SWO
Matthew J. McCue WPI USNR SWO
Brian P. Morin HC USNR SWO
Gina E. Riche HC USNR SWO
Tara C. Tetrev HC USNR SWO
Giancarlo Waghelstein HC USNR SWO (Meteorology) Commander
Separate (JAN 2002)
Jennifer Delaney WSU USNR
Elizabeth A. Cassleman HC USMCR
Clark D. Carpenter WSU USMCR
Louis J. Dailey HC USMCR
Marlisa M. Grogan HC USMCR
Daniel W. Kennedy WPI USMCR Battalion Commander (S)
Brendan P. Mooney HC USMCR
Separate (JAN 2002)
Robert White WSU USMCR
17 Navy 7 Marine
Joshua Beauvais WPI USNR Subs
Ryan Clarke WPI USNR Aviation
Sean Corcoran HC USNR SWO
Richard Cording HC USNR Battalion Commander (S) SWO
Christopher Custer WSU USNR SWO
Ryan Ehmke HC USNR SWO
Rebecca Fowler WPI USNR NPS for Master’s
Kara Hartling WPI USNR NPS for Master’s
Alison Hewitt HC USNR O’C Bowl Aviation
Susan Mendenhall WPI USNR AFIT, Dayton OH
Philip Moore HC USNR SWO LT
Jeffery Nunez HC USNR SWO LCDR
Alexandra Poh HC USNR SWO
Aaron Poland WPI USNR Aviation
Kevin Rose HC USNR SWO
Christopher Torres HC USNR SWO LT
Timothy Tuck HC USNR Subs LCDR
Scott Martin WPI USMCR
Wendy Ruiz WSU USMCR
John Turner, III HC USMCR Battalion Commander (F)
17 Navy 3 Marine
Benjamin D. Feldman WSU USNR Pilot
Aldebaran C. Fletcher WPI USNR Aviation
Peter J. Fox HC USNR NFO
George Gatta HC USNR Naval Reserve
Matthew J. Horne HC USNR Nuclear Subs
Brendan P. Kelly HC USNR SWO
Kristen Levasseur WPI USNR NFO
Paul Mahoney WPI USNR Diving & Salvage
Eric McCaffrey WPI USNR Pilot
Patrick M. McDonnell HC USNR O’C Bowl, Battalion Commander (F) Nuclear Subs
Ellen H. McElligott HC USNR SWO
Christopher Moran HC USNR SWO
John Moreschi HC USNR Pilot
Shelby Nikitin HC USNR SWO LT
Patrick J. O'Brien HC USNR Pilot
Codi Peters WPI USNR SWO
William Robesch HC USNR Pilot
Christopher Schrader WSU USNR Supply
Matthew Snodgrass WSU USNR Aviation
Delayed Commission
Erik Ross (JUN) WPI USNR Pilot
Aaron Schutte (DEC) HC USNR SWO
James F. Colvin HC USMCR Captain
John Hall HC USMCR
Carla J. Jurczynski HC USMCR
Erin E. Smith HC USMCR Battalion Commander (S)
22 Navy 4 Marine
Thomas R. Brown WPI USNR Subs
Lauren M. Burchill HC USNR Nuclear Surface
Alyssa B. Chin HC USNR Nuclear Surface
Mark Ewachiw WPI USNR Nuclear Surface
Cameron L. Fulrath HC USNR Aviation
Monika A. Goodrich WPI USNR Nuclear Surface
Kaitlin M. Hansen HC USNR SWO
Michael L. Jackson HC USNR Medical LT
Elijah Mojica WPI USNR Subs
James G. Moran, Jr. HC USNR NFO
Luke E. Radlowski HC USNR Nuclear Surface
Rebecca M. Ruesch HC USNR Battalion Commander (S) SWO
Jonathan P. Scobo WPI USNR Subs
Christopher Van Loenen WSU USNR Nuclear Surface
Jason C. Lynch HC USMCR O’C Bowl, Battalion Commander (F)
Thomas G. McCabe HC USMCR
James G. McKeon HC USMCR
Darby O. Mee HC USMCR
Guinevere R. Petrousky WPI USMCR
14 Navy 5 Marine
Matthew M. Appleton HC USN
Anne C. Bruckman HC USN
Kevin Cavicchi WSU USN
Matthew Currid WPI USN
Theresa Donnelly WSU USN
Danielle Flannery WPI USN Battalion Commander (S)
J. Christopher George HC USN Battalion Commander (F)
Erika Goodrich HC USN
Jennifer Kerner HC USN
Brian Laws HC USN
Eric Lott WSU USN
John Patrick McGinty HC USN O’C Bowl
Patrick T. McCurdy HC USN
Seamus N. O'Brien HC USN
Patrick S. O'Neil HC USN
Tristan D. Poh HC USN
Benjamin Ross WSU USN
Megan A. Seavey HC USN
Nathan P. Stender HC USN
Maxwell Stinehour WPI USN
Brian J. Viola HC USN
John Walsh HC USN
Delayed Commission
Anson Howard (DEC) HC USN
Thomas P. Cahill HC USMC Captain
Andrew Szwejbka WSU USMC
23 Navy 2 Marine
Kyle Bachman HC USN Battalion Commander (S) LT
Joanna Bridge WPI USN Commissioned by SECDEF Nuclear Surface
Patrick Devane HC USN
Jack F. Donahue HC USN
Benjamin Hall WPI USN
Matthew Henrich HC USN
Nicole Howard HC USN
Thomas Moran HC USN
Jonathan Nelson HC USN O’C Bowl LTJG
Kevin Smith HC USN LT
Gonzalo Vera HC USN
Patrick Whitmore HC USN LT
Jonathan O’Brien HC USMC
David Walsh WSU USMC Battalion Commander (F)
Adam Young WPI USMC
Delayed Commission
Manuel Bueno WSU USMC not in annual report but confirmed MECEP
12 Navy 4 Marine
Jeffrey Aldrich WPI USN
Christopher Andrews WPI USN
William Bogdanowicz HC USN
Jonathan Breed HC USN
Todd Chen HC USN
Charles Crawley HC USN O’C Bowl
Lindsay Deitelbaum WPI USN
Stephen Dutton HC USN
Christopher Jessel HC USN
Adam Letizio WPI USN Battalion Commander (S)
Andrew Lingenfelter WPI USN
Sean Mokler WPI USN
Molly O'Keefe HC USN
Christopher O'Leary HC USN
Robert Olejnik HC USN
Matthew Pelonzi WSU USN
Jacob Russell WPI USN
Francis Sweeney HC USN
Vanessa Walton WPI USN
Delayed Commission
Kathleen Horohoe (AUG) HC USN
Alexander Mora WSU USMC
Christopher Morris HC USMC Battalion Commander (F)
Craig Olszta WSU USMC
Delayed Commission
Danny Hamler (DEC) WSU USMC
20 Navy 4 Marine
David W. Arnett HC USN
Laura G. Barry WPI USN
Laura E. Bloomfield HC USN
Christopher W. Ciancitto WSU USN
Brian P. Conatser HC USN
Jeanne M. Coppa HC USN Battalion Commander (S) LT
Blaise S. Cummo HC USN O’C Bowl
Matthew J. Dangler HC USN
Francis J. Horohoe, III HC USN
Maxwell C. LaFrance WPI USN
Michael J. Lombardi HC USN
John T. Marino HC USN
Michael R. McDevitt WSU USN
Conor L. O'Neil HC USN LT
Brendan T. Poh HC USN
Delayed Commission
Jeffery M. Prunera (JUL) WPI USN
Timothy R. Drain HC USMC
Jeffrey P. Hart WSU USMC
Andrew R. Wing HC USMC Battalion Commander (F)
Delayed Commission
John W. McJunkin (JUL) WSU USMC
16 Navy 4 Marine
2010s NROTC Graduates
Jihyeok n/a Lim HC USN Battalion Commander (S)
David M. Lovejoy HC USN
Ryan T. Nelson HC USN
Brynn A. Olson HC USN O’C Bowl
Peter S. Pagano HC USN
Stephen T. Smith HC USN
Alyson L. Young HC USN
Jose A. Castillo WSU USMC
Timothy M. Pellegrino HC USMC Battalion Commander (F)
James F. Stenger HC USMC
7 Navy 3 Marine
Bradley J. Bowen HC USN Battalion Commander (S) SWO LTJG
Patrick B. Collins WPI USN SWO
Charles B. Cummings WPI USN NFO
Cyle A. Hawkins WPI USN Pilot
Ashley K. Saylor WPI USN SWO
Not Commissioned:
Lucas A. Lorditch WPI
Michael S. Collins WPI USMC Battalion Commander (F)
Katelyn E. Curran HC USMC
Tyler C. Hay WPI USMC
Michael G. O'Friel HC USMC O’C Bowl
5 Navy 4 Marine
Lisa Amble HC USN Pilot
Stephen Conlin WPI USN Pilot
Ethan Connors WPI USN NFO
David Finn HC USN SWO
Patrick Hipple HC USN Pilot
Andrew Kraynak HC USN EOD
Daniel Metcalf WPI USN Subs
Archibald Owen WPI USN Subs
Mary Kate Shaw HC USN O’C Bowl SWO
Elliot White WPI USN Subs
Rachel Baker HC USMC
Ryan Connor WSU USMC
Mark Machado WSU USMC
Brian Soscia WSU USMC
Liam Thompson HC USMC
Charles Trainer WSU USMC
10 Navy 6 Marine
Lawrence Bovich HC USN Pilot
Codi Clark WPI USN Subs
Jonathan Cline WPI USN Pilot
Richard Curley HC USN SEAL
Matthew Dickerman WPI USN Subs
Christopher Girouard WPI USN EDO
Frances Klimczak HC USN O’C Bowl SWO
Natalie Livingston HC USN Pilot
William McDonald WPI USN Subs
William O’Brien HC USN Pilot
Jonathan Rodgers WPI USN Subs
Michael Smith HC USN SWO
Andrew Sweeney HC USN Subs
Kyle Endyke HC USMC
Kyle Kavanagh HC USMC
13 Navy 2 Marine
Francis Ascioti WPI USN NFO
Sarah Conlin WPI USN O’C Bowl Pilot
Andrew Cunha HC USN NFO
Hannah Hodsden HC USN SWO
Calvin Joewono HC USN SWO
Christina Miller HC USN Pilot
Erik Snodgrass WPI USN Subs
Michael Tinney HC USN SWO
Matthew Valcourt WPI USN Subs
Nathaniel Yuhas WPI USN SWO
Eric Breault WPI USMC Aviation
Daniel Brew HC USMC
Brian Duffy WSU USMC (MECEP)
Jacob Macomber WSU USMC (MECEP)
Jay Rigenbach WPI USMC
Delayed PLC Commission
John A. Inman WSU USMC
10 Navy 5 Marine 1 PLC
Marcus Antonellis HC USN SWO
Bror Axelsson WPI USN SWO
Daniel Correia HC USN SWO
Thomas Cummings HC USN SWO
James D’Angelo HC USN Pilot
Ryan Kennedy HC USN O’C Bowl; Battalion Commander (S) Subs
Francis Martin HC USN SWO
John O’Leary HC USN Pilot
Emily Paiz WSU USN Pilot
Bennett Rogers HC USN Subs
John Swain HC USN SWO
Delayed Commission
Jacob Cooley (AUG) WPI USN SWO
Justin Curto HC USMC Battalion Commander (F)
William Goggins HC USMC Pilot
12 Navy 2 Marine
Grant Brining HC USN Battalion Commander Nuclear Power
Brendan Butler HC USN SWO
Evan Farrell HC USN O’C Bowl Nuclear Power
Jon Fitzgerald HC USN SWO
Lauren A. Hunt WPI USN NFO
Kory Fitzpatrick WSU USMC (MECEP)
5 Navy 1 Marine
William Byrne HC USN O’C Bowl SWO
Gyneth Campbell WPI USN Battalion Commander (S) SWO
Bridgid Carey HC USN Pilot
Samantha Chernin WPI USN SWO
Sean Cruess HC USN Subs
Gabriella DePeralta WPI USN SWO
Eric Fast WPI USN Aviation
Anne Grimmke HC USN SWO
Andrew Simeone WSU USN SWO
Ross Reynolds WSU USMC
9 Navy 1 Marine
Kristen Bender WPI USN SWO/EDO
Michael Carboni HC USN Subs
Matthew Casale HC USN SWO
Anderson Derosier WPI USN Subs
Craig Fishbach HC USN SWO
Alex Harper HC USN EOD/Diving
Travis Rossen WPI USN SWO (Nuclear)
Daniel Salisbury WPI USN SWO
Joseph Tomellini WPI USN O’C Bowl Aviation
Cullen Coulter WSU USMC
Brandon Greb WSU USMC (MECEP)
10 Navy 2 Marine
Olivia Baranowski WPI USN Pilot
Hunter Brining WSU USN Pilot
Liam Campbell HC USN Subs
Anthony Canavan HC USN Pilot
James Cutler HC USN SWO
Patrick Dillon HC USN Pilot
Brendan Fisk HC USN Subs
Julie Greenberg HC USN Pilot
John Kahler WPI USN Subs
Kevin Lagasse HC USN O’C Bowl SEAL
Colin McGurk HC USN Subs
Robert Papp WPI USN SWO (Nuclear)
Mitchell Pastizzo WPI USN SWO
Eric Peterson WPI USN Subs
Nicholas Piccioli HC USN EOD
Thomas Ralph WPI USN Nuclear Reactors
Michael Tafaro HC USN SWO
Jackson Whitehouse WPI USN SWO
Robert Davis WSU USMC
Andrew Fennel HC USMC
Kevin Finn HC USMC
Gabriel Smith HC USMC
PLC Program
David Craven HC USMC
Benjamin DeLuca HC USMC
18 Navy 4 Marine 2 PLC
2020s NROTC Graduates
Benjamin P. Chiacchia Brown USN SWO USS Hopper (DDG 70), Pearl Harbor, HI
Sarah L. Duquette WPI USN Subs
Garrett S. Hawley HC USN SWO USS Germantown (LSD 42), Sasebo, Japan
Shea B. Kearney HC USN Pilot
Thomas Lampognana HC USN SWO USS John P Murtha (LPD 26), San Diego, CA
Michael Landolphi HC USN NFO
Brian P. Liwo WPI USN Pilot
William A. McAvoy HC USN O’C Bowl SWO USS Nitze (DDG 94), Norfolk, VA
Madeline M. Miller HC USN NFO
Ian U. Murray HC USN SWO USS Essex (LHD 2), San Diego, CA
John A. Quinn HC USN SWO USS Mesa Verde (LPD 19), Norfolk, VA
Chase C. Sweeney WPI USN Pilot
Joseph K. Woloszyn HC USN Subs
Nicholas S. Albert WPI USMC
Anthony Pen WSU USMC
Zachary E. Schullery HC USMC
Joshua C. Watson HC USMC Pilot contract
13 Navy 4 Marine
Erik Chen Brown USN SWO
Deborah R. Fontanez WPI USN Pilot
Olivia Furner WPI USN Subs
Alexander H. Hagedorn WPI USN Subs
Cullen C. Heath Brown USN SWO
Jacob Hirschberger HC USN SWO (N)
Troy Howlett WPI USN Pilot
Victoria C. Kahler WPI USN Pilot
Hunter Lutte WPI USN O’C Bowl Subs (EDO)
Kieran Maynard HC USN SWO
Phelan Muller HC USN NFO
Christopher J. Trotta WSU USMC
11 Navy 1 Marine
Appendix A - Women Graduates of the Holy Cross NROTC Unit
Women Officers
LtCol Kelley (McAvoy) Neilson (Ret)
Col Karen (Filiault) Hubbard (Ret)
LCDR Susan (Dubrule) Futoma
LtCol Susan (Goddard) Dooley (Ret)
CDR Karen M. Haberlin
CAPT Barbara M. (Lintermann)
Thibadeau, Ph.D.
Debra L. White
Donna L. (Fortin) Miller
Nancy C. Gillet
Karen L. (Murphy) Riley
CDR Kristin (Ten Eyck) Iaquinto
CAPT Judie (Szatkowski) Heineman
Elizabeth (Whearty) Hildebrand
Gina T. (Guarino) Ryan
CDR Kara (Jacobson) Dallman (Ret)
CAPT Karen A. Tsiantas (Ret)
Ellen J. (Dorgan) Elia
Amy C. Hodges
CDR Mary J. L. (Osmena) Perry (Ret)
Bridget L. (Brooks) Guerrero
RADM Nancy J. (Stewart) LaCore
Monica N. (Reily) Clark
Colleen M. (Cassidy) Hart
Renee L. Ouillette
Margaret J. A. Peterlin
Miriam K. Smyth
Lisa M. (Taylor) Trainor
Nicole M. Treeman
Suzanne Boudreau
Abigail M. (Scandlen) Rosen
Stacie B. Sherwood
LCDR Jill M. (Dougherty) Tamminga
Tricia A. (Fyfe) Cronau
Katherine M. (Gundaker) Hoffman
CDR Katherine A. Moran
Maj Beth M. Wolny
Cristina R. (Cavin) Johnson
Erin M. (Durnan) Enlow
LCDR Mary K. (Kennedy) Devine
Martha K. MacLeod
Susan L. (Schuman) Hunter
Jennie E. Stone
Elizabeth A. (Casselman) Rossman
Jennifer A. (Courcy) Conole
Jennifer Delaney
Sarah M. Flaherty
Theresa C. Green
Marlisa M. Grogan
Kathleen E. (McAdams) Curatolo
Gina E. (Riche) Desmarais
Tara C. (Tetrev) Fitzgerald
Rebecca Fowler
Kara Hartling
Alison (Hewitt) Hinkle
Susan Mendenhall
Alexandra (Poh) Sullivan
Wendy Ruiz
Aldebaran Fletcher
Carla J. Jurczynski
Kristen Levasseur
Ellen H. McElligott
LCDR Shelby Nikitin
Codi Peters
Erin E. (Smith) Henry
Lauren M. (Burchill) Lebiednik
Alyssa B. Chin
Monika A. Goodrich
Kaitlin M. (Hansen) McLeod
Guinevere R. Petrousky
Rebecca M. (Ruesch) Lynch
Anne C. Bruckman
Theresa Donnelly
Danielle Flannery
Erika Goodrich
Jennifer Kerner
Megan A. Seavey
Joanna Bridge
Nicole Howard
Lindsay Deitelbaum
Kathleen Horohoe
Molly O'Keefe
Vanessa Walton
Laura G. Barry
Laura E. Bloomfield
LT Jeanne M. Coppa
Brynn A. (Olson) Turner
Alyson L. (Young) DeSoto
Katelyn E. Curran
Ashley K. Saylor
Lisa Amble
Rebeca Baker
Mary Shaw
Frances Klimczak
Natalie Livingston
Sarah Conlin
Hannah Hodsden
Christina Miller
Emily Paiz
Lauren Hunt
Gyneth Campbell
Bridgid Carey
Samantha Chernin
Gabriella DePeralta
Anne Grimmke
Kristen Bender
Olivia Baranowski
Julie Greenberg
Sarah L. Duquette
Shea B. Kearney
Madeline M. Miller
Deborah R. Fontanez
Olivia Furner
Victoria C. Kahler
99 USN
79 HC
29 WPI
1 Assump
Appendix B - Commissioning List Discrepancies and Resolution
Class Discrepancy and Resolution
1944 2004 report left off the second of two O’Briens; commissioning program and
news article list both; both counted.
Oct 1945 a. All records list 57 names, however, 1945 annual report said 54; 54 counted.
b. Unit yearbook lists ENS W. H. Boyce, Jr. but not an HC grad; not counted.
Feb 1946 Unit yearbook lists ENS A. T. McGrath46 but not listed in annual report,
commencement program, or news article; not counted.
Jan 1947 a. Annual report counted 8 Navy and 2 Marine but no list has been found. June
commencement program lists ten in absentia grads, but only the two in absentia
Marines (M. W. Snow and E. A. Timmes) fit the January commissioning (they
have June dates of rank but are not on the June newspaper commissioning list and
are on an April 1947 muster for the Quantico Training Battalion as 2LTs).
c. Checking every 1947 class member in the 1951 Military Register confirmed 7
of the 8 Navy Ensigns (31 January date of rank) and ENS J. C. Fleming with June
DOR but not listed in June newspaper article (like the Marines).
d. Phone call with January classmate D. W. Wilson confirmed January
commissioning for Fleming.
Jun 1947 a. Annual report counted 28 Navy and 8 Marine but neither it nor commencement
program listed names. A newspaper article listed 39 officers, three of whom were
physically disqualified per the annual report (2 USNR, 1 USMCR).
b. The two disqualified USNR have not been confirmed but the candidates have
been narrowed to four.
c. USMC muster rolls track 2LTs W. F. Farrell, V. E. Hinson, and J. A. Ollquist
leaving T. S. Fitzgerald as the physically disqualified Reserve Marine.
1950 a. Lt Gen D. M. Twomey obit says he was PLC.
b. July 1949 muster for Special Training Regiment, Quantico has D. M. Twomey
and P. F. O’Connell as “under Instn PLC”; both counted as PLC.
c. Phone call with J. R. Baraniak confirmed him, P. H. Collins, P. Driscoll as PLC
d. J. A. Barry yearbook states he was a member of “Marine Corps Reserve
Officers Program” and online orders to Holy Cross found as Contract NROTC.
1951 a. William K. Joyce listed with Ensigns in commencement program and is not in
the following year’s catalog but he received a Silver Star for combat in Korea as a
Marine Second Lieutenant in September 1952; counted as 2LT.
b. Letter in HC Archives lists nine 2LTs as PLC; count is 36 Navy, 9 Marine,
9 PLC.
1952 a. Yearbook entry for R. A. Stewart states four 2LT were NROTC; NROTC
activity listed for: Stewart, D. R. Chapell, T. F. Gray, J. C. Ranney.
b. But, J. B. Reddington has Midshipman orders for July 1951; counted NROTC.
c. Quantico PLC muster of 25 July 1950 has J. W. Bates and W. J. Cote.
e. Partial PLC Regional Muster list (E-K) for 31 October 1951 has C. D. Foley, Jr.
f. Nothing definitive found on P. F. Moore accession but no musters as
enlisted found indicating not PLC; counted as NROTC.
1953 a. 27 April 1953 muster list for 1
Signal Company, USMCR, Worcester MA has
Sgts R. A. Blais, G. L. Brennan, J. E. Cochran, J. V. Dinan, P. E. Donnelly, and
M. A. Heffernan; all 6 counted as PLC.
b. J. E. Cochran obit indicated PLC by counting Junior and Senior years as
USMC service.
c. R. F. Clement, J. M. Curley, W. J. Jerome, J. T. Larkin, L. C. Rowe, and F. J.
Sullivan not on commissioning list in commencement program or catalog but all
are in multiple USMC muster rolls as PLC and as officers; all 6 counted as PLC.
1954 a. 2004 report inadvertently skipped over ENSs Maler and Martin; both counted.
b. Alumni Magazine obit for J. M. Foley states he was commissioned as PLC.
c. Emails from R. G. Dalury and J. F. Keenan and phone conversations with H. J.
Hehir and L. H. Schell helped identify PLC classmates.
d. Partial PLC Regional Muster list (A-D) for 31 January 1953 has P. M. Biocca,
G. H. Boule, L. E. Buckley, and R. G. Dalury; all 4 counted as PLCs.
e. 27 April 1953 muster list for 1
Signal Company, USMCR, Worcester MA has
Cpls M. W. Fisher, J. M. Foley, H. J. French, J. F. Keenan. T. F. Nuss, and J. W.
Rutherford; all 6 counted as PLCs.
f. HQMC PLC record for 1 July 1954 has A. F. Flaherty, J. M. Foley, and H. J.
French; all 3 counted as PLCs (2 previously identified).
g. 2LT R. J. Geiger in PLC program per classmate H. J. Hehir; catalog has
graduation 24 Sep and veteran burial record shows rank of 1LT; counted as PLC.
h. Partial PLC Regional Muster list (E-K) for 31 October 1952 has A. F. Flaherty,
H. J. Hehir, R. J. Hoffman, and R. J. Geiger; all counted (3 previously identified).
i. Multiple PLC records list J. J. Foley, V. R. Kiffney, L. G. Mathieu, P. F. May,
P. G. Williams, and J. H. Yauch although none are in commencement program for
commissioning; all 6 counted as PLC.
j. F. V. Bagley in catalog as 24 September graduation and in multiple USMC
muster rolls as PLC; counted as PLC.
k. W. A. Doherty in multiple USMC muster rolls as PLC and VA BIRLS has
active duty start date of 26 August 1954 with 2 years service; counted as PLC.
l. Nothing definitive on J. R. Harrington but one classmate has recollection of
Harrington as NROTC and no musters as enlisted found; counted as NROTC.
1955 a. Commencement program and catalog include 2LT G. B. Norman, Jr.; phonecon
with individual confirmed he was a delayed PLC commissioning; counted as PLC
b. 2LT G. J. Robinson yearbook activities did not include NROTC but he
confirmed by email that he was commissioned through NROTC.
c. Military Registers, college yearbook, and phone conversations with F. X.
Doyle, B. J. Cassin, and R. F. Duff identify six 2LTs as PLCs.
d. Partial PLC Regional Muster list (A-D) for 31 January 1953 has D. S. Drees.
1956 a. College yearbook and phone conversations with B. C. Flynn, L. G. Kuttner,
P. F. McCloskey, C. D. Orio, and C. E. Starkey identify 5 2LTS as PLCs. All 5
confirmed by various USMC PLC rosters.
b. 27 April 1953 muster list for 1
Signal Company, USMCR, Worcester MA has
Cpl W. W. Kernan; included in 5 PLCs identified above.
c. One classmate identified B. J. Taracevicz as late commission PLC; confirmed
by USMC muster rolls; counted as PLC.
1957 a. Commencement program lists ENS P. D. Ryan but a note on a list in the HC
Archives says he was in the Reserve Officer Commissioning (ROC) program
which was separate from NROTC; not counted.
b. 2004 report adds ENSs B. A. McAllister and J. E. Warner but they are listed as
(Mr.) in 1990 report and are not in the commencement or commissioning
programs. Phonecons with both individuals confirm they were not
commissioned; neither counted.
c. 2004 and 1990 reports count 6 2
LTs, all Regulars; do not count 11
other 2
LTs, all Reserves; Military Registers indicate all 11 are PLCs.
d. W. L. Cosgrove identified as late PLC commission through USMC muster rolls
1958 a, Military Register and College yearbook indicate 2LTs F. L. Gould and G. C.
Carleton were PLCs.
b. Phone conversation with R. N. Tortorella states he was PLC.
c. HQMC transferred M. C. Vaupel from PLC Aviation to PLC Ground on
14 July 1957.
d. Various PLC rosters confirm all 4 PLC students.
e. USMC Schools Quantico roster of 29 July 1957 lists all NROTC First Class
(Bulldog) Midshipmen including all 12 from Holy Cross.
1959 a. Obit for D. F. Stecchi states he was commissioned as PLC.
b. Phone conversation with J. B. Cummings identified him and R. L. Harrington
as PLC.
c. Phone conversation with D. R. Traynor confirmed he, J. F. Anderson, R. L.
Harrington, and J. J. Whelan were PLCs.
d. Email from J. J. Whelan confirmed he was PLC.
e. Various USMC PLC rosters confirm all 6 as PLCs: J. F. Anderson, J. B.
Cummings, R. L. Harrington, D. R. Traynor, D. L. Stecchi, and J. J. Whelan.
f. USMC Schools Quantico roster of 28 July 1958 lists all NROTC First Class
(Bulldog) Midshipmen including all 9 from Holy Cross.
1960 College yearbook and emails from M. P. Beecher, J. F. McDonough, J. J.
McDermott, and E. P. Sullivan identify McDonough, McDermott, and N. A. Sergi
as PLC 2LTs; counted as PLCs.
1961 a. 2004 and 1990 reports annotate 2LT J. P. Brickley as PLC; confirmed. Five
others indicated as PLC by yearbook and Military Registers; all counted as PLC.
b. Catalog left off ENS P. G. Byrne but he is in all other records and Military
Register gives his Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) as 14 June 1961; counted.
1962 a. Commencement program left off ENS G. S. Smyth but he is in catalog and
newspaper article; Military Register has PEBD of 13 June 1962; counted.
b. Newspaper article incorrectly listed 2LT J. J. Morin as ENS; counted as 2LT.
c. E. A. Cercone and email exchanges with M. G. Smith and T. A. Vinton
confirmed six 2LTs were PLCs.
1963 a. Commencement program did not include two late commission Ensigns who
were in all other reports: T. F. Burchill (PEBD 9 August 1963) and J. J.
Redington (PEBD 10 September 1963); both counted.
b. 2004 and 1990 reports dropped ENS J. A. Lowe (PEBD 12 June 63); counted.
c. Commencement program did not include one late commission 2LT: D. C.
Golden (PEBD 31 August 1963); counted.
d. 7 PLCs listed by name on commissioning list in HC Archives.
1964 a. Commission list in HC Archives has ENSs R. Cinco, D. J. McGrath, and R. I.
Smith and 2LTs R. J. Coulter, R. R. Kane, C. F. McGratty, and J. J. Whitehouse
to be commissioned after cruise; all 7 counted.
b. ENS P. J. Madigan not in commencement program or news article but Military
Register has PEBD 12 June 1964; counted.
c. ENS P. J. Connelly not in commencement program or news article but Military
Register has PEBD 2 July 1964; counted.
d. 2LT E. M. Mulholland not in commencement program or news article but
Military Register has PEBD 5 August 1964; counted.
1965 a. 2004 and 1990 reports left off ENS J. M. King and J. S. McGuire but
both are in commencement program and Unit commissioning list. King was
LTJG in 1967; McGuire had PEBD 9 June 1965 (graduation day); both counted.
b. ENS M. J. Doyle not in commencement program, commissioning list, or news
article but PEBD is 9 June 1965 and he was at least a LCDR (1977); counted.
c. ENS G. V. Lynett was slightly delayed PEBD was 19 June 1965; counted.
d. ENS S. J. Zapatka not in commencement program, commissioning list, or news
article but email from individual confirmed delayed commissioning of August
1965; retired as Commander; counted.
e. 2LT T. W. Moore in commencement program but not commissioning list or
news article; PEBD 9 June 1965; counted.
f. 2004 and 1990 reports do not include 2LTs J. T. Beale, H. G. Lent, and
J. G. Murphy; yearbook and Military Registers indicate PLC; counted as PLCs.
1966 a. 2LT R. R. Clarke listed in commencement program and catalog; phonecon with
individual confirmed he was PLC; counted as PLC.
b. 2LT R. P. Cipriani not in commencement program or catalog but PEBD was
2 September 1966; phonecon with individual confirmed NROTC; counted.
c. 2LT G. S. Mullaney not in commencement program or catalog; delayed for
summer cruise but injured and further delayed to April 1967; email from
individual confirmed; counted as NROTC.
d. 1LT R. J. Kelley killed in Vietnam in February 1968; not in Knight Watch so
not NROTC and 4 classmates do not remember him as NROTC or PLC. Find a
Grave notes that he enlisted 16 December 1966 and was commissioned at
Quantico. This is OCS.
e. Mr. J. P. Coury not commissioned; confirmed in phonecon with individual.
1967 a. 2LT J. Gorter not on any list but classmate feedback said his commission was
delayed for summer cruise; confirmed PEBD of 1 September 1967; counted.
b. Yearbook and Military Registers indicate 2LTs Downey, McCarthy, and
Reynolds were PLCs. Confirmed by emails and counted as PLCs.
1968 a. ENSs R. J. Fedoryszyn and W. J. Straub listed in 1969 commencement program
as graduating 18 October 1968; both counted.
b. ENS T. J. Walsh not in commencement program or catalog but PEBD was
6 August 1968; phonecon with wife confirmed delayed commission; counted.
c. Commencement program adds 2LTs M. P. Quinn and R. D. Porrello; yearbook
lists PLC among their activities; counted as PLCs.
d. Other records add 2LT M. F. Broderick from Worcester State and later BGen;
counted as PLC.
1969 a. ENS F. X. Blum listed in 1970 commencement program as graduating 15
November 1969; counted.
b. 2004 report inadvertently left off ENSs J. B. Foley and D. J. Giblin (both with
PEBD of 11 June 1969); both counted.
c. Mr. F. X. Schiavone listed in Unit yearbook as Ensign but not in
commencement program; phonecon with family confirmed no active duty service;
not counted.
d. 2LTs J. A. Cannon, M. J. Ford, and R. P. Ganswindt not in Unit yearbook or
commissioning list submitted by the Unit to the college; counted as PLCs.
1970 ENS E. D. Murphy in Unit yearbook but no other documents. Military Register
PEBD and DOR Ensign are 29 January 1971; counted.
1971 a. ENS M. E. Duffy commissioned in summer after summer cruise; counted.
b. 2004 and 1990 reports list ENSs R. T. Bonagura, J. P. Quinn, and J. J.
Scanlon, however, none are listed in annual report and Unit yearbook has no rank
for Bonagura and Scanlon. Bonagura and Scanlon were definitely not
commissioned. A letter in the HC Archives states Quinn’s commissioning
dragged into the Fall and was dropped by mutual agreement. None counted.
1972 a. Annual report states ENS S. J. Dowling commission was delayed until after
completion of summer cruise; counted.
b. ENS T. P. Millaris left off 2004 and 1990 reports but is listed in annual report
and news release. In phonecon, individual had ~ 12 years total service; counted.
1973 Annual report adds ENSs Knox and Zesk commissioned October; both counted.
1974 a. 2004 and 1990 reports left off ENS T. E. Tighe but he is in annual report and
HC Alumni Office shows naval service; counted.
b. Some documents add 2LT Schone Malliet but phonecon with individual
confirms he was PLC; counted as PLC.
1975 a. Annual report indicates ENS K. P. Goodwin commissioned 8 July; counted.
b. 2004 and 1990 reports left off 2LT T. J. Nielsen but he is in annual report and
newspaper article; HC Alumni Office confirms; counted.
1976 Annual report adds 2LT J. E. Joutras commissioned 20 December; classmate
confirms; counted.
1977 a. Annual report adds ENS P. J. McNally commissioned 11 July; counted.
b. 2004 and 1990 reports add 2LT C. F. Mayo; not in annual report; email
confirmed commission 4 AUG after Bulldog cruise; NROTC not PLC.
1978 a. 2LTs K. A. Filiault and C. W. Koenig not in annual report but confirmed by
contemporaries as NROTC; both counted.
b. ENS E. B. Haskins was commissioned in July per annual report; counted.
1979 a. ENS J. F. Dawley in annual and 1990 reports but not 2004 report; error;
b. ENS J. J. Ahern in annual report as commissioned 9 July; counted.
c. ENS R. J. Griggs not in annual report but confirmed NROTC by
contemporaries and LT DOR is the same as classmates; counted.
d. ENS D. R. Sheehan not in annual report but military records have PEBD of 1
June 1979 graduation day - and his LT DOR is the same as classmates; counted.
1980 a. ENS J. A. Roe not in annual report but online bio says he was on an NROTC
scholarship and Military Register has him as a Regular; counted.
b. Annual report notes S. T. Bracken must attend OCS in Quantico (meaning
Bulldog cruise); counted.
1981 ENS R. T. Burton not in annual or 2004 reports but is in 1990 report and had
PEBD of 23 December 1981; counted.
1982 2LT C. J. Gallagher commissioned after summer cruise per note in
commissioning program; counted.
1984 a. Annual report left off ENS Eddie E. Sherman from Central New England
College but he is in 2004 and 1990 reports and in the news release. Phonecon
with individual confirms he was commissioned; counted.
b. Annual report emphasizes that 2LT R. L. Kilroy was a scholarship student
commissioned 9 February 1984 after only 3 ½ years; counted.
c. ENS R. S. Shaw in annual, 2004, and 1990 reports but not in news release;
d. ENS D. L. Fortin commissioned in December per annual report; counted.
1985 a. Daniel Hawkins in annual report as ENS and in 2004 and 1990 reports as 2LT.
Not in commissioning program or news release because he was WSU, not HC.
Annual report is most likely a typographical error as Ensigns and 2LTs are
intermingled in one alphabetical list. Confirmed by classmate as NROTC 2LT.
b. ENS B. M. Daunt in 2004 and 1990 reports but not in annual report or 1985
commissioning program. Note in 1986 commissioning program states he was
commissioned 28 March 1986; counted in 1985.
1986 a. Annual report says ENSs R. R. Alvarez, D. M. Harris, and K. J. Reed were
commissioned in December; all three counted.
b. ENS Morales-Ortiz in commissioning program and 2004 and 1990 reports but
not in annual report. Phonecon with individual confirms he was commissioned in
May with his class; counted.
1987 a. ENSs S. T. Cobery, D. J. Duggan, P. G. Hilton, and T. M. Joel are in 2004 and
1990 reports but not in annual report.
b. Classmate confirms ENS Cobery was commissioned early after 3½ years;
c. ENS Duggan was commissioned 8 April 1988 per the Veterans Administration
Beneficiary Identification and Records Locator Subsystem (BIRLS). ENS
Duggan died 3 March 1990 in Pensacola, Florida in a motorcycle accident during
flight training; counted.
d. ENS Hilton in phonecon states he was commissioned in July due to issues
reconciling prior Reserve service; counted.
e. ENS Joel in email states he was commissioned in June; reason not identified;
1988 a. ENS Desimone in WSU records as December graduate.
b. ENS S. M. Gale in 2004 and 1990 reports but not in annual report. Old mailing
address on USNS ship found so delayed commission assumed; counted.
1989 ENS S. R. Senay graduated from Holy Cross in 1989 and WPI in 1990; counted
in 1989.
1990 Notes in the 2004 and 1990 reports state that Ensigns W. A. Bullard, III, R. H.
LeBlanc, and S. T. Paradise and 2LTs B. L. Brooks and R. W. Kennedy were
commissioned in July. However, annual report includes ENSs Bullard and
Paradise and states both 2 LTs were commissioned in August. A commissioning
list submitted to the College for commencement (in the HC Archives) lacks all
five names. All five counted, the Ensigns in July and the 2LTs in August.
1991 ENS B. W. Glasko in 2004 report but not commissioning program or annual
report. Note in 2004 report states he was commissioned in December; web search
shows 15 years service as helo pilot and left as LCDR; date accepted and counted.
1992 a. 2LT P. J. Geary in program and 2004 report with note to be commissioned in
July; also in annual report without note; counted.
b. 2LT G. M. Robinson in program and 2004 report but not in annual report;
annual report in error per email from individual; counted.
c. ENS G. J. Ridolfi in program and 2004 report but not in annual report; annual
report in error per email from individual; counted.
d. ENS G. S. Robichaud in 2004 report as commissioned in September; accepted
and counted.
1993 a. Annual report adds ENS Donald Hodgdon commissioned 2 January 1993;
counted. The report noted he was the last NROTC participant from Clark.
b. Annual report adds ENS Andrew Garrett commissioned 1 November 1993;
c. Program includes 2LTs P. B. Brickley and S. B. Johnson but neither is in the
annual report or Unit commissioning list and 2004 report notes them as PLC;
counted as PLC.
1994 a. Annual report adds ENSs Hilgarth and York (no first names) commissioned 10
January 1994 (both counted). Hilgarth in WSU database as Peter Hilgarth; York
in WPI database as Nathan York.
b. Program and 2004 report, but not annual report, have ENS Todd J. Ochsner,
Medical Corps (counted).
1995 a. ENSs J. D. Gledhill and M. J. Figuiredo not in annual report but note in Unit
copy of commissioning program says they were commissioned late and 2004
report gives dates as July and December respectively; both counted.
b. Annual report notes one of three 2LTs was PLC and 2004 report identifies him
as 2LT J. M. Orsmond; counted as PLC.
1997 2004 report adds 2LT Lantz as late commission however, phonecon with
individual indicates an injury prevented his commissioning; not counted.
1998 Program and 2004 report add 2LTs L. A. Gove and E. D. Purcell. Not in annual
report but annual report lists Purcell as a Midshipman Battalion Commander and
both are in the Purple Patcher photo of HC NROTC seniors so both were
definitely NROTC; both counted.
1999 Annual report adds ENS A. Matos commissioned 1 October; from WPI; counted.
2000 2004 report adds ENS D. C. Short commissioned 30 September; no annual report
on file for this year; accepted and counted.
2001 Annual report adds ENS Ducharme (no first name) commissioned 20 July.
Confirmed by classmate and Linked-In bio as Kevin from WSU. ENS Paquette
not in any source but correspondence confirms commissioned at WPI/WSU
ceremony. Both Ensigns were at WSU in Enlisted Commissioning Program
(ECP). Both counted.
2002 Annual report adds ENS J. Delaney and 2LT R. White commissioned 4 January;
both from WSU and both counted.
2004 a. ENS E. Ross in program, commissioning list (from HC Archives), and 2004
report which notes his commissioning on 20 June; counted.
b. ENS A. Schutte not in program but on commissioning list and 2004 report
which notes his commissioning in December; counted.
2005 ENS Burchill degree status inconsistent in HC records; confirmed by Unit
personnel and phonecon with individual; counted.
2006 Annual report adds ENS A. Howard commissioned 15 December; counted.
2007 2LT M. Bueno not in annual report but HC NROTC staff state he was
commissioned under MECEP; counted.
2008 a. Annual report adds ENS K. Horohoe commissioned August; counted.
b. Annual report adds 2LT D. Hamler commissioned December; counted.
2009 a. Annual report adds ENS J. Prunera commissioned 14 July; counted.
b. Annual report adds 2LT J. McJunkin commissioned 29 July; counted.
2011 Mr. L. A. Lorditch on NROTC alumni contact spreadsheet but HC NROTC staff
confirm he was not commissioned; not counted.
2015 ENS J. Cooley in program but HC NROTC staff confirm he was commissioned in
August; counted.