Xpress Optimization
Generalized file handling in Mosel
Xpress Optimization whitepaper
Last update 17 October, 2017
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Generalized file handling in Mosel
Generalized file handling in Mosel
Y. Colombani and S. Heipcke
Xpress Team, FICO, FICO House, Starley Way, Birmingham B37 7GN, UK
17 October, 2017
This paper describes the I/O drivers of the Mosel distribution with examples of their use. With only minimal
changes to his models the user may switch between data sources of different formats. The interaction and
exchange of data between a model and the application executing it can be made more immediate and as a
consequence, more efficient. It is also possible to avoid the creation of physical intermediate files by performing
all operations in memory. The latter may be useful, for instance, in distributed applications.
With the help of the Mosel Native Interface (NI) the user may also implement his own drivers. We introduce
some applications of this feature: a driver for working with compressed files and an example generating C code
with a Mosel model.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Overview of I/O drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1 Displaying the available I/O drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Example problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Data source access from Mosel models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.1 Database access via ODBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2 Spreadsheet drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.3 Alternative text data file formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5 Utilities and shorthands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.1 tmp: accessing the temporary directory of Mosel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.2 tee: multiple output destinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.3 null: disactivating a stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6 Exchange of information with embedded models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.1 mem: working in memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.2 raw: binary data format of the host application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.3 cb: output to callback functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.4 sysfd: working with system file descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7 bin: using Mosel’s binary format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7.1 Java version of the example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.2 mmjobs version of the example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
8 User-defined drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
8.1 Example: compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
8.2 Example: code generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Contents Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 1
Generalized file handling in Mosel
1 Introduction
Mosel works with a generalization of the notion ‘file’. In statements of the Mosel language (such
as initializations from/to, fopen, and fclose) and in the Mosel library functions (e.g.
XPRMcompmod, XPRMloadmod, or XPRMsetdefstream) the term ‘file’ is not limited to ‘physical file
handled by the operating system’. A ‘file’ may be, for instance,
– a physical file (text or binary)
– a block of memory
– a file descriptor provided by the operating system
– a function (callback)
– a database
The type of the file is indicated by an extended file name: the actual file name is preceded by the
name of the driver that is to be used to access it. We now write, for example, mem:filename to
indicate that we work with a file held in memory, or mmodbc.odbc:mydata.mdb to access an MS
Access database via the ODBC driver provided by the module mmodbc. The default driver (no
driver prefix) is the standard Mosel file handling. The general form of an extended file name is
driver_name:file_name or
In the first case, the driver is defined by the Mosel core, the second form means that the driver is
provided by the module module_name. The structure of the file_name part of the extended file
name is specific to the driver, it may also consist of yet another extended file name (e.g.
This paper describes the I/O drivers of the Mosel distribution with examples of their use. Some
drivers provide interfaces to specific data sources (such as ODBC). Others serve to exchange
information between the application running the Mosel libraries and a Mosel model in a very
direct way by providing various possibilities of passing data back and forth in memory.
With the help of the Mosel Native Interface (NI) the user may also implement his own drivers. We
introduce some applications of this feature: a driver for working with compressed files and an
example generating C code with a Mosel model.
2 Overview of I/O drivers
I/O drivers defined by the Mosel core:
Driver Description Notes
bin Write (and read) data files in a platform independent
binary format
See example in Section 7
cb Use a (callback) function as a file See example in Section 6.3
mem Use memory instead of physical files for reading or writ-
ing data
See example in Section 6.1
null Disable a stream See example in Section 5.3
raw Implementation of the initializations block in binary
mode (data exchange with a C host application)
See example in Section 6.2
sysfd Working with operating system file descriptors See example in Section 6.4
tee Output into up to 6 files simultaneously See example in Section 5.2
tmp Extension to the default driver that locates the speci-
fied file in Mosel’s temporary directory
See example in Section 5.1
Overview of I/O drivers Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 2
Generalized file handling in Mosel
Drivers defined by modules of the Mosel distribution (documented in the Mosel Language
Reference under the corresponding module or in the individual manuals as indicated):
Driver Description Notes
deploy.csrc Generate a C file that embeds the com-
piled model
See note in Section 8.2
deploy.exe Generate a standalone executable to
run a model
See note in Section 8.2
matlab.mws Data exchange in memory with the
MATLAB workspace
See example in the ’Xpress
MATLAB interface’ manual
mmetc.diskdata Access data in text files in diskdata for-
See example in Section 4.3
mmhttp.url Access a file on an HTTP server via its
See example in Section
mmhttp of the Mosel Lan-
guage Reference Manual
mminsight.scenariodata Inter-scenario data access within Insight
See Chapter Inter-Scenario
Data Access of the ‘Xpress
Insight Mosel Interface Ref-
erence Manual’
mmjobs.shmem Data exchange between several models
using shared memory
See example in Section
mmjobs.mempipe Use memory pipes for data exchange
between models
See the whitepaper ‘Mul-
tiple models and parallel
solving with Mosel’ for ex-
amples of mmjobs drivers
mmjobs.rcmd Starts the specified command in a new
process and connects its standard input
and output streams to the calling Mosel
mmjobs.rmt Accessing physical files on a remote Mo-
sel instance
mmjobs.xsrv Connect to a (remote) host running the
Mosel Remote Launcher xprmsrv
mmjobs.xssh Secure version of the xsrv driver
mmoci.oci Access an Oracle database for reading
and writing in initializations blocks
See the whitepaper ‘Using
ODBC and other database
interfaces with Mosel’ for
mmodbc.odbc Access data in external data
sources via an ODBC connection in
initializations blocks
Requires presence of
datasource-specific ODBC
driver; see example in
Section 4.1
Overview of I/O drivers Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 3
Generalized file handling in Mosel
mmsheet.csv Access spreadsheets in CSV format in
initializations blocks
mmsheet.excel Access data in MS Excel spreadsheets di-
rectly in initializations blocks
Windows platforms only;
see example in Section 4.2
mmsheet.xls Access spreadsheets in Excel’s XLS for-
mat in initializations blocks
Under Windows, Linux,
mmsheet.xlsx Access spreadsheets in Excel’s XLSX
and XLSM formats in initializations
Like mmsheet.xls
mmssl.base64 Ascii to binary converter See Section mmssl of the
Mosel Language Reference
mmssl.crypt Encryption/decryption using a symetric
mmssl.hex Binary to ascii converter
mmsystem.pipe Open a pipe and start an external pro-
gram which as input or output stream
mmsystem.text Use a string or text object as a file See example in Section
r.rws Data exchange in memory with the R
See example in Section R of
the Mosel Language Refer-
ence Manual
zlib.deflate Handles files compressed using the zlib
compression format
zlib.gzip Handles files compressed using the gzip
compression format
Implementation discussed
in Section 8.1
zlib.zip Access a file stored in a zip archive (read
I/O drivers defined by the Mosel library interfaces:
Driver Description Notes
mmdotnet.dotnet Use a C# stream or object in place of a
See example in Section
mmdotnet.dotnetraw Data exchange between a Mosel model
and a C# application
C# version of raw; see ex-
ample in Section 6.2.2
mmjava.java Use a Java stream or a ByteBuffer in
place of a file
See examples in Sections
6.1.1 and 6.3.1
mmjava.jraw Data exchange via shared memory be-
tween a Mosel model and a Java appli-
Java version of raw; see ex-
ample in Section 6.2.1
2.1 Displaying the available I/O drivers
The Mosel core drivers can be displayed from the command line with the following command
(the listing will also include any drivers that are provided by currently loaded modules):
mosel exam -i
Overview of I/O drivers Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 4
Generalized file handling in Mosel
The drivers provided by modules are displayed by the exam command for the corresponding
module (in this example: mmodbc)
mosel exam -i mmodbc
Library drivers (in particular the Java module mmjava that is embedded in the Mosel core and
also the mmdotnet module on Windows platforms) can be displayed with the help of the
corresponding program mmdispdso.[c|cs|java] in the subdirectory examples/mosel/Library of
the Xpress distribution. The command for running the Java version might look as follows under
Unix (please refer to the provided makefile for compilation of the example):
java -classpath $XPRESSDIR/lib/xprm.jar:. mmdispdso mmjava
or from a Windows command prompt:
java -classpath "%XPRESSDIR%\lib\xprm.jar;." mmdispdso mmjava
3 Example problem
The following small knapsack problem will be used as an example in the next sections.
A burglar sees 8 items, of different worths and weights. He wants to take the items of greatest
total value whose total weight is not more than the maximum WTMAX he can carry.
We introduce binary variables take
for all i in the set of all items (ITEMS) to represent the
decision whether item i is taken or not. take
has the value 1 if item i is taken and 0 otherwise.
Furthermore, let VALUE
be the value of item i and WEIGHT
its weight. A mathematical
formulation of the problem is then given by:
· take
· take
WTMAX (weight restriction)
i ITEMS : take
{0, 1}
The objective function is to maximize the total value, that is, the sum of the values of all items
taken. The only constraint in this problem is the weight restriction.
The following Mosel model (burglar2.mos) implements this problem. In this implementation data
are read from the text file burglar.dat. Note that the decision variables are declared after the
initialization of the data, that is, at a point in the model where the contents of the set ITEMS is
known. If an array is declared before its index sets are known it is created as a dynamic array.
Dynamic arrays of basic types (such as VALUE and WEIGHT) grow by adding data entries, but for
dynamic arrays of decision variables the entries need to be created explicitly once the index sets
are known. By moving the declaration of the variables after the initialization of the data we can
avoid this.
model Burglar2
uses "mmxprs"
WTMAX = 102 ! Maximum weight allowed
ITEMS: set of string ! Index set for items
VALUE: array(ITEMS) of real ! Value of items
WEIGHT: array(ITEMS) of real ! Weight of items
Example problem Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 5
Generalized file handling in Mosel
initializations from "burglar.dat"
[VALUE,WEIGHT] as "BurgData"
take: array(ITEMS) of mpvar ! 1 if we take item i; 0 otherwise
! Objective: maximize total value
MaxVal:= sum(i in ITEMS) VALUE(i)*take(i)
! Weight restriction
sum(i in ITEMS) WEIGHT(i)*take(i) <= WTMAX
! All variables are 0/1
forall(i in ITEMS) take(i) is_binary
maximize(MaxVal) ! Solve the MIP-problem
! Solution output
forall(i in ITEMS) SOLTAKE(i):= getsol(take(i))
writeln("Solution:\n Objective: ", getobjval)
initializations to "burglarout.txt"
The data file burglar.dat read by this model has the following contents.
! Data file for ‘burglar2.mos’
! Item Value Weight
BurgData: [(camera) [ 15 2]
(necklace) [100 20]
(vase) [ 90 20]
(picture) [ 60 30]
(tv) [ 40 40]
(video) [ 15 30]
(chest) [ 10 60]
(brick) [ 1 10]]
The solution is output to the file burglarout.txt via initializations to. This prints the array
SOLTAKE to a text file in initializations format:
’SOLTAKE’: [(’camera’) 1 (’necklace’) 1 (’vase’) 1 (’picture’) 1 (’tv’) 0
(’video’) 1 (’chest’) 0 (’brick’) 0]
4 Data source access from Mosel models
Access to data files with formats other than the initializations text file format can be achieved
with the help of modules or packages that define additional functions specific to a format or
data source type. Alternatively, other formats can be used directly in the initializations block,
and hence minimizing the changes required in a model to switch between different data formats.
The drivers odbc, excel and diskdata described in this section are used in the initializations
block of the Mosel language to provide access to new data file formats and data sources. Some of
Data source access from Mosel models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 6
Generalized file handling in Mosel
the drivers described in Section 6 (e.g. raw and mem) also provide such a functionality. However,
they are only of use in models embedded into an application and run through the Mosel libraries,
not in stand-alone Mosel models as is the case with the odbc, excel and diskdata drivers.
For a more in depth discussion of the database and spreadsheet drivers and examples of their use,
the reader is referred to the Xpress whitepaper Using ODBC and other database interfaces with
Mosel. Besides the ODBC and spreadsheet access functionality described in the following sections,
this whitepaper also explains how to use the direct Oracle interface defined by the module mmoci
(including the I/O driver mmoci.oci that behaves similar to mmodbc.odbc and SQL statements
corresponding to the functionality described in Section 4.1.1) in the place of an ODBC connection.
4.1 Database access via ODBC
The odbc I/O driver defined by the module mmodbc automatically generates the SQL queries that
are required to read in data from an external data source (database) or insert data into this data
source. The following modifications need to be made to model Burglar2 to switch to file access
via ODBC:
model "Burglar2 (ODBC)"
uses "mmxprs"
initializations from CNCTIO
[VALUE,WEIGHT] as "BurgData"
! Insert solutions into database: results from previous runs must be
! removed previously; otherwise the new results will either be appended
! to the existing ones or, if ‘ITEM’ has been defined as key field
! in a database, the insertion may fail.
initializations to CNCTIO
SOLTAKE as "SolTake"
The connection string CNCTIO indicates the data source, for example:
CNCTIO = "mmodbc.odbc:burglar.mdb" for the MS Access database burglar.mdb
CNCTIO = "mmodbc.odbc:DSN=mysql;DB=burglar" for the mysql database burglar
To run this example, the ODBC driver for the corresponding data source must be present. The
connection string may vary depending on the installation of the ODBC driver. For further detail
on setting up an ODBC connection and working with ODBC in Mosel see the Xpress Whitepaper
‘Using ODBC and other database interfaces with Mosel’.
In the case of database connections, the data are read from a table called BurgData that contains
(at least) a field for the indices (e.g., labeled Item), and the fields Val and Wght. The results are
written into the table SolTake, containing a field for the indices (e.g., Item) and a field to receive
the solution values (e.g., called IfTake). In a spreadsheet, BurgData and SolTake are the names of
named ranges. The columns of the named ranges must bear headers (to be included in the
selected range area), these headers are not used by the (generated) SQL commands and may
therefore differ from the names used in the model. The range BurgData must have three columns,
for instance bearing the headers Item, Val, and Wght, and the range SolTake must have a column
to receive the indices (e.g., labeled Item) and a second one to receive the solution values (e.g.,
Data source access from Mosel models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 7
Generalized file handling in Mosel
IfTake). If a database table has additional fields, or its fields do not appear in the order expected
by Mosel, we can append the database field names to the table name, for example:
initializations from CNCTIO
[VALUE,WEIGHT] as "BurgData(Item,Val,Wght)"
The ODBC driver may take several options, see the section ‘mmodbc’ in the ‘Mosel Language
Reference Manual’ for further detail.
4.1.1 Alternative implementation using SQL statements
The model Burglar2 may be implemented as follows using standard mmodbc functionality.
model "Burglar2 (SQL)"
uses "mmxprs", "mmodbc"
CNCT = ’’
! Reading data from file
SQLexecute("select * from BurgData", [VALUE,WEIGHT])
! Solution output
SQLexecute("delete from SolTake") ! Cleaning up previous results: works
! only for databases, cannot be used
! with spreadsheets (instead, delete
! previous solutions directly in the
! spreadsheet file)
SQLexecute("insert into SolTake values (?,?)" , SOLTAKE)
As before, the connection string CNCT indicates the data source:
CNCT = "burglar.mdb" (the full form "DSN=MS Access Database;DBQ=burglar.mdb" is
determined automatically) for the MS Access database burglar.mdb
CNCT = "DSN=mysql;DB=burglar" for the mysql database burglar
All of these functions may be used in conjunction with the ODBC I/O driver. For instance, when
working with a database it may be helpful to make the lines
SQLexecute("delete from SolTake")
preceed the insertion of the solution into the database to clean up previous results.
4.2 Spreadsheet drivers
The model mmsheet provides a set of spreadsheet I/O drivers that implement all basic data access
tasks similarly to the functionality provided by ODBC (but none of the advanced SQL statements).
Data source access from Mosel models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 8
Generalized file handling in Mosel
mmsheet.excel is a software-specific I/O driver that accesses directly Excel spreadsheets. If
the spreadsheet file is kept opened while running the Mosel model the output is written to
the spreadsheet without saving it. This driver cannot be used remotely.
mmsheet.xls and mmsheet.xlsx are I/O drivers for accessing spreadsheets in the Excel formats
XLS and XLSX/XLSM respectively. They do not depend on Excel and can be used for reading
and writing to spreadsheets on non-Windows platforms (Linux, Mac). They take the same
options as mmsheet.excel and their use is analogous to this driver, with the exception that
they save data immediately into the spreadsheet file, that is, an output file should not be
open in another application while writing to it with these drivers.
mmsheet.csv provides access to spreadsheet files in CSV format (text files). It is available for
all platforms running Mosel and the file name is not restricted to physical files, it may be an
extended file name. As with xls/xlsx output data is saved directly into the file.
With all mmsheet spreadsheet drivers output always starts at the same place (that is, previous
output gets overwritten).
model "Burglar2 (Excel)"
uses "mmxprs"
CNCTEXC = ’mmsheet.excel:burglar.xls’
! Spreadsheet range includes header line -> option ’skiph’ to skip header
initializations from CNCTEXC
[VALUE,WEIGHT] as "skiph;BurgData"
! Insert solutions into spreadsheet: results from previous runs
! are overwritten by new output
! Only first line of output range is specified -> option ’grow’
initializations to CNCTEXC
SOLTAKE as "skiph;grow;SolTake"
The input and output ranges in the spreadsheet used with the excel driver contain just the data,
no column headers. To work with the ODBC format of ranges the option skiph needs to be used
as shown in the example. Another option employed when outputting data is grow, this indicates
that the output range is specified by a single row and may grow on demand.
Instead of naming the ranges in the spreadsheet it is equally possible to work directly with the
cell references for the input and output ranges (including the worksheet name, which is ‘burglar
in our case):
initializations from CNCTEXC
[VALUE,WEIGHT] as "[burglar$B4:D11]"
! Insert solutions into spreadsheet: results from previous runs
! are overwritten by new output
! Only first line of output range is specified -> option ’grow’
initializations to CNCTEXC
SOLTAKE as "grow;[burglar$F4:G4]"
Data source access from Mosel models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 9
Generalized file handling in Mosel
Or alternatively, using the row-column notation:
initializations from CNCTEXC
[VALUE,WEIGHT] as "[burglar$R4C2:R11C4]"
initializations to CNCTEXC
SOLTAKE as "grow;[burglar$R4C6:R4C7]"
Other formatting options for the specification of spreadsheet ranges include the selection of
columns via their relative position within the cell range:
initializations from CNCTEXC
[VALUE,WEIGHT] as "[burglar$A4:F11](#2,#3,#4)"
and the possibility to omit row numbers, thereby indicating that we want to read the contents of
the entire column, typically used in combination with option skiph to skip the first row (assuming
it contains the header text):
initializations from CNCTEXC
[VALUE,WEIGHT] as "skiph;[burglar$F:G]"
Switching to the more generic driver mmsheet.xls in the examples above simply means changing
the driver name in the filename string CNCTEXC. For CSV format, besides changing the driver
name, we need to save the spreadsheet with CSV format. CSV files do not contain worksheets or
range names, so ranges always need to be defined via cell references when using mmsheet.csv.
For further detail on the spreadsheet drivers the reader is refered to the section ‘mmsheet’ of the
‘Mosel Language Reference Manual’ and the examples discussed in the Xpress Whitepaper ‘Using
ODBC and other database interfaces with Mosel’.
4.3 Alternative text data file formats
In the previous section we have introduced the I/O driver mmsheet.csv that reads and writes text
files in CSV format. With only minimal changes to the previous model we now switch to a
different text data format, namely the diskdata file format that is accessed via the diskdata I/O
model Burglar2dd
initializations from "mmetc.diskdata:sparse;noq"
[VALUE,WEIGHT] as "burglardd.dat"
initializations to "mmetc.diskdata:append,sparse"
SOLTAKE as "burglarout.txt"
This will result in exactly the same behaviour as when using the procedure diskdata of the
module mmetc instead of the initializations blocks.
model Burglar2ddb
uses "mmetc", "mmxprs"
Data source access from Mosel models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 10
Generalized file handling in Mosel
! Reading data from file
diskdata(ETC_SPARSE+ETC_NOQ, "burglardd.dat", [VALUE,WEIGHT])
! Solution output
diskdata(ETC_OUT+ETC_APPEND+ETC_SPARSE, "burglarout.txt", SOLTAKE)
The data file burglardd.dat used in both cases has the following contents.
! Data file for ‘burglar2dd.mos’
camera, 15, 2
necklace, 100, 20
vase, 90, 20
picture, 60, 30
tv, 40, 40
video, 15, 30
chest, 10, 60
brick, 1, 10
The result file burglarout.txt is now formatted as shown here.
The diskdata I/O driver and the procedure diskdata are documented in the section ‘mmetc’ in the
‘Mosel Language Reference Manual’.
4.3.1 XML and JSON format files
The data for our example problem could also be provided in the form of the following XML file
<!-- Data file for ‘burglar2x.mos’ -->
<Item name="camera"> <Value> 15</Value> <Weight> 2</Weight> </Item>
<Item name="necklace"> <Value>100</Value> <Weight>20</Weight> </Item>
<Item name="vase"> <Value> 90</Value> <Weight>20</Weight> </Item>
<Item name="picture"> <Value> 60</Value> <Weight>30</Weight> </Item>
<Item name="tv"> <Value> 40</Value> <Weight>40</Weight> </Item>
<Item name="video"> <Value> 15</Value> <Weight>30</Weight> </Item>
<Item name="chest"> <Value> 10</Value> <Weight>60</Weight> </Item>
<Item name="brick"> <Value> 1</Value> <Weight>10</Weight> </Item>
Given that XML files do not use any fixed format that would make it possible to define a suitable
I/O driver, we cannot read or write XML files through initializations blocks. XML files need to
be parsed or queried for their contents using the routines of the mmxml module. The data file
burglar.xml is read into our Mosel data structures using the following code:
ITEMS: set of string ! Index set for items
VALUE: array(ITEMS) of real ! Value of items
WEIGHT: array(ITEMS) of real ! Weight of items
Data source access from Mosel models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 11
Generalized file handling in Mosel
BurgData, ResData: xmldoc ! XML document
Root, Node: integer ! XML nodes
NodeList: list of integer
! Reading data from an XML file
load(BurgData, "burglar.xml")
! Retrieve all ’Item’ nodes
getnodes(BurgData, "BurgData/Item", NodeList)
! Retrieve ’Value’ and ’Weight’ information
forall(i in NodeList) do
getrealvalue(BurgData, getnode(BurgData, i, "Value") )
getrealvalue(BurgData, getnode(BurgData, i, "Weight") )
For generating solution output in XML format we need to build up an XML document following
standard XML design rules (all elements are forming a tree under a single root element).
! Create solution representation in XML format
Root:=addnode(ResData, 0, XML_ELT, "SolTake") ! Create root node "SolTake"
setattr(ResData, Root, "objective", getobjval) ! ... with attr. "objective"
forall(i in ITEMS) do
Node:=addnode(ResData, Root, XML_ELT, "Item") ! Add a node to "SolTake"
setattr(ResData, Node, "name", i) ! ... with attribute "name"
setvalue(ResData, Node, SOLTAKE(i)) ! ... and solution value
save(ResData, "burglarout.xml") ! Save solution to XML format file
This Mosel code will result in the following output (the appearance can be influenced via
different controls and settings of mmxml, see the corresponding chapter of the ‘Mosel Language
Reference Manual’):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<SolTake objective="280">
<Item name="camera">1</Item>
<Item name="necklace">1</Item>
<Item name="vase">1</Item>
<Item name="picture">1</Item>
<Item name="tv">0</Item>
<Item name="video">1</Item>
<Item name="chest">0</Item>
<Item name="brick">0</Item>
The module mmxml also provides routines for reading and writing text files in JSON format,
transforming them internally to an XML-based representation where JSON ’values’ are encoded
as jsv elements. The value of the attribute ’jst’ indicates the object type ( ’num’—number,
’boo’—boolean, ’str’—string, ’nul’—null, ’obj’—object, or ’arr’—array). Elements representing
object members have the name of the member (instead of jsv).
Data from the following JSON file
"Item": [
{"Name":"camera", "Value": 15, "Weight": 2},
{"Name":"necklace", "Value":100, "Weight":20},
{"Name":"vase", "Value": 90, "Weight":20},
Data source access from Mosel models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 12
Generalized file handling in Mosel
{"Name":"picture", "Value": 60, "Weight":30},
{"Name":"tv", "Value": 40, "Weight":40},
{"Name":"video", "Value": 15, "Weight":30},
{"Name":"chest", "Value": 10, "Weight":60},
{"Name":"brick", "Value": 1, "Weight":10} ]
can be read with this Mosel code (all declarations remain the same as in the previous model
version reading XML format data):
! Reading data from a JSON file
jsonload(BurgData, "burglar.json")
! Retrieve all ’Item’ nodes
getnodes(BurgData, "jsv/Item/jsv", NodeList)
! Retrieve ’Value’ and ’Weight’ information
forall(i in NodeList) do
VALUE(getstrvalue(BurgData, getnode(BurgData,i,"Name"))):=
getrealvalue(BurgData, getnode(BurgData, i, "Value") )
WEIGHT(getstrvalue(BurgData, getnode(BurgData,i,"Name"))):=
getrealvalue(BurgData, getnode(BurgData, i, "Weight") )
After loading the contents of a JSON file, it may be helpful to display the resulting XML
representation on screen since we parse this representation to retrieve the input data:
save(BurgData, "") ! Display the XML representation on screen
The results output in JSON format is constructed using XML routines:
! Create solution representation in JSON format
Root:=addnode(ResData, 0, XML_ELT, "jsv") ! Create root node "jsv"
Node:=addnode(ResData, Root, "Objective", getobjval) ! Add a node to "jsv"
Node:=addnode(ResData, Root, XML_ELT, "Items") ! Add a node to "jsv"
forall(i in ITEMS)
n:=addnode(ResData, Node, i, SOLTAKE(i)) ! Add a node to "Items"
jsonsave(ResData, "burglarout.json") ! Save solution to JSON format file
This results in the following output in file burglarout.json:
4.3.2 Free format files
If none of the provided text file access methods fits a particular data file format, you can always
use read/readln in combination with fopen and fclose. For example, a data file of the form
Data source access from Mosel models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 13
Generalized file handling in Mosel
! Data file for ‘burglar2ff.mos’
camera [v=15, w=2]
necklace [v=100, w=20]
can be read by the following Mosel code (model file burglar2ff.mos)
fopen("burglarff.dat", F_INPUT) ! Open file for reading
while (not iseof) do ! Read up to end-of-file
fskipline("!") ! Skip lines starting with ’!’
readln(j, " [v=", VALUE(j), ", w=", WEIGHT(j), "]")
if getparam("nbread") < 6 then
writeln("Error reading data for index ’", j, "’")
fclose(F_INPUT) ! Close the input file
And similarly, for redirecting output to a file instead of displaying it on the default output
(screen) we simply surround it by fopen and fclose, this time selecting the output stream in fopen:
fopen("burglarsol.txt", F_OUTPUT)
writeln("Solution:\n Objective: ", getobjval)
forall(i in ITEMS) writeln(" take(", i, "): ", getsol(take(i)))
4.3.3 Multiline text or string
It is also possible to include data in the form of text blocks directly in a model. A multiline text (or
string) must be surrounded by backquotes and an optional marker text. For example, the text
data file read by the initial version of our model can be included and read thus (model version
public declarations
default_data: text ! Data input values
‘--------------- Input data ----------------
! Item Value Weight
BurgData: [(camera) [ 15 2]
(necklace) [100 20]
(vase) [ 90 20]
(picture) [ 60 30]
(tv) [ 40 40]
(video) [ 15 30]
(chest) [ 10 60]
(brick) [ 1 10]]
--------------- Input data ----------------‘
initializations from "text:default_data"
[VALUE,WEIGHT] as "BurgData"
And similarly, for redirecting output in Mosel’s text format to a text block instead of writing it to
a physical file we can use the following Mosel code:
public declarations
burglarout: text ! Solution output
Data source access from Mosel models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 14
Generalized file handling in Mosel
initializations to "text:burglarout"
! Display contents of output file
writeln("Solution file:\n", burglarout)
5 Utilities and shorthands
This section lists several drivers that can be used from the Mosel libraries and also within Mosel
models. These drivers are described in the ‘Mosel Language Reference Manual’.
5.1 tmp: accessing the temporary directory of Mosel
The driver tmp is an extension to the default driver that locates the specified file in the
temporary directory used by Mosel. For example, we might wish to compile a submodel file to a
BIM file located in the temporary directory:
if compile("", "burglar.mos", "tmp:burglar.bim")<>0 then exit(1); end-if
load(modBurg, "tmp:burglar.bim") ! Load the BIM file
The same can be achieved with the following library commands (Mosel C libraries):
XPRMcompmod(NULL, "burglar.mos", "tmp:burglar.bim", "Burglar example");
mod = XPRMloadmod("tmp:burglar.bim",NULL); /* Load the BIM file */
The tmp driver can also be used with the library interfaces to other programming languages, such
as the Mosel Java library:
mosel.compile("", "burglar2.mos", "tmp:burglar2.bim", "");
mod = mosel.loadModel("tmp:burglar2.bim");
Mosel’s temporary directory is located in the system temporary directory, its actual definition
depends on the system that is used for running Mosel and can be retrieved via the Mosel function
writeln("Temporary directory: ", getparam("tmpdir") )
5.2 tee: multiple output destinations
The tee driver duplicates output into up to 6 files simultaneously. It is particularly useful for
creating output log files while still being able to watch progress output on screen. If we wish to
maintain screen display and at the same time log the output in the file burglarsol.txt for the
example burglar2ff.mos from Section 4.3 we may use the following Mosel code:
fopen("tee:burglarsol.txt&", F_OUTPUT+F_APPEND)
writeln("Solution:\n Objective: ", getobjval)
forall(i in ITEMS) writeln(" take(", i, "): ", getsol(take(i)))
The tee driver also works with the library functions, such as to duplicate all the output generated
by a model (output to a file and on screen, Mosel C libraries):
XPRMsetdefstream(mod, XPRM_F_WRITE, "tee:burglarlog.txt&");
Utilities and shorthands Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 15
Generalized file handling in Mosel
Analogously with other library interfaces, such as the Mosel Java library:
mod.setDefaultStream(XPRM.F_OUTPUT, "tee:burglarlog.txt&");
5.3 null: disactivating a stream
The typical use of the null driver is to make (embedded) models silent by disabling their output,
either from the host application embedding the model ’mod’ (Mosel C libraries):
XPRMsetdefstream(mod, XPRM_F_WRITE, "null:");
Similarly with other library interfaces, such as with the Mosel Java library:
mod.setDefaultStream(XPRM.F_OUTPUT, "null:");
Or from within Mosel, such as in the master model that controls the execution of a submodel
setdefstream(submod, F_OUTPUT, "null:")
Or even directly in the (sub)model itself:
fopen(F_OUTPUT, "null:")
6 Exchange of information with embedded models
In this section we show several examples of the use of I/O drivers in the Mosel distribution. The
full documentation of these drivers is contained in the ‘Mosel Libraries Reference Manual’. When
exchanging data between a Mosel model and a host application, the employed data structures
need to match the representation of data in the particular host language and the choice of
communication mechanisms (e.g., memory blocks, streams) depends on the functionality
available in this language. Each Mosel library interface therefore provides its own I/O drivers,
presented as subsections to the following examples that are organized around the functionality
provided by Mosel’s C libraries.
6.1 mem: working in memory
The mem I/O driver makes it possible to use a block of memory as a data source. The following
example shows how to use this driver to compile a Mosel model to memory (instead of creating a
physical BIM file). This means that the resulting application does not generate any auxiliary file
for handling the model. This feature may be of interest especially in distributed systems.
In the code printed below and in all subsequent examples the error handling is omitted for
clarity’s sake. The full examples are on the Xpress website.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "xprm_mc.h"
int main()
XPRMmodel mod;
int result;
char bimfile[2000]; /* Buffer to store BIM file */
size_t bimfile_size; /* Buffer to store actual size of BIM file */
Exchange of information with embedded models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 16
Generalized file handling in Mosel
char bimfile_name[64]; /* File name of BIM file */
XPRMinit(); /* Initialize Mosel */
/* Prepare file name for compilation using ’mem’ driver: */
/* "mem:base address/size[/actual size pointer]" */
sprintf(bimfile_name, "mem:%p/%d/%p",
bimfile, (int)sizeof(bimfile), &bimfile_size);
/* Compile model file to memory */
XPRMcompmod(NULL, "burglar2.mos", bimfile_name, "Knapsack example");
printf("BIM file uses %lu bytes of memory.\n", bimfile_size);
/* Load the BIM file from memory */
mod=XPRMloadmod(bimfile_name, NULL);
XPRMrunmod(mod, &result, NULL); /* Run the model */
return 0;
The only change to standard use of the Mosel library functions is the replacement of the
(physical) BIM file by an extended filename in function XPRMcompmod. The extended filename
indicates the driver we want to use (mem), an address where to store the BIM file, and the space
reserved for it. Notice that the size of the resulting BIM file is not known before compilation. In
this example we reserve roughly twice the size of the model file for the BIM file. However, there
is no guarantee that this is sufficient for other models. We therefore print out the size of the
generated file as a control.
We may take working in memory one step further, by including the source of the Mosel model
directly in the C source code. After compilation, we obtain a single all-in-one application file that
does not require or generate any auxiliary file for handling the model.
The source of the model is included in the C source file as an array of characters:
const char source_of_model[]=
"model Burglar\n"
"uses ’mmxprs’\n"
" WTMAX = 102 ! Maximum weight allowed\n"
" ITEMS = {’camera’, ’necklace’, ’vase’, ’picture’, ’tv’, ’video’, \n"
" ’chest’, ’brick’} ! Index set for items\n"
" VALUE: array(ITEMS) of real ! Value of items\n"
" WEIGHT: array(ITEMS) of real ! Weight of items\n"
" take: array(ITEMS) of mpvar ! 1 if we take item i; 0 otherwise\n"
"VALUE::([’camera’, ’necklace’, ’vase’, ’picture’, ’tv’, ’video’,\n"
" ’chest’, ’brick’])[15,100,90,60,40,15,10,1]\n"
"WEIGHT::([’camera’, ’necklace’, ’vase’, ’picture’, ’tv’, ’video’,\n"
" ’chest’, ’brick’])[2,20,20,30,40,30,60,10]\n"
"! Objective: maximize total value\n"
"MaxVal:= sum(i in ITEMS) VALUE(i)*take(i)\n"
"! Weight restriction\n"
"sum(i in ITEMS) WEIGHT(i)*take(i) <= WTMAX\n"
"! All variables are 0/1\n"
"forall(i in ITEMS) take(i) is_binary\n"
"maximize(MaxVal) ! Solve the problem\n"
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Generalized file handling in Mosel
"! Print out the solution\n"
"writeln(\"Solution:\\n Objective: \", getobjval)\n"
"forall(i in ITEMS) writeln(’ take(’, i, ’): ’, getsol(take(i)))\n"
In the compilation command we replace the filename burglar2.mos by an extended filename,
consisting in the driver to be used (mem) and the address and size of the model source.
char mosfile_name[40]; /* File name of MOS file */
sprintf(mosfile_name, "mem:%p/%d",
source_of_model, (int)sizeof(source_of_model));
/* Compile model from memory to memory */
XPRMcompmod(NULL, mosfile_name, bimfile_name, "Knapsack example");
The data in this Mosel model are hardcoded directly in the model. In the following section we
show how to extend this example with data input from memory, using the raw driver.
6.1.1 Java version of the example
The Java implementation of the model version compiling a Mosel model held in memory to a BIM
file that is equally stored in memory uses objects of type ByteBuffer to communicate with Mosel.
// The source of the model as a string
static final String source_of_model=
"model Burglar\n"+
"uses ’mmxprs’\n"+
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
XPRM mosel;
XPRMModel mod;
ByteBuffer mosfile; // Buffer to store source file
ByteBuffer bimfile; // Buffer to store BIM file
mosel = new XPRM(); // Initialize Mosel
// Prepare file names for compilation:
// Wrap source in a byte buffer
bimfile=ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(2048); // Create a 2K byte buffer
mosel.bind("mybim", bimfile); // Associate Java object
mosel.bind("modelfile", mosfile); // with a name in Mosel
{ // Compile model from memory to memory
mosel.compile("", "java:modelfile", "java:mybim", "");
catch(XPRMCompileException e)
mosel.unbind("mosfile"); // Release memory
bimfile.limit(bimfile.position()); // Mark end of data in the buffer
bimfile.rewind(); // Back to the beginning
System.out.println("BIM file uses "+bimfile.limit()+" bytes of memory.");
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Generalized file handling in Mosel
mod=mosel.loadModel("java:mybim"); // Load BIM file from memory
mosel.unbind("mybim"); // Release memory
mod.run(); // Run the model
6.1.2 .NET version of the example
The .NET interface defines a combined compile+load method that keeps a temporary BIM file in
memory. We can therefore simply write the following program to compile a Mosel model from
and to memory.
// String containing the model
const string modelSource=
"model Burglar\n"+
"uses ’mmxprs’\n"+
// Main entry point for the application
static void Main(string[] args) {
// Initialize Mosel
XPRM mosel = XPRM.Init();
// Compile and load the Mosel model
XPRMModel model = mosel.CompileAndLoad(new StringReader(modelSource));
// Run the model
If however, we explicitly wish to create a physical BIM file we can use the separate Compile and
LoadModel methods:
static void Main(string[] args) {
// Initialize Mosel
XPRM mosel = XPRM.Init();
// Compile the Mosel model to a physical file
FileStream file= new FileStream("burglar2.bim", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
mosel.Compile("", new StringReader(modelSource), file);
// Load the Mosel model
XPRMModel model = mosel.LoadModel("burglar2.bim");
// Run the model
6.1.3 mmjobs version of the example
An alternative form of ’embedding’ a Mosel model is running a (sub)model from another Mosel
model (the master model). The functionality for managing and coordinating multiple models is
provided by the module mmjobs (documented in the chapter ‘mmjobs´ of the ‘Mosel Language
Reference Manual´). The reader is referred to the Mosel whitepaper ‘Multiple models and parallel
solving with Mosel’ for a comprehensive set of examples. With mmjobs we use the driver shmem
for saving data in shared memory (memory accessible to models running in the same Mosel
Exchange of information with embedded models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 19
Generalized file handling in Mosel
model "Run model burglar"
uses "mmjobs"
modBurg: Model ! Submodel
! Compile the model, save bim in memory
if compile("", "burglar2.mos", "shmem:burglar2.bim")<>0 then exit(1); end-if
load(modBurg, "shmem:burglar2.bim") ! Load the bim file
run(modBurg) ! Start model execution
wait ! Wait for model termination
dropnextevent ! Ignore termination event message
6.2 raw: binary data format of the host application
The raw I/O driver provides an implementation of the initializations block in binary mode:
instead of translating information from/to text format, data is kept in its raw representation. The
following example shows how to use this driver in combination with the mem driver to exchange
arrays of data between a model and an application through memory. As shown in the previous
section, we may work with a separate model file (this example) or alternatively include the model
source directly in the model.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "xprm_mc.h"
const struct
{ /* Initial values for array ’data’: */
const char *ind; /* index name */
double val,wght; /* value and weight data entries */
} data[]={{"camera",15,2}, {"necklace",100,20}, {"vase",90,20},
{"picture",60,30}, {"tv",40,40}, {"video",15,30},
{"chest",10,60}, {"brick",1,10}};
double solution[8]; /* Array for solution values */
int main()
XPRMmodel mod;
int result;
XPRMalltypes rvalue, itemname;
XPRMset set;
char bimfile[2000]; /* Buffer to store BIM file */
size_t bimfile_size; /* Buffer to store actual size of BIM file */
char bimfile_name[64]; /* File name of BIM file */
char data_name[40]; /* File name of initial values for ’data’ */
char solution_name[40]; /* File name of solution values */
char params[96]; /* Parameter string for model execution */
XPRMinit(); /* Initialize Mosel */
/* Prepare file name for compilation using ’mem’ driver: */
/* "mem:base address/size[/actual size pointer]" */
sprintf(bimfile_name, "mem:%p/%d/%p",
bimfile, (int)sizeof(bimfile), &bimfile_size);
/* Compile model file to memory */
XPRMcompmod(NULL, "burglar2r.mos", bimfile_name, "Knapsack example");
printf("BIM file uses %lu bytes of memory.\n", bimfile_size);
Exchange of information with embedded models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 20
Generalized file handling in Mosel
/* Load a BIM file from memory */
mod=XPRMloadmod(bimfile_name, NULL);
/* Prepare file names for ’initializations’ using the ’raw’ driver: */
/* "rawoption[,...],filename" */
/* (Here, ’filename’ uses the ’mem’ driver, data is stored in memory) */
/* Options for ’raw’: */
/* ’slength=0’: strings are represented by pointers to null terminated */
/* arrays of characters (C-string) instead of fixed size arrays*/
/* ’noindex’: only array values are expected - no indices requested */
sprintf(data_name, "slength=0,mem:%p/%d", data, (int)sizeof(data));
sprintf(solution_name, "noindex,mem:%p/%d", solution, (int)sizeof(solution));
/* Pass file names as execution param.s */
sprintf(params, "DATA=’%s’,SOL=’%s’", data_name, solution_name);
XPRMrunmod(mod, &result, params); /* Run the model */
/* Display solutions values obtained from the model */
printf("Objective: %g\n", XPRMgetobjval(mod));
XPRMfindident(mod, "ITEMS", &rvalue); /* Get the model object ’ITEMS’ */
set = rvalue.set;
printf(" take(%s): %g\n", XPRMgetelsetval(set, i+1, &itemname)->string,
return 0;
The input data in the C code above is stored and communicated to the model in sparse format,
that is, each data item with its index tuple. For retrieving and saving the solution data this
example uses dense format, that is, just the data items without explicitly specifying the indices. To
obtain a printout with the (string) index names, we retrieve separately the set of indices from the
Mosel model. Alternatively, we could also use sparse format for the solution data similarly to the
input data, in which case we did not have to retrieve the index set separately.
The model file burglar2r.mos of this example is very similar to the model versions for the odbc
and diskdata I/O drivers in Section 4. The only changes made are to the name of the I/O driver
and to the strings DATA and SOL for the data source and the destination of results respectively.
model Burglar2r
uses ’mmxprs’
IODRV = ’raw:’
WTMAX = 102 ! Maximum weight allowed
ITEMS: set of string ! Index set for items
VALUE: array(ITEMS) of real ! Value of items
WEIGHT: array(ITEMS) of real ! Weight of items
SOLTAKE: array(ITEMS) of real ! Solution values
initialisations from IODRV
take: array(ITEMS) of mpvar ! 1 if we take item i; 0 otherwise
Exchange of information with embedded models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 21
Generalized file handling in Mosel
! Objective: maximize total value
MaxVal:= sum(i in ITEMS) VALUE(i)*take(i)
! Weight restriction
sum(i in ITEMS) WEIGHT(i)*take(i) <= WTMAX
! All variables are 0/1
forall(i in ITEMS) take(i) is_binary
maximize(MaxVal) ! Solve the problem
! Solution output
forall(i in ITEMS) SOLTAKE(i):= getsol(take(i))
initialisations to IODRV
The example above uses sparse data format, that is, every data entry comprises its index (or index
tuple) and the actual value (or list of values in our case). A model version using dense data
format, so communicating just the data values without the indices, is described in Chapter 13.4.1
‘Exchanging data between an application and a modelDense arrays’ of the ‘Mosel User Guide’.
The raw format communicates data via fixed-size memory blocks. Greater flexibility through
dynamic sizing of the data structures can be achieved by using the callback functionality provided
through the driver cb (see Section 6.3 below and the examples of Chapters 13.4.3 and
‘Exchanging data between an application and a model Dynamic data’ of the ‘Mosel User Guide’
for C and Java examples respectively).
6.2.1 Java version of the example
With the Mosel Java libraries, we replace the C driver raw by the Java binary format I/O driver
jraw. Just as in the C version, we have stored the model data in a single structure containing the
string index and the two data values for ’weight’ and ’value’ of every item. Mosel returns the
solution into a second structure that also stores index and data values.
// Class to store initial values for array ’data’
public static class MyData
public String ind; // index name
public double val,wght; // value and weight data entries
MyData(String i, double v, double w)
{ ind=i; val=v; wght=w; }
// Class to receive solution values
public static class MySol
public String ind; // index name
public double val; // solution value
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
XPRM mosel;
XPRMModel mod;
MyData data[]={new MyData("camera",15,2), new MyData("necklace",100,20),
new MyData("vase",90,20), new MyData("picture",60,30),
new MyData("tv",40,40), new MyData("video",15,30),
new MyData("chest",10,60), new MyData("brick",1,10)};
Exchange of information with embedded models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 22
Generalized file handling in Mosel
MySol[] solution=new MySol[8];
for(int i=0;i<8;i++) solution[i] = new MySol();
mosel = new XPRM(); // Initialize Mosel
mosel.compile("burglar2r.mos"); // Compile & load the model
mod = mosel.loadModel("burglar2r.bim");
// Associate the Java objects with names in Mosel
mosel.bind("dt", data);
mosel.bind("sol", solution);
// File names are passed through execution parameters
mod.execParams = "DATA=’dt(ind,val,wght)’,SOL=’sol(ind,val)’,IODRV=’jraw:’";
mod.run(); // Run the model
System.exit(1); // Stop if no solution found
// Display solution values obtained from the model
System.out.println("Objective value: " + mod.getObjectiveValue());
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
System.out.println(" take(" + solution[i].ind + "): " + solution[i].val);
mod.reset(); // Reset the model
A model version using dense data format is discussed in Chapter ‘Exchanging data
between an application and a modelDense arrays’ of the ‘Mosel User Guide’.
6.2.2 .NET version of the example
The .NET version of our program is again very similar to its Java version. We now use the I/O
driver dotnetraw in the place of jraw.
// Arrays containing initialization data for the model
static double[] vdata = new double[] {15,100,90,60,40,15,10, 1}; // VALUE
static double[] wdata = new double[] { 2, 20,20,30,40,30,60,10}; // WEIGHT
// Structure to store initial values for the array ’data’
class MyData {
public string ind;
public double val;
public double wght;
public MyData(string i, double v, double w) {
this.ind = i;
this.val = v;
this.wght = w;
// Structure to receive solution values
class MySol {
public string ind;
public double val;
// The initial values for the array ’data’
private static MyData[] data = new MyData[] {
new MyData("camera",15,2), new MyData("necklace",100,20),
new MyData("vase",90,20), new MyData("picture",60,30),
new MyData("tv",40,40), new MyData("video",15,30),
Exchange of information with embedded models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 23
Generalized file handling in Mosel
new MyData("chest",10,60), new MyData("brick",1,10) };
// Main entry point for the application
static void Main(string[] args) {
// Initialize Mosel
XPRM mosel = XPRM.Init();
// Compile and load the Mosel model
XPRMModel model = mosel.CompileAndLoad("burglar2r.mos");
// Associate the .NET object with a name in Mosel
model.Bind("dt", data);
// Create a new array for solution data and bind that to the name ’SOL’
MySol[] solution=new MySol[8];
for(int i=0;i<8;i++) solution[i] = new MySol();
mosel.Bind("sol", solution);
// Pass data location as a parameter to the model
model.ExecParams =
// Run the model
// Print the solution
Console.WriteLine("Objective value: {0}", model.ObjectiveValue);
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
Console.Write(" take({0}): {1}", solution[i].ind, solution[i].val);
6.2.3 mmjobs version of the example
When running a Mosel model from another model, the two models can exchange data in memory
using the binary format defined by raw. Given the restrictions of the raw format (each ’file’ only
contains a single data array, composite Mosel data structures are not supported) we recommend
however to give preference to the more flexible binary format defined by the bin driver that
supports the full set of data structures of initializations blocks (see Section 7 below). Here is an
example of a Mosel model reading and writing data to memory in binary format using bin.
model "Run model burglar IO"
uses "mmjobs"
modBurg: Model ! Submodel
ISet,SSet: set of string ! Index set for data arrays
V,W: array(ISet) of real ! Data arrays
Solution: array(SSet) of real ! Solution values
V:: (["camera","necklace","vase","picture","tv","video","chest","brick"])
[15, 100, 90, 60, 40, 15, 10, 1]
W:: (["camera","necklace","vase","picture","tv","video","chest","brick"])
[ 2, 20, 20, 30, 40, 30, 60, 10]
! Compile the model, save bim in memory
if compile("burglar2r.mos")<>0 then exit(1); end-if
load(modBurg, "burglar2r.bim") ! Load the bim file
setdefstream(modBurg, F_OUTPUT, "null:") ! Disable output from submodel
! Save data in shared memory
Exchange of information with embedded models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 24
Generalized file handling in Mosel
initializations to IODRV
[V,W] as "Burgdata"
! Start model execution, setting parameters
run(modBurg, "IODRV=’" +IODRV + "’,DATA=’Burgdata’,SOL=’Solution’")
wait ! Wait for model termination
dropnextevent ! Ignore termination event message
! Retrieve solution from shared memory
initializations from IODRV
forall(i in SSet) writeln(" take(", i, "): ", Solution(i))
The relevant part of the model above look as follows with the raw I/O driver.
! Save data in shared memory
initializations to IODRV
[V,W] as "shmem:Burgdata"
! Start model execution, setting parameters
run(modBurg, "IODRV=’" +IODRV + "’,DATA=’shmem:Burgdata’,SOL=’shmem:SolTake’")
wait ! Wait for model termination
dropnextevent ! Ignore termination event message
! Retrieve solution from shared memory
initializations from IODRV
Solution as "shmem:SolTake"
6.3 cb: output to callback functions
Using the cb I/O driver a function is used as a file. Depending on the type of stream to manage
(i.e. a general stream or a for an initializations block) a specific function type as to be provided.
In the following example we define a callback function to receive the output stream. Our
function simply prints all output lines preceeded by Mosel: .
#include <stdio.h>
#include "xprm_mc.h"
/* Callback function to handle output */
long XPRM_RTC cbmsg(XPRMmodel model, void *info, char *buf, unsigned long size)
/* Note: ’model’ is NULL if the stream is used outside of an execution */
printf("Mosel: %.*s", (int)size, buf);
return 0;
int main()
XPRMmodel mod;
int result;
char outfile_name[40]; /* File name of output stream */
XPRMinit(); /* Initialize Mosel */
/* Prepare file name for output stream */
/* using ’cb’ driver: */
/* "cb:function pointer[/callback data]" */
sprintf(outfile_name, "cb:%p", cbmsg);
Exchange of information with embedded models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 25
Generalized file handling in Mosel
/* Set default output stream to callback */
XPRMsetdefstream(NULL, XPRM_F_WRITE, outfile_name);
/* Execute = compile/load/run model file
Generates the BIM file ‘burglar2.bim’ */
XPRMexecmod(NULL, "burglar2.mos", NULL, &result, NULL);
return 0;
The output produced by this program looks as follows:
Mosel: Solution:
Mosel: Objective: 280
Mosel: [(‘camera’,1),(‘necklace’,1),(‘vase’,1),(‘picture’,1),(‘tv’,0),
Callback functionality can also be used for data I/O in initializations blocks—see Chapters
13.4.3 and (Exchanging data between an application and a model Dynamic data) of the
‘Mosel User Guide’ for C and Java examples respectively.
6.3.1 Java version of the example
The stream redirections functions of the Mosel Java library expect objects of the type InputStream
or OutputStream. The following Java program implements the same behavior as the C program
above. With Java, we replace the cb driver by the Java memory driver java.
// OutputStream class to handle default output
public static class MyOut extends OutputStream
public void flush()
{ System.out.flush(); }
public void write(byte[] b)
System.out.print("Mosel: ");
System.out.write(b, 0, b.length);
// The following methods are not used by Mosel:
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) {}
public void write(int b) {}
public void close() {}
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
XPRM mosel;
XPRMModel mod;
MyOut cbmsg = new MyOut(); // Define output stream as "MyOut"
mosel = new XPRM(); // Initialize Mosel
mosel.bind("mycb", cbmsg); // Associate Java object with a name in Mosel
// Set default output stream to cbmsg
mosel.setDefaultStream(XPRM.F_OUTPUT|XPRM.F_LINBUF, "java:mycb");
mosel.compile("burglar2.mos"); // Compile, load & run the model
mod = mosel.loadModel("burglar2.bim");
Exchange of information with embedded models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 26
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6.3.2 .NET version of the example
With the Mosel .NET libraries, the stream redirection functions accept the objects TextWriter and
TextReader in addition to strings with Mosel file names. We therefore have several different
implementation options for our example.
The following version of our example closely matches the structure of the Java program from the
previous section—it makes use of the dotnet I/O driver for redirecting the model output to a
custom TextWriter object:
static void Main(string[] args) {
// Initialize Mosel
XPRM mosel = XPRM.Init();
// Associate .NET object with a name in Mosel
mosel.Bind("mycb", new MyOut());
// Compile and load the Mosel model
XPRMModel model = mosel.CompileAndLoad("burglar2.mos");
// Redirect the model’s output to our printing function ’cbmsg’
model.SetDefaultStream(XPRMStreamType.F_OUTPUT_LINEBUF, "dotnet:mycb");
// Run the model
Alternatively, we can simply use this form of our program (without employing any I/O driver):
static void Main(string[] args) {
// Initialize Mosel
XPRM mosel = XPRM.Init();
// Compile and load the Mosel model
XPRMModel model = mosel.CompileAndLoad("burglar2.mos");
// Redirect the model’s output to a custom TextWriter
MyOut modelOut = new MyOut();
model.SetDefaultStream(XPRMStreamType.F_OUTPUT_LINEBUF, modelOut);
// Run the model
In both cases, we work with the following definition for the class MyOut:
public class MyOut: TextWriter
private bool atStartOfLine = true;
public override void Write(char b)
if (atStartOfLine) {
Console.Write("Mosel: ");
if (b==’\n’) {
else if (b==’\r’) {
// ignore
else {
Exchange of information with embedded models Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 27
Generalized file handling in Mosel
public override Encoding Encoding {
get {
return Encoding.UTF8;
6.4 sysfd: working with system file descriptors
With the sysfd driver a file descriptor provided by the operating system can be used in place of a
file. File descriptors are returned by the C functions open or fileno. They also include the default
input, output, and error streams (values 0, 1, and 2 respectively) that are opened automatically
when a program starts. For instance, to redirect the error stream for a model mod to the default
output we may write:
XPRMsetdefstream(mod, XPRM_F_ERROR, "sysfd:1");
6.4.1 Java version of the example
In Java, we use the driver java to indicate redirection to a system stream.
mod.setDefaultStream(XPRM.F_ERROR, "java:java.lang.System.out");
6.4.2 .NET version of the example
With .NET we can immediately specify an output location, such as
model.SetDefaultStream(XPRMStreamType.F_ERROR, Console.Out);
7 bin: using Mosel’s binary format
The bin driver implements a structured, architecture-independent binary format that can handle
cross platform files and supports the full set of data structures that may be contained in
initializations blocks. It can be used for exchanging data between Mosel models or between a
Mosel model and a host application, particularly in the context of distributed applications using
the Mosel remote invocation library XPRD (see the program examples in Part ‘V. Remote
invocation of Mosel’ of the ‘Xpress Mosel User Guide’). The bindrv library that provides the binary
reading and writing functionality on the library level is independent of Mosel and can be used
with any C or Java program. It comes with a documentation of its own, the ‘bindrv Library
Reference Manual’.
Mosel code like the following expects input and output data from files in binary format.
initialisations from "bin:burgdatabin"
[VALUE, WEIGHT] as "BurgData"
initialisations to "bin:resdatabin"
SOLTAKE as "SolTake"
bin: using Mosel’s binary format Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 28
Generalized file handling in Mosel
evaluation of getobjval as "Objective"
The file binary file burgdatabin has the same structure as the text file burglar.dat that we have
seen in Section 3.
BurgData: [(camera) [ 15 2]
(necklace) [100 20]
(brick) [ 1 10] ]
The following C code produces the corresponding file burgdatabin in bindrv binary format.
Notice the use of controls (label, open and close a list, open and close an index) through which
we represent the structure of the file.
#include "bindrv.h"
/**** Input data ****/
static double vdata[]={15,100,90,60,40,15,10, 1}; /* VALUE */
static double wdata[]={ 2, 20,20,30,40,30,60,10}; /* WEIGHT */
static char *ind[]={"camera", "necklace", "vase", "picture", "tv",
"video", "chest", "brick" }; /* Index names */
int datasize=8;
/**** Create a BinDrv data file ****/
static void writeburgbin(void)
FILE *f;
s_bindrvctx bdrv;
int i;
bdrv=bindrv_newwriter((size_t (*)(const void *,size_t,size_t,void*))fwrite,f);
bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_LABEL); bindrv_putstring(bdrv,"BurgData");
bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_OPENLST); /* [ */
bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_OPENNDX); /* ( */
bindrv_putstring(bdrv,ind[i]); /* index */
bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_CLOSENDX); /* ) */
bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_OPENLST); /* [ */
bindrv_putreal(bdrv,vdata[i]); /* val1 */
bindrv_putreal(bdrv,wdata[i]); /* val2 */
bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_CLOSELST); /* ] */
bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_CLOSELST); /* ] */
The structure of the binary result file resdatabin corresponds to this text file:
’SolTake’: [(’camera’) 1 (’necklace’) 1 (’vase’) 1 (’picture’) 1 (’tv’) 0
(’video’) 1 (’chest’) 0 (’brick’) 0]
’Objective’: 280
The binary file can be read and displayed with the following C code—the routines bindrv_get*
follow the same logic as the bindrv_put* routines we have seen in the writing function, decoding
the file structure via controls for labels, square and round brackets (for lists and indices
respectively). For clarity’s sake, we have implemented only a limited amount of checks whether
bin: using Mosel’s binary format Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 29
Generalized file handling in Mosel
the detected structure and data types correspond to the expected format.
static void readburgbin(void)
FILE *f;
s_bindrvctx bdrv;
union { int i; double r; char b; char *str; BINDRV_LONG l;} val;
bdrv=bindrv_newreader((size_t (*)(void *,size_t,size_t,void*))fread,f);
bindrv_getstring(bdrv,&(val.str)); /* label: */
printf("Solution values:\n");
bindrv_getctrl(bdrv,&(val.i)); /* [ */
if(val.i== BINDRV_CTRL_LABEL) break;
printf(" take(");
bindrv_getstring(bdrv,&(val.str)); /* index */
bindrv_getctrl(bdrv,&(val.i)); /* ) */
bindrv_getreal(bdrv,&(val.r)); /* value */
printf(" %g\n",val.r);
printf("Unexpected token %d\n", val.i); exit(1);
else if(strcmp(val.str,"Objective")==0)
printf("Objective value = %g\n", val.r);
printf("Unexpected label ’%s’\n", val.str);
printf("Unexpected token ’%d’\n", val.i);
bin: using Mosel’s binary format Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 30
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7.1 Java version of the example
The same binary files can be written and read with the Java version of the Bindrv library. The
code producing the binary file burgdatabin looks as follows with Java—some of the calls to
methods bdrv.put* have been combined for improved readability of our Java code (this does not
impact the generated output).
/**** Input data ****/
static final double[] vdata={15,100,90,60,40,15,10, 1}; // VALUE
static final double[] wdata={ 2, 20,20,30,40,30,60,10}; // WEIGHT
static final String[] ind={"camera", "necklace", "vase", "picture", "tv",
"video", "chest", "brick" }; // Index names
static final int datasize=8;
/**** Create a BinDrv data file ****/
static void writeBurgBin() throws IOException
BinDrvWriter bdrv;
FileOutputStream f;
f=new FileOutputStream("burgdatabin");
bdrv=new BinDrvWriter(f);
bdrv.putControl(bdrv.CTRL_LABEL).put("BurgData"); // label:
bdrv.putControl(bdrv.CTRL_OPENLST); // [
for(int i=0;i<datasize;i++)
{ // (index)
bdrv.putControl(bdrv.CTRL_CLOSELST); // [val1 val2]
bdrv.putControl(bdrv.CTRL_CLOSELST); // ]
The Java code for reading the binary results file resdatabin has the same structure as the C
version that we have seen in the previous section. Again, we have implemented only a limited
number of tests whether the data read corresponds to the expected format.
static void readBurgBin() throws IOException
BinDrvReader bdrv;
FileInputStream f;
int c;
f=new FileInputStream("resdatabin");
bdrv=new BinDrvReader(f);
String s=bdrv.getString(); // label:
System.out.println("Solution values:");
c=bdrv.getControl(); // [
if(c==BinDrvReader.CTRL_LABEL) break;
bin: using Mosel’s binary format Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 31
Generalized file handling in Mosel
case BinDrvReader.CTRL_OPENNDX: // (
System.out.print(" take("+bdrv.getString()+")="); // index
bdrv.getControl(); // )
System.out.println(bdrv.getReal()); // value
case BinDrvReader.CTRL_CLOSELST: // ]
System.out.println(""); break;
System.out.println("Unexpected Control");
else if(s.equals("Objective"))
System.out.println("Objective value = "+bdrv.getReal());
System.out.println("Unexpected label "+s);
System.out.println("Unexpected token");
7.2 mmjobs version of the example
A model with an mmjobs version of the application program has already been shown in Section
6.2.3. From multiple models running on the same Mosel instance, we now move one step further,
namely, running the submodel on a remote Mosel instance. Before compiling the submodel, we
connect to another Mosel instance. This instance is used for compiling to model, the source of
which is located on our local machine running the master model. Remote access to a file is
achieved via the rmt driver (equally defined by module mmjobs). In our example, data is
exchanged via shared memory (shmem) accessed from a remote Mosel instance (rmt, optionally
followed by a node number in square brackets) using binary format (bin), resulting in extended
file names that combine several driver prefixes, for example, bin:rmt:[-1]shmem:burgdata to
access binary data held in shared memory of the parent node.
model "Run model burglar remotely IO"
uses "mmjobs", "mmsystem"
modBurg: Model ! Submodel
moselInst: Mosel ! Mosel instance
ISet,SSet: set of string ! Index set for data arrays
V,W: array(ISet) of real ! Data arrays
SolTake: array(SSet) of real ! Solution values
V:: (["camera","necklace","vase","picture","tv","video","chest","brick"])
[15, 100, 90, 60, 40, 15, 10, 1]
W:: (["camera","necklace","vase","picture","tv","video","chest","brick"])
[ 2, 20, 20, 30, 40, 30, 60, 10]
!!! Select the (remote) machines to be used:
bin: using Mosel’s binary format Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 32
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!!! Use names, IP addresses, or empty string for the node running this model
! Connect to a remote instance
if connect(moselInst, MOSINST)<>0 then exit(1); end-if
! Compile the model remotely
if compile(moselInst, "", "rmt:"+expandpath("burglar2m.mos"),
"shmem:burglar.bim")<>0 then
exit(2); end-if
load(moselInst, modBurg, "shmem:burglar.bim") ! Load the bim file
! bim file is no longer needed
setdefstream(modBurg, F_OUTPUT, "null:") ! Disable output from submodel
! Save data in shared memory on local host
initializations to "bin:shmem:burgdata"
V as "VALUE"
! Start model execution, setting parameters
wait ! Wait for model termination
dropnextevent ! Ignore termination event message
! Retrieve solution from shared memory
initializations from "bin:shmem:burgsol"
forall(i in SSet) writeln(" take(", i, "): ", SolTake(i))
8 User-defined drivers
The contents of this section is quite advanced material and we recommend its reading only to
those who are interested in the Mosel Native Interface (NI).
In this section we discuss two examples of user-defined drivers, performing compression and code
generation respectively. New drivers are defined via the NI, in the form of services. For every
driver some or all of a list of standard I/O functions may be defined, depending on its purpose.
The full source code of both examples is provided with the examples of the Mosel distribution.
This compression module zlib is also included in compiled form among the DSOs of the Mosel
distribution. For more detail on the implementation of new I/O drivers see the ‘Mosel NI User
Guide’ and ‘Mosel NI Reference Manual’.
8.1 Example: compression
With the gzip I/O driver for file compression implemented by the example module zlib,
compressed files may be used for Mosel input and output. For example, we may generate and
run a compressed BIM file with the following command:
mosel comp mymodel.mos -c "example of compression" -o zlib.gzip:mymodel.gz
mosel run zlib.gzip:mymodel.gz
To use compressed data files in a model we may write:
initializations from "zlib.gzip:burglar.dat.gz"
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Generalized file handling in Mosel
Another use of this driver may be to generate compressed matrix files:
The I/O driver gzip implements an interface to the gzip compression format of the ZLIB library.
The complete example module zlib also implements a second driver, compress, for a different
compression format defined by this library. The driver gzip works with physical files, compress is a
more general driver that works with streams. The ZLIB library is required to execute this example:
it can be found at http://www.zlib.org.
8.1.1 Implementation
A C program defining new I/O drivers has the following components
Interface structures: the DSO interface table, the table of services, the table of drivers, and a
table of functions per driver.
Module initialization function
Implementation of driver access functions: opening and closing streams, standard reading
and writing, special reading and writing for initializations blocks, error handling,
deleting and moving files.
A driver must implement at least the stream open functionality and one of the standard or
special reading or writing functions; everything else is optional.
The definition of the interface structures of module zlib is the following. The structure of all
tables and the function prototypes are defined by the Mosel NI.
/* Functions of the ’gzip’ driver */
static void *gzip_open(XPRMcontext ctx, int *mode, const char *fname);
static int gzip_close(XPRMcontext ctx, gzFile gzf, int mode);
static long gzip_read(XPRMcontext ctx, gzFile gzf, void *buffer,
unsigned long size);
static long gzip_write(XPRMcontext ctx, gzFile gzf, void *buffer,
unsigned long size);
static XPRMiofcttab iodrv_gzip[]=
{XPRM_IOCTRL_OPEN, gzip_open},
{XPRM_IOCTRL_CLOSE, gzip_close},
{XPRM_IOCTRL_READ, gzip_read},
{XPRM_IOCTRL_WRITE, gzip_write},
{XPRM_IOCTRL_INFO, "filename"},
/* Drivers of the zlib module */
static XPRMiodrvtab iodrv_zlib[]=
{"gzip", iodrv_gzip},
/* Table of services: only IO drivers */
static XPRMdsoserv tabserv[]=
{XPRM_SRV_IODRVS, iodrv_zlib}
/* DSO interface: only services */
static XPRMdsointer dsointer=
0, NULL,
0, NULL,
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0, NULL,
sizeof(tabserv)/sizeof(mm_dsoserv), tabserv
static XPRMnifct mm; /* For storing Mosel NI function table */
The previous code extract is best read from bottom to top. It declares an object of type XPRMnifct
to store the NI function table (to be retrieved during the initialization of the module). The main
DSO interface table dsointer lists the functionality provided by this module: it only defines
services. The table of services, tabserv, indicates which services are defined, namely new I/O
drivers. The list of I/O drivers is given in the table iodrv_zlib. The functionality implemented by
the I/O driver gzip is listed in the table iodrv_gzip. The function bodies of gzip_open, gzip_close,
etc., are printed below. The string set with INFO will be used by the ‘help’ command of Mosel to
indicate the usage of this driver (it must be used with the name of a physical file, not with
extended filenames).
The module initialization function performs the standard initialization of Mosel modules:
retrieving the Mosel NI function table and the NI version number and returning the module DSO
interface table to Mosel. In addition, we check the version of the ZLIB library.
DSO_INIT zlib_init(XPRMnifct nifct, int *interver, int *libver,
XPRMdsointer **interf)
const char *zlv;
mm=nifct; /* Save the table of Mosel NI functions */
*interver=XPRM_NIVERS; /* The interface version we are using */
/* We check the ZLIB library version here */
mm->dispmsg(NULL,"ZLIB: wrong version (expect %s got %s).\n",ZLIB_VERSION,
return 1;
*libver=XPRM_MKVER(0,0,1); /* The version of the module: 0.0.1 */
*interf=&dsointer; /* Our interface */
return 0;
Below are printed the functions implementing the gzip driver. Besides the obligatory ‘open’
function the gzip driver implements the functions ‘closing a file’, ‘reading’ (= uncompress), and
‘writing’ (= compress).
/**** Open a gzip-file for (de)compression ****/
static void *gzip_open(XPRMcontext ctx, int *mode, const char *fname)
char cmode[16];
int cml;
if((*mode)&XPRM_F_APPEND) cmode[cml++]=’a’;
return gzopen(fname,cmode);
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/**** Close the gzip-file ****/
static int gzip_close(XPRMcontext ctx, gzFile gzf, int mode)
{ return gzclose(gzf); }
/**** Uncompress a block of data ****/
static long gzip_read(XPRMcontext ctx, gzFile gzf, void *buffer,
unsigned long size)
{ return gzread(gzf, buffer, size); }
/**** Compress a block of data ****/
static long gzip_write(XPRMcontext ctx, gzFile gzf, void *buffer,
unsigned long size)
{ return gzwrite(gzf, buffer, size); }
As mentioned earlier, the full zlib example module in the module examples of the Mosel
distribution defines a second compression driver, compress, in a very similar way to what has been
shown here for the gzip driver.
8.2 Example: code generation
In this section we present a driver that includes the output of Mosel into a C program. It will
typically be used for generating a C program that includes the BIM file of a given model, for
example using a command like
mosel comp mymodel.mos -o export.toC:mymodel.c
As with all Mosel I/O drivers, the toC driver may be combined with other drivers. For instance, we
may use the compress driver of the zlib module to obtain a compressed BIM file within the
generated C program:
mosel comp mymodel.mos -o zlib.compress:export.toC:mymodel.c
Note: The deploy module that comes as a part of the standard Mosel distribution has been
designed for the specific task of generating a C program that includes the BIM file of a given
model; the command
mosel comp mymodel.mos -o deploy.csrc:runmymodel.c
has the same purpose as the use of ’export.toC’ shown above. However, the main interest of the
deploy module is the possibility to generate immediately a standalone executable to run a model:
mosel comp mymodel.mos -o deploy.exe:runmymodel
8.2.1 Implementation
The module export that defines the toC I/O driver has the following components (common to all
I/O driver modules):
Interface structures
Module initialization function
Implementation of driver access functions
The file export.c implementing the module export with the I/O driver toC starts with the
definition of the C code template, divided into three parts:
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Generalized file handling in Mosel
static char prg_part1[]=
"#include <stdio.h>\n"
"#include \"xprm_rt.h\"\n\n"
"static unsigned int bimfile[]={";
static char prg_part2[]=
"int main(int argc,char *argv[])\n"
" char modname[40];\n"
" XPRMmodel mod;\n"
" int rts;\n\n"
" rts=XPRMinit();\n"
" if((rts!=0)&&(rts!=32))\n"
" {\n"
" char msg[512];\n\n"
" XPRMgetlicerrmsg(msg,512);\n"
" fprintf(stderr,\"%s\",msg);\n"
" return 1;\n"
" }\n\n"
" sprintf(modname,\"mem:%p/%u\", bimfile,";
static char prg_part3[]=
" if((mod=XPRMloadmod(modname,NULL))==NULL)\n"
" return 2;\n"
" if(XPRMrunmod(mod,&rts,NULL))\n"
" return 3;\n"
" else\n"
" return rts;\n"
The generated output will be inserted in between parts 1 and 2, its size will be inserted in
between parts 2 and 3.
The definition of the NI interface structures follows the same scheme like what we have seen in
the previous example: the table of driver functions, the table of drivers, the table of services, the
main DSO interface table, and an address for storing the NI function table. The toC driver
implements ‘open’, ‘close’, and ‘write’ functionality and works with generalized files.
static void *toc_open(XPRMcontext ctx, int *mode, const char *fname);
static int toc_close(XPRMcontext ctx, s_tocdata *td, int mode);
static long toc_write(XPRMcontext ctx, s_tocdata *td, char *buffer,
unsigned long size);
static XPRMiofcttab iodrv_toc[]=
{XPRM_IOCTRL_OPEN, (void *)toc_open},
{XPRM_IOCTRL_CLOSE, (void *)toc_close},
{XPRM_IOCTRL_WRITE, (void *)toc_write},
{XPRM_IOCTRL_INFO, "extended_filename"},
/* Drivers of module ‘export’: toC */
static XPRMiodrvtab iodrv_export[]=
{"toC", iodrv_toc},
/* Table of services: only I/O drivers */
static XPRMdsoserv tabserv[]=
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Generalized file handling in Mosel
{XPRM_SRV_IODRVS, iodrv_export}
/* DSO interface: only services */
static XPRMdsointer dsointer=
static XPRMnifct mm; /* For storing Mosel NI function table */
This module’s initialization function performs the standard module initialization procedure
where the module’s interface structure is passed on to Mosel and the NI function table is saved
for use by this module.
DSO_INIT export_init(XPRMnifct nifct, int *interver, int *libver,
XPRMdsointer **interf)
mm=nifct; /* Save the table of Mosel NI functions */
*interver=XPRM_NIVERS; /* The interface version we are using */
*libver=XPRM_MKVER(0,0,1); /* The version of the module: 0.0.1 */
*interf=&dsointer; /* Our interface */
return 0;
The functions implemented by this I/O driver are restricted to opening and closing a file and
writing to a file. The ‘open’ and ‘close’ functions print the predefined part of the generated C
file. The function for writing the binary part of the output (toc_write) is somewhat tricky since it
needs to make sure that all bytes are aligned correctly. This function is called with a buffer as
parameter. For every four bytes it prints the corresponding integer. Since the buffer size is not
necessarily a multiple of 4 there may be a few bytes left over at the end of the buffer which must
be carried over to the next call to this function or to the ‘close’ function. Below we print the
‘open’ and ‘close’ functions. The definition of the ‘write’ function is left out here, the interested
reader may be reminded that the complete module source is a part of the Mosel module
static void *toc_open(XPRMcontext ctx, int *mode, const char *fname)
s_tocdata *td;
/* First time: open actual file */
*mode|=XPRM_F_SILENT; /* Error message already displayed */
/* switch so silent mode */
return NULL;
td=(s_tocdata *)malloc(sizeof(s_tocdata));
mm->printf(ctx, "%s\n", prg_part1); /* Display the beginning of program */
return td;
static int toc_close(XPRMcontext ctx, s_tocdata *td, int mode)
User-defined drivers Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 38
Generalized file handling in Mosel
if(td->nb_remain>0) /* Send bytes to be written */
mm->printf(ctx, "%#x, ", td->map.i);
} /* and complete the program */
mm->printf(ctx, "%s%u%s", prg_part2, td->total, prg_part3);
return mm->fclose(ctx,mode);
These two functions work with the following structure for storing information concerning the
printed output. Function ‘open’ initializes the structure (td), function ‘write’ copies the remaining
bytes from every buffer into this structure and sets the counters, and function ‘close’ checks
whether there is anything left to be printed before completing and closing the output file.
typedef struct
unsigned int total; /* Total number of bytes written so far */
char c[4];
unsigned int i;
} map; /* Mapping between 4 chars and an integer */
int nb_remain; /* Number of bytes not yet written */
int nb_printed; /* Number of numbers written on the line */
} s_tocdata;
9 Summary
The concept of I/O drivers makes it possible to work with very different notions of ‘file’ in Mosel
models and in the Mosel libraries. With only minimal changes to his models the user may switch
between data sources of different formats. The interaction and exchange of data between a
model and the application executing it can be made more immediate and as a consequence, more
efficient. It is also possible to avoid the creation of physical intermediate files by performing all
operations in memory. The latter may be useful, for instance, in distributed applications.
Summary Fair Isaac Corporation Confidential and Proprietary Information 39