Instructor notified in advance of excused absence
Student provides notification
to instructor including details
of when the absence will
occur and the rationale for
the absence. If the student
will be absent for an official
KU engagement, the student
may provide notification from
the university depart-
ment/unit associated with the
activity (e.g., competition,
field trip, performance, pro-
fessional conference).
If the student unable is to pro-
vide notification to instructor
on their own due to extenuat-
ing circumstances (e.g.,
unforeseen life event or medi-
cal/mental health emergen-
cy), notification to instructor
regarding the absence will be
provided by the Office of Stu-
dent Support and Case Man-
If the student is not comfort-
able or does not want to
disclose specific details for
the verifiable absence to the
instructor, the student should
contact the Office of Student
Support and Case Manage-
ment for assistance.
The instructor makes determination of alternate or makeup assignments for
any missed work during period of excused absence, and communicates ex-
pectations (e.g., deadlines, assignment/exam specifics) to student.
a. A student cannot be penalized for an excused absence, including in cases where part of a class
grade is based on attendance.
b. University excused absences apply to all course requirements, including any final examinations,
quizzes, in class work, and tests other than final examinations.
c. The instructor is not required to waive essential or fundamental academic requirements to
accommodate a student's absence, and a student is responsible for fulfilling all course require-
ments mutually agreed upon, including completing any makeup work resulting from their
d. A makeup assignment must be equitable and equivalent in substance and rigor to that missed
and offered in a reasonable timeframe.
e. The instructor and student must make arrangements for makeup work as appropriate, which
must not interfere with the student's regularly scheduled classes.
f. If makeup work is not feasible, the instructor will provide an alternate accommodation for
excused absences.
Excused Absence Policy Workflow
USRR Article II, Section 2
Process Overview
Grievance Process
Best Practices
For Students
For Instructors
Be mindful that obtaining and providing written verification of students' absences
can be difficult to achieve in some circumstances.
Requiring any form of doctor's note may introduce inequity based on the ability to
access medical care and impose on the student's privacy.
While obituaries, court documentation, or medical documentation can be provided,
this information is often highly sensitive in nature and may create additional stress-
ors for the student. Especially in a situation where there is grief and loss, requesting
obituaries or additional documentation can be perceived as insensitive, even when
this is not the instructors intent.
Avoid asking probing questions about specific details of the students situation.
Instructors are always allowed to make alternate arrangements or accommodations
for students.
Existing course policies (such instructors offering students the ability to drop the
lowest scores or excused absences permitted) can still be applied, but additional
accommodation may be necessary in cases where student excused absences
exceed the number of drops allowed. In the spirit of the policy, drops for excused
absences should not preclude student ability to drop the lowest scores if drops are
not utilized for low scores or unexcused absences.
Students who believe that they have unfairly been denied either excused absence
or appropriate accommodation for an excused absence should first seek to resolve
the disagreement with the course instructor.
If the student and instructor are unable to find a mutually agreeable resolution, the
student may contact the Chair of the Department, or Dean if there is not a Chair. A
final grade appeal may be made to the University Senate Judicial Board.
Excused Absence Policy Workflow
USRR Article II, Section 2
Students may also contact the
Office of Academic Success ( or the
Office of Faculty Affairs (