200 Hillvue Lane
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Student Application for “Take Your Child to Work Day
Take Your Child to Work Day is a national day
that provides children a glimpse into the working world.
Part I: To be completed by parent or guardian.
Student Name: Student Number Telephone
Address Zip Code
School Grade Homeroom Teacher
Proposed work location (Company Name)
Address Phone
Parents Occupation
I hereby request that the above student be excused from compulsory attendance during this period
of absence. (This will, however, be considered an EXCUSED ABSENCE). I assume responsibility
for supervising the completion of all assignments/responsibilities which are to be submitted upon
his/her return to school or within a reasonable time as designated by his/her teachers(s).
Parent’s Signature Date
Part II: To be completed by the building principal Please check one: Approved Disapproved
Reason for disapproval
Principal’s Signature Date
A student who participates in “Take Your Child to Work Day” without completing this form
including the parent’s signature will be in violation of the Compulsory Attendance Requirement
of the Public-School Code – and the absence will be marked as an unexcused absence.
Preparing All Students for Success in a Changing World